=MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (Full Version)

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Jorath -> =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 1:41:51)

Hey there! A great number of you know me. You may have seen me around more than often on the DragonFable forums, or other sections of the forums. Regardless, now is the time to get to know me once more as a new ArchKnight for the CFG&H forums.

Before the questions begin, a few quick rules:

  • The Comprehensive Forum Rules apply, as always. No exceptions.
  • I will gladly answer no more than 30 questions. Any more than the limit will result in those questions going without answers.
  • I reserve the right to ignore or remove any questions that I deem too personal.

    For color tags, here are the codes:
    [color=#002151][b]I will be editing in this color.[/b][/color]

    Have fun, and post away!

  • Death snake1 -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 2:12:17)

    *opens a portal and steps out, and puts this hat on your head* Greetings Jorath/Leon!

    Congrats on your newest position!!

    So, has Mel been treating you nicely, and are you enjoying the newest set of shackles added to you.
    That first part is debatable, and I am getting the gist of this subforum.

    Either way, on with the questions.

    So, since you don't like Swiss cheese and Peanut Butter together, what IS your favorite weird combination of foods?
    I have no favorite kind of jam to add with peanut butter, but if I have to mention one, it would be blueberry jam.

    What was the reason you joined the amazing family of madness that is BoH?
    There's no reason more obvious than the never-ending madness, as well as having been part of this family for two and a half years.

    What is your favorite time color? (you should be used to my level of relative insanity by now.. :P)
    Red is my one all-time favorite color. Why am I even editing in red?

    If you had to live in a box, entirely made out of a non-precious metal, which metal would it be, and why?
    Titanium. It's one of the sturdier metals besides diamond.

    What is your spirit animal, if you have one?
    I would have a wolf as my spirit animal.

    As you can tell, I am pretty much asking random and amusing questions, since I see you so often, so......enjoy your new position!!
    It has been a pleasure answering your questions!

    *opens a portal to his shadow dimension, and slithers out* See you later!!
    See you around elsewhere.

    Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 13:23:18)

    If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread so prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Of course.

    Here comes to you my questions and congrats to you on your continuing AK ship!
    Thanks! Now ask away.

    Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK here?
    Ash and Scakk agreed to my picking up a third forum, and Mel set it up.

    How are the shackles.....what color are yours?
    Currently dark blue.

    Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
    The answer's rather obvious. I'm not on a seat anyway, so tough luck with that.

    Ready to play?
    The last time we played your 'game' resulted in a draw. Why wouldn't I be ready?

    Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
    That would be my mana barrier. It's mostly hard to break it with magic.

    Does this shirt make me look fat?
    Would I know the answer to that?

    Does it make you look fat?
    It's not my size, so no.

    What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
    Neither. I looked at some posts here to get an understanding on how things work prior to becoming an AK in CFG&H.

    What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
    I don't have one.

    I hope that your having a fun time amongst the CFG&H community...cya says Stephen Nix!
    I undoubtedly will. See you and your minions about.

    May the undead penguins eat you alive! And of course may the Beacons fall!
    Well, I'd like to see both of these actions come to naught!

    flashbang -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 14:16:05)

    Hey Jorath! Once again, sorry about missing your birthday.
    Hey there. Like I have said, that's fine.

    How are the shackles?
    They're fitting well!

    I don't really have any questions for you, as I can just ask on your ask.fm account...
    It doesn't matter where you ask your questions on.

    But anyways, grats on the new AKship!

    Have a nice day!
    Likewise. Thanks again for dropping by!

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 14:47:00)

    Heya Leon/Jorath!
    Hey, Amon. I just removed part of the names I used, since I won''t be using that now.

    Congrats on the new...I'd say title, but that doesn't really work...new position! That fits.
    The latter works better.

    When did you first become an Archknight?
    January 2012.

    When and why did you join the forums?
    I first joined on 21st December 2010, due to the larger community in DF back then.

    How did you find out about your first AE game?
    I found out about AQ via an advertisement on another site back in 2006.

    On a scale of 1-10, how comedic is blue cheese? You're being grated on this.
    5. Would I be grated on this right away?

    That's it from me, hope you enjoy the new position!
    Thanks for the questions!


    Kian -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/6/2015 23:37:16)

    Hey there!

    Haven't EVER seen you in my entire forum career, to be frank... But regardless, congratulations on your upgrade and I hope you'll do fine as an AK!
    Thanks! I'll do well on my new position here.

    Favourite book?
    A novel called 128 Hours, based on the actual movie.

    Edge of Tomorrow, and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy.

    Do you enjoy surrealistic art?
    No, but I enjoy other kinds of art.

    Got any pets?
    I currently have two cats and five goldfish.

    Do you play AQW? It appears not?
    I used to play AQWorlds since 2008, up until the Chaos Finale.

    I'm out of creativity for the day. Enjoy the promotion and well met!
    Well met!

    theosenia -> RE: =MtAK= A Battlemage takes up his Oculus Spellsword upon the CFG&H (4/7/2015 9:22:21)

    Hello, Jorath!
    Hey there, Theosenia.

    I don't have any questions (for now [8D]). I just wanted to say congratulations and a warm welcome! [:)]
    I am looking forward to working with the CFG&H AKs here.

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