Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities (1/20/2015 12:30:00)

Beast Hostilities

Location: Travel Map » Darkovia Forest » DracoPyre Legacy! » 6. The Hall of Memories » Open Doors! » Click on the arrow » 4: Transmorphers: Beast Hostilities

After searching through Darkovia with Suliban Filigree's aid, you were able to locate the Arena that the Transmorphers have been using for their conflict. The four camps have drawn competing battlelines...

«Scene: Darkovia Arena»

Elton Tann: Hi, I'm your host Elton Tann. To my right is color commentator Chenji Sakaimoto and to my other right noted guest naturalist Suliban Filigree.
Chenji: That's right, folks. Bucknoose, MuttonCutlet, Carpendter and the mysterious and unseen Chairwoman Apia Tagehi-Kasuta...
Chenji: ...have set their armies against the unsuspecting Darkovian populace.
Elton Tann: Darkovia can never catch a break.
Suliban Filigree: Clearly they need better real estate agents.
Chenji: Which reminds us. This weekly war is brought to you by Kabak Realty.
Elton Tann: That's right, Chenji. Kabak Realty, he likes to rhyme but he will save you big time.

Beast Hostilities

The Transmorphers have divided Darkovia, and in their efforts to find "Which Between Reigns Supreme", have thrust the populace into gladiatorial combat. Which of the four camps will you fight for?
  • Fight!
  • Return to Town

    Twilly: Twilly feels like he's missing out on a joke here.... :(
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please - Full Heal and continue dialogue below
  • Let me handle this! - Close dialogue
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

    Potion Bag - Refills your potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Ubear - The cyber, circus beast Ubear!
    Ep-pig - The man/pig hybrid abomination Ep-pig!
    Flawfish - The scaly AND scary Flawfish!
    Legendairy - The udderly powerful Legendairy!

    To Battle!
    «You are given the option to fight for four different camps: Ubear, EpPig, Flawfish and Legendairy. Regardless of the camp you chose, you proceed to the following battles.»
      4 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal after battle #2
      Full Heal after battle #4
    «Once Ubear's war meter hit 100%...»

    Bucknoose: Muttoncutlet, we have brought in the next batch of candidates.
    Muttoncutlet: Very good, Bucknoose. Bring them in. Carpendter, prepare for the transformation.

    «Bucknoose leaves the scene.»

    Carpendter: Ah, very good...
    Muttoncutlet: And spare us the lengthy philosophical speech on how we were coral-ing these people for their own good.
    Carpendter: Oh.... Pollocks!
    Muttoncutlet: Or that Cod-swallop about how we will free them from the bonds of their primitive humanity or Eel their damaged souls...
    Carpendter: Really? I thought that last one was a Brill-iant pearl of wisdom myself. No need to get crabby. I've fin wondering what you really thought, Apia seemed to like it. She even haddock craving for more....
    Muttoncutlet: Well you can tell Apia that it was ab-sole-utely horrendous...
    Carptendter: Bother...
    Muttoncutlet: In fact, no more aquatic puns whatsoever. They are all wet... Doh!
    Carpendter: I never waste an op-perch-tuna-tee for such a pun! They are the Bass-is for my witty charm!

    «Bucknoose returns with several people ready to be transformed. You enter the scene just in time to intercept this.»

    «You»: THIS ENDS NOW....
    Muttoncutlet: CHOSEN OF LORE!
    Bucknoose: «You»!
    Carpendter: You can cut the Tench-ion with a knife. «You» intends to Mussel in on our Turf and Surf out of here with our candidates!
    Carpendter: You are too late though. The transformation has come. The only way you shall get through this is for one between to reign supreme!
      7 BATTLES (Non-random)

      Full Heal after battles #2, #4, #5, #6 and #7
    Muttoncutlet: Our defeat, stinging though it may be, is without consequence.
    Bucknoose: Without consequence?! That friggin hurt.
    Carpendter: Seriously? Without consequence!? You are just trying to bait «You» into kicking us around some more, aren't you?
    Bucknoose: Another maritime pun, even now...
    Carpendter: What pun... what, "bait"? Are you serious? Well, what word could I have used... Lure?
    Bucknoose: Still a pun.
    Carpendter: Decoy?
    Bucknoose: Still a pun...
    «You»: Would you both be quiet!
    Transmorphers: !!!
    «You»: Seriously all the puns have me reeling...
    Carpendter: Uh, «You», that's my line.
    Muttoncutlet: Enough! Apia has been informed, and Ubear is the being that has won supreme. This information will be quite useful in our studies.

    «The scene fades to black. You go to see Suliban.»

    Suliban: You truly are a hero of Lore, Chosen. You not only stabilized the area. You were able to prove that Ubear is, at least for now, the being that reigns supreme in the process! Congratulations!

    «Suliban vanishes from the scene. Drakath enters shortly after.»

    «You»: You were right... he is back... At the moment he is playing some sort of game. He got me to fight through his Transmorphers and to re-stabilize the undead in the area.
    «You»: But I do not know what his plan is...
    Drakath: Manipulation. That is always his plan. Consider, he just had you do the dirty work required to bring his experiments under control. That saved him tremendous effort.
    «You»: Yeah... But why bring them under control at all? Why not simply manipulate the transmorpher situation directly to his own advantage?
    «You»: I also am not entirely certain that your aid is not a manipulation either, Slugwrath...
    Drakath: That is, of course, always a very real possibility... Regardless, I have proven as good as my word where Erebus is concerned.
    Drakath: Now, I must return to Tralin in Deren... Good day, Chosen!

    «Drakath leaves the scene.»

    «You»: (thinking) Yes, as good as your word... yet to whose advantage, I wonder. Your own... his... both?

    «The scene fades to black. Somewhere, in the darkness, a dim campfire burns, revealing a conversation between mercenaries and someone hidden in the shadows...»

    Mercenary: It took doing, Lord, but we are certain that the war will come.
    ???: That is hardly good enough, fool. If I am to regain what is rightly mine, a war at the Necromancer's Fortress alone is hardly enough.
    ???: What of Ner? Have you a report?
    Drakel Mercenary: Yes, Lord ENTROPY. The K'eld is alarmed, the situation on the mainland and the situation here has them fearing the results of reunification.
    Entropy: What of the human leadership there?
    Drakel Mercenary: Darin has been recalled to Deren and Jano has resumed his role as T'Palo for the crown. His first order was to begin rebuilding the very wall he ordered disassembled during the coming.
    Mercenary: The war will spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom and with each action our name is spread.
    Both Mercenaries: We are tumult, for in our wake truth shall be turned on its head. We are vengeance when justice alone shall not suffice.
    Both Mercenaries: We are upheaval and revolution, for the downtrodden shall be drawn to our cause. We are disorder, disarray, and mayhem.

    «The Beast Hostilities shop opens. Once you leave the shop:»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Beast Hostilities

  • FlawFish [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]
  • LegenDairy [L. 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 | 150 G]

    Correction thanks to Archlist.

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