War of the Fangs: Evolution (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> War of the Fangs: Evolution (1/20/2015 10:02:55)

War of the Fangs: Evolution

Location: Travel Map » Darkovia » Battlegrounds

«You can skip the cutscene at anytime.»

«Scene: Werewolf Den. A Werewolf minion enters the scene and greets his king.»

Constantin: Ah, you're here. Have you finally found it, then?
Werewolf: Yes, sir. It took some hunting, but we've found the cave we were looking for. It's deep underneath the mountains to the north.
Constantin: It's rather remarkable that we didn't find it sooner. After all, the location of the "Cure" has been known for many years.
Constantin: But the source has eluded us... until now. We need to send our forces to take control of the site immediately.
Constantin: That green sludge has long been used by traitors to cure their lycanthropy and switch sides... but I have another idea in mind.
Constantin: If we adjust its mutative properties just right... we may be able to use it to enhance our lycanthropic powers even more!
Werewolf: And what of the Vampire Clan?

«Constantin raises his paw in anger.»

Constantin: Do you honestly think we're going to give this power to our enemies? Send our forces, but keep quiet about it!

«The minion nods, and the scene fades to black. Outside, over the plains of Darkovia, Constantin and his werewolf minion meets Safiria and her vampire minion.»

Constantin: What?! Why are you here?
Safiria: Oh come now, Constantin. You think that you flea-bitten mongrels can keep any secrets from us?
Safiria: A little doggie told me that you've found the source of the Cure, and how you plan to use it.
Safiria: And you didn't think to invite us? I'm hurt, I truly am.
Constantin: You would do the same thing in our position, and you know it!
Safiria: Well yes, but I wouldn't have made the mistake of letting you find out.
Constantin: If we're ever to become powerful enough to challenge the growing threat of the Dracopyres, we need to evolve. And if I can eliminate an old rival in the process, all the better.
Safiria: That sounds suspiciously like a declaration of war to me. Very well. We will humor you.
Safiria: And when you lose, don't you worry. We will take care of the Dracopyres for you.

«The scene fades to black...»

War of the Fangs
[0% to 50%]
The Vampires and Lycans have been in the midst of an uneasy truce over their fear of the Dracopyres. But now, they've found a source of great power that they may be able to use to make themselves the dominant force in Darkovia... and neither side wants to let their rivals get their hands on it!

[50% to 100%]
The Vampires and Lycans continue to fight over the source of "The Cure", and now they've sent forces to attack each other's bases! The leaders have returned to their bases to defend their homes, and both sides are giving it their all! Fight hard, because at this rate, the losing side could be completely wiped out!
  • To Battle!
  • Wave Selection
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five

      «Once you make your selection, the message "You will now fight «» wave(s) before returning to camp!" appears. You will then fight the stipulated number of battles.»
  • Back to Town

    «There are two Moglins you can speak to, each supportive of their own clan. Depending on your subrace, you receive a different dialogue.»

      Vampire subrace
      Were-Moglin: *growl* Go away! I have nothing to offer our enemies!

      Vamp-Moglin: Thanks for risking your life in the name of Queen Safiria! Together we will vanquish the furry Lycan menace!
      Vamp-Moglin: If you need to be healed I can help you.
    • Heal me please
    • Let me handle this!
      Vamp-Moglin: There you goes! All healed up! May you slay those foul-smelling Werewolves swiftly!
    • Thank you!
      Werewolf subrace
      Were-Moglin: Thanks for risking your life in the name of the Brotherhood of Wolves! Together we will vanquish the fanged Vampire menace!
      Were-Moglin: If you need to be healed I can help you.
    • Heal me please
    • Let me handle this!
      Were-Moglin: There you goes! All healed up! May you slay those pale-skinned Vampires swiftly!
    • Thank you!

