Weapons of Change: Interlude (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Weapons of Change: Interlude (1/20/2015 12:21:19)

Weapons of Change: Interlude

Location: Battleon » Robina's Shop » Truphma Saga » 11: Weapons of Change » Interlude

«Scene: Xov has Alana tied to a chair.»

???: What is the problem, Xov?
Xov Arakue: I... don't know.
???: There is naught to think about, my dear. This woman stands in the way of our success, so she must be-
Xov Arakue: -taken care of like Yeeuh'ha?
???: Exactly.
Xov Arakue: I...
Xov Arakue: I can't.
???: ...whyever not? I need to understand what you are thinking, my dear.
Xov Arakue: I don't know why - I just can't! Every time I think about hurting her ... I see pictures in my mind. Pictures that I don't want to see.
???: If you don't know, then you must forget, my pristine snowflake. Those pictures are nothing but a trick to dissuade you from doing what is right.
???: We are so close, Xov. So very close. Don't let this slip through our fingers now.
Xov Arakue: But ... the pain. There's just ... something about her that hurts.
???: Oh, my poor dear. There is no "hurts". You've let your guard down. You are becoming weak. You don't want to be helpless and scared again, now do you?
Xov Arakue: Of course not! I am not weak. I've conquered worlds. I've defeated our enemies. I've crushed all that Eukara Vox stands for!
???: Good... Continue to do so, my child. Now, finish off this girl and rid the world of her defiance. I have more ... urgent matters to attend to.
Xov Arakue: Father...
Xov Arakue: Father?

«Xov steps towards Alana.»

Xov Arakue: Are you set in defying what we stand for? Will you not submit to the bliss that is a Truphma Life?
Alana: Never. I cannot imagine life without the beauty and wonder of the world around me. I would rather die than be without that.
Xov Arakue: Why must this planet be so stubborn?
Alana: Tell me, Xov, when was the last time you really looked at a flower and were mesmerised by its beauty?
Xov Arakue: That is neither here nor there!
Alana: On the contrary, my lady. It is everything. I would rather die for that sweet moment, than give you what you want.
Xov Arakue: There are NO SUCH MOM--

«A small child appears before Xov that looks like a young Alana.»

Child: See, isn't it pretty? Would you like it? You can have it if you want.
Xov Arakue: Can I?
Child: Of course. Everyone deserves to have some pretty things.

«Xov takes the flower from the child.»

Xov Arakue: Th-thank you.

«Kastio enters the scene.»

Kastio: So, one of you are involved. Eukara will not like this.
Kastio: Alana, thank goodness I've found you!
Alana: Kastio! Get me out of here. She's insane.
Kastio: She's... She's not aware I am here.
Alana: No, she isn't. One moment she was yelling at me, the next, it was as if she was in another place entirely.
Alana: I've been trying to get free, since I just can't watch her anymore. It's ... terrifying. Please, take me home.
Kastio: Alana... she's crying. Her face, her face has such pain.
Alana: Please, Kastio, just take me away from here. The Other will be back and he will kill me, even if she will not.
Kastio: Wait, she was supposed to kill you? And she hasn't?
Alana: She said... to the voice that something about me hurts. But the other voice wouldn't let her talk about it.
Kastio: Come, Alana. You need to tell all of this to Eukara.

«Kastio and Alana teleport away and the scene fades to black.»

To be continued...
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    Entry written by Carandor. Corrections thanks to Archlist.

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