Bimonthly updates? (Full Version)

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trekkie5690 -> Bimonthly updates? (2/18/2015 14:03:25)

What happened to bimonthly updates?

afterlifex -> RE: Bimonthly updates? (2/18/2015 14:13:55)

At the top of this section there is a stickied topic called =WF= End of Regular Updates


Hello WarpForcers,

It has been a while coming, and it hurts a lot to have to do this, but I have decided to wind down WarpForce's regular releases. It is highly unlikely that new missions will appear in the foreseeable future. We will occasionally release new items to fill gaps, or for holidays (like Frostval). We may make other changes or bugfixes from time to time. We may even remake the Novus questline finale.

Unfortunately, WarpForce has been on a steady decline for most of its life so far. WF was a labor of love on the part of the AQ Team. We put a lot into it over the past couple years, and we highly appreciate everyone's support of the game, especially the WarpGuardians. But WF never took on a life of its own, as most of our other games have, and was therefore not able to feed into its own growth from a financial perspective. All of our games here at AE grow based on the response they get from their players (you)-- from the number of players and the financial support they provide. If there is enough of one or the other of those, then a game gets bigger and stronger over time. If there is not enough, a game will stagnate. WarpForce never grew in either of those measurements, and therefore we were never able to grow the AQ/WF team to a point where we could sustain the efforts it would take to keep up with releases for two games.

I know that many of you truly love WarpForce for what it is, and it is to you that my deepest apologies must go, as well as my deepest thanks for your continued enthusiasm and support. We tried our best, and so did you, and that is the most that anyone can do.


Pearly -> RE: Bimonthly updates? (3/10/2015 0:53:51)

Is it still playable without updates? Or too little content?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Bimonthly updates? (3/11/2015 16:00:43)

Playable without updates but with noticeable level gaps in weaponry around 30 to 65, basically you will be challenged in quests where enemies are scaled to the player.

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