      Vamp-Moglin: *growl* Go away! I have nothing to offer our enemies!
      Human subrace
      Were-Moglin: Greetings, human. Do you come to join the brotherhood of the Lycans?
    • Yes!
    • Not right now... - Ends dialogue

      Vamp-Moglin: Greetings, human. Do you come to join the kingdom of the Vampires?
    • Yes!
    • Not right now... - Ends dialogue

      «Clicking 'Yes!' to either option above leads you to feel a wonderful new power coursing through your veins. You then join the subrace of your choice, and can return to camp.»
      Werepyre/Dracopyre subrace
      Were-Moglin: *growl* Go away! I have nothing to offer our enemies!

      Vamp-Moglin: *growl* Go away! I have nothing to offer our enemies!
    Potion Bag - Refills your potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Constantin - The Werewolf King has ruled his vast network of were-creatures for decades now.
    Constantin's Paw - The Werewolf King will aid you! (If subrace is Werewolf)
    Constantin's Paw - The Werewolf King will only fight alongside his fellow Lycans! (If subrace is not Werewolf)
    Safiria - Safiria, Queen of the Vampires, oversees her dark realm from a castle in Darkovia.
    Safiria's Hand (either) - Safiria will help destroy your enemies with her vampiress charms! (If subrace is Vampire)
    Safiria's Hand (either) - Safiria will only fight alongside her vampire brethren! (If subrace is not Vampire)

    «When Werewolves reached 50% on their war meter, the war camp changed to feature one new monster from each warring side.»
    Xander - This new breed of Dire Werewolf should turn the tide in the lycans' favor!
    Victor - The powerful Vamp Sire Victor will ensure his coven controls The Cure!

    To Battle!
    Both the lycans and vamps discovered an ancient site filled with a powerful magic which they believe will enable their species to "evolve" to become more powerful. The truce is broken, and they battle over control of the site.

    Which side will you join?
  • Join the Werewolves! - (If you're Vampire subrace) If Safiria knew you were even THINKING about this, you'd have a long, painful time to regret it.
    • Fight Vampires!
    • Werewolf Shop
  • Join the Vampires! - (If you're Werewolf subrace) If Constantin smelled even a HINT of this, you'd find yourself and your intestines quickly and painfully parted.
    • Fight Werewolves!
    • Vamp Shop
    «Regardless of choice»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

      «Repeat the above set X times, depending on the number of waves you selected before. Default is 1.»
      «When Werewolves reached 50%, a mid-war cutscene unlocked for both warring sides.»

      «Scene: Somewhere in Darkovia. One of Constantin's minions finds Constantin.»

      Constantin: Why are you here? You're supposed to be back at our home, defending it!
      Werewolf: I've come to warn you, sir! The vampires have attacked our home!
      Constantin: What?!? Safiria must be desperate to be striking at our home... or perhaps this is a diversion meant to draw our forces away from here.
      Werewolf: We're badly outnumbered, sir. We need help and....
      Constantin: No. I have another idea. Send our spare forces to Safiria's castle.
      Werewolf: S-sir? I don't understand. We're abandoning our home?
      Constantin: Safiria wants us to send our men home, so that she can recall her forces and take control of this site. But I'm not going to play that game with her.
      Constantin: But we need to take control of this site. This mutation is our future. There is no going back now.
      Constantin: I shall return to our lair to assist in the defense. Xander! Keep things under control here. I expect this site to be free of fang-faces when I return!

      «Xander, a new breed of werewolf, enters the scene.»

      Xander: Yes sir!

      «The scene fades to black. Over at Safiria's side, a Vampire Lord reports to his queen.»

      Vampire: My lady, a pack of the beasts have broken off from the attack and are fleeing into the forest.
      Safiria: So Constantin has found out about my attack, and now he's running home to defend his lair.
      Vampire: Um... no, my lady. They appear to be headed towards our castle.
      Safiria: What?! Constantin is perhaps more clever than I thought. He knows that we'll just shift our forces back here if he rushes back to defend his lair.
      Safiria: So instead, he's decided to force my hand by attacking our home.
      Safiria: Well, fine then. If the werewolves wish for this to be our final battle, that suits me fine.
      Safiria: I'll deal with the runts he's sent to our castle. Then we'll exterminate the wolves at their lair and at this site.
      Safiria: I think this will work out nicely. We'll take control over this site and finally exterminate the lycans at the same time.

