(AQW) Sundered Star (Full Version)

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Silver Sol Los -> (AQW) Sundered Star (3/19/2015 18:46:21)

There is a letter addressed to you. You pick it up, and hold it carefully. The parchment is old, centuries perhaps. It's practically falling apart. You lift the seal carefully. An ancient red wax stamp, emblazoned with the Old King's coat of arms. It shatters into particles and drops to the floor as it's duty is now complete. Inside the dusty paper, you find an amazingly preserved scroll. A sheen of neon blue covers it, with obsidian borders along it's edge. As you turn the underside, you are met with great disappointment. The scroll is blank. It's ink faded, flecks of barely audible letters are scrawled onto it. With great regret you turn it to the fire and walk on. As much as history is loved in the new world, you have nothing to show.

Suddenly, you hear a loud wailing. Its as if the the cries of the tortured and innocent in the world all screamed at once into your eardrums. Shaken, you turn. A blazing blue light has taken your vision. It's source, the fire. It lowly sizzles and dies, and in it's ashes is the old scroll, however it now glows with runes and strange symbols. The writing is familiar-yes you remember, an old archaic language used by the demons of old.

You reach into the remnants of the fire and pick it up. Strange, it is cold to the touch, and solid. Almost as if it was turned to stone. A small compartment is located at it's bottom. You decide not to investigate until you know what the writing is. You take the device to your study. A grand room, dominated by the ancient history of the world. In this haven, you are safe from the terrors of the nightmares you have seen. The world still toils and reels from the damage of the Monster Queen. Defeated several centuries ago, but at great sacrifice and leaving the world permanently scarred. You fumble with a rune sheet. The letters seem to match perfectly to what is carved into the device. As this will take a long time, you prepare food, water and bedding,and begin your translation.

" To the Historian, I speak to you from a time long gone. I believe that in your future, this runestone will provide you with assistance. My mind may be old, but the world where you come from will face an unspeakable threat. A threat from my world will soon resurface,and the world must be prepared!

In my time, there were many great heroes and an equal amount of terrible villains in this existence. Many of the latter committed horrific deeds; slaughtering thousands of innocents and with each appearance they only grew stronger and dominated the lands under their rule. However, there was always an equal to them. Ones who had the bravery to challenge these tyrants on their own soil and break their stranglehold over the world. Songs and stories of these legendary enemies were shared and passed down from each generation to the next. King Alteon the Brave and his defeat of the evil Tyrant-King Slugwrath. The Doom Lord Sepulchure and his undead army. The trickster Archfiend, Nulgath. The Chaotic Prince Drakath and his foe, the Champion of Balance. Many people remember these songs and stories for it shaped their world.

There is but one untold legend that remains, remembered by only those who witnessed this enigma, sworn to utmost secrecy to ensure that this tale is never remembered. Tablets detailing the existence of this mystery are hidden, deep below the graves of those who died to protect it's knowledge. It took many heroes to defeat this monstrosity so that it may never rise to see the sun ever again.

I am one such person who knows of this story- For I knew this person all throughout my life. I am slowly fading away. My tale is not fraught with damsels in distress, nor is it full with stereotypical heroes who save the innocent from the clutches of evil. This is a story where a question that still lingers on the air to those who place this horrible memory to the farthest points of their mind. That question is, 'Will it return, and who will be there to save the world this time?'

By the time you discover this, I will be long gone from this world. Please forgive me for not speaking sooner- I could not let information like this become known, should that dreaded Queen ever find out. And do please be wary of who you speak to, even your closest friends and allies could turn on you. It's willpower is that strong, and it will even taunt you to release it from the hell it has been chained down to.

There is a small button at the bottom of this tablet, an old friend of mine crafted a spell on it to hold much more than what you see now. Make sure you have a large area for it to spread to, as it will unleash the rest of it's contents after you activate it.

Beware of the Sundered Star. For after you read this dead man's account, you will know no peace. Hold strong my friend, and hold fast. It will test you, try to break you, anything it can do to escape it's prison. It's voice still haunts me. Torturing my mind. Hopefully death will release me from it's grasp, should my luck hold out. My name needs no mentioning, but if you wish, I had an old moniker that people grew fond of, as I spent my days writing. I was known as the Scribe.

Good luck my friend, you will need every ounce of it."

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