      «A flock of bats appear from the shadow, and a brand new vampire being forms beside Safiria.»

      Safiria: Mop up the rest of the wolves here.
      Victor: Yes, my lady!

      «The scene fades to black and you return to the war camp.»
    «When Werewolves reached 100% on the war meter, depending on your subrace, you would receive a different end cutscene.»

      «You»: We've driven those bloodsuckers off!

      «A colony of bats gather and Victor appears.»

      Victor: I refuse to allow you to take this place! I will crush you and all of your lycan brethren!

      1 BATTLE: Victor
      Full Heal

      Xander: We are victorious! The site is ours!
      Xander: Plus, our attack force destroyed the vampires' castle, and no one has seen Safiria since. We've crushed our rivals once and for all!
      Xander: Sadly, our own home has been destroyed, too. And we haven't seen any trace of Constantin.
      Xander: But our king is stronger than the vampires are. He will return, I'm certain of it.
      Xander: So let us strengthen our order to prominence once more, and clean up the last of the vampires with these weapons!

      «Click on the treasure chest and:»
    • Get War Reward! - Opens War of the Fangs 2014 shop
    • Skip Reward / Already Have It

    • Play again!
    • Guardian Tower!
    • Leave
      «You»: The lycans have won! We have to get out of here!

      «Xander enters the scene, intercepting your escape.»

      Xander: You're not going anywhere. Time to die, fang-face!

      1 BATTLE: Xander
      Full Heal

      «You meet Victor post-battle.»

      Victor: We've failed.
      Victor: Unfortunately, my scouts report that our castle has been destroyed as well. And we can't seem to locate Lady Safiria... though I hear that Constantin has vanished, too.
      Victor: But our lady cannot possibly be dead. She will return. And when she does, we will use this new power we've obtained to become the rulers of Darkovia!
      Victor: For now, take these tools and use them to crush the last remnants of the lycans!

      «Click on the treasure chest and:»
    • Get War Reward! - Opens War of the Fangs 2014 shop
    • Skip Reward / Already Have It

    • Play again!
    • Guardian Tower!
    • Leave
      «Other Subraces»
      «Both Xander and Victor confront you on the battlefield.»

      Victor: What are YOU doing here?
      Xander: This isn't your fight! Begone!

      1 BATTLE: Xander
      Full Heal

      1 BATTLE: Victor
      Full Heal

      You are not a vampire or werewolf! Talk to the moglopyre or weremoglin to join a side, then return to this war to experience the real ending!
    • Return - Return to war camp

    Werewolf Shop

    [Updated shop as of 18 Feb '14]

    [Original Shop]
    • Basic LycanBow [L. 15]
    • Feral LycanBow [L. 38]
    • Royal LycanBow [L. 70]

    • DuaLight Sword [L. 15]
    • Fearsome DuaLight [L. 38]
    • King's DuaLight [L. 72]

    • Lycan Slasher [L. 40, 70]

    • Lycan [L. 5]

    Vampire Shop

    [Updated shop as of 18 Feb '14]
    • Vampiric Scythe [L. 3, 83, 123 | 23 G, 63 G, 103 G | 43 Z, 143 Z]
    • Blood Blade [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
    • VampSpear [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    • Vamp [L. 5]

    [Original Shop]
    • Vampiric Scythe [L. 3, 83, 123 | 23 G, 63 G, 103 G | 43 Z, 143 Z]

    • Basic VampSpear [L. 15]
    • Sharpened VampSpear [L. 38]
    • Royal VampSpear [L. 70]

    • Blood Blade [L. 40, 70]
    • FireBlood Blade [L. 50]

    • Vamp [L. 5]

    War of the Fangs 2014

  • Lunar Light [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • Crimson Flame [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Released 22 Feb '14
  • Vial of Mutative Slime [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Dracopyre/Werepyre Moglin dialogue thanks to Heroes of the Scape. Corrections and missing reward thanks to Archlist.

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