RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (Full Version)

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.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/19/2015 1:11:38)

Name of person requesting: Zeldax
Images: With Tomix's Soulweaver, With Love Weaver

Name of person requesting: Lightning Sekkara

I used #C9C9C9 for both the base and trim since you did not specify which.

jbuggz -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/19/2015 3:18:14)

Gender: Male (♂)
Head Item: none
Hair Style: EmberseaWaves
Armor: Knight Errant's Plate
Back Item: Battleworn Shield and Mantle
Weapon: Broken Zweihander or Exlaxcaliber
Pet: none

Hair Color: #181020 or R 24, G 16, B 32
Skin Color: #BB8E58 or R187, G142, B 88
Eye Color: #100808 or R 16, G  8, B  8

Thanks in advance, again!

Tris -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/19/2015 3:54:18)

Name of person requesting: jbuggz
Image: With Broken Zweihander, With Exlaxcaliber

Lightning Sekkara -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/19/2015 5:23:23)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Nulgath Horns
Armor: Nulgath Armor or Warlord of Nulgath
Back Item: None
Weapon: Overfiend Blade of Nulgath
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): None

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/19/2015 21:32:17)

Name of person requesting: Lightning Sekkara
Images: With Nulgath Armor, With Warlord of Nulgath

SunPie -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/20/2015 17:51:24)

Gender: Female
Helmet: Mage's Hood
Armor: Archfiend Class/ Archfiend Armor
Back Item: Wings of the Chosen
Weapon: Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): None

Thanks ricky

PrinceSerdic -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/20/2015 21:51:36)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm/Novice's Shag Hair
Armor: Platinum Naval Commander
Back Item: None
Weapon: Platinum Starsword
Pet: None

Hair colour: R 51, G 51, B 51 (for both helms) and then another colour for Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm - R 116, G 157, B 206

Thanks Ricky!

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/20/2015 23:02:32)

Name of person requesting: SunPie


Name of person requesting: PrinceSerdic

Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm with R 51, G 51, B 51:
Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm with R 116, G 157, B 206:
Novice's Shag Hair:

Hendrik -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/21/2015 15:37:03)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Mossy Titan Morph
Armor: Living Tree Titan
Back Item: Legendary/Ultra Earth Orb
Weapon: Diamonds of Time
Pet: Roots

Thanks, .Shadow//!

Xenon75 -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/22/2015 2:26:20)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Original Paragon Helm
Armor: Ultimate Lich King
Back Item: None
Weapon: Dual Bearded Axe Of Nulgath
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Base: #21262E; Trim: #2B323C; Accessory: #64B7FF

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/23/2015 8:18:04)

Name of person requesting: Hendrik

Name of person requesting: Xenon75

Kokujoe -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/23/2015 10:02:53)

Request for three images:

Gender: Male
Helmet: Vampireknight Helm Of Nulgath
Armor: Vampire Of Nulgath
Back Item:
  1. Vampire Bats
  2. Warp Pack
  3. Pink Eternal Burning Flame

Weapon: Vamp Blade Of Nulgath
Pet: Blood Orb
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): None

Thanks a lot, Shadow!! ~Joe

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/25/2015 9:56:54)

Name of person requesting: Kokujoe

eryhil -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/28/2015 20:50:10)

Gender: Male
Head Item: Crew hairstyle
Armor: JVI
Back Item: Koalion Fur
Weapon: Platinumedge, Heimdallr Blade
Pet: none
Skin Color: R:166 G:82 B:40 (#AF672B)
Eye Color: R:48 G:48 B:48 (#333333)
Hair Color: R:18 G:8 B:0(#130903)

GuardMouse -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/28/2015 22:36:28)

Name of person requesting: eryhil

With PlatinumEdge
With Heimdallr Blade

Sorry if I didn't get the skin color right, the RBG Codes and the Hexile code gave me different colors, hope you like it though.

eryhil -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (7/29/2015 1:22:08)

The skin color looks fine to me.
Thanks GuardMoose.

Hendrik -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/11/2015 19:00:59)

Helmet: Moon Face Helm
Armor: Invisible Ninja
Back Item: Black Hole Cape
Weapon: Unarmed

Thanks, Shadow!

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/11/2015 19:15:44)

Name of person requesting: Hendrik

Silent Sapphire -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/26/2015 22:27:13)

Gender: male
Helmet: Icy chibi nulgath kitty helm
Armor: cardclasher armor
Back Item: cardclasher card cape
Weapon: unarmed
Pet: none
Color: all colors #ffffff except eye color and hair: #1e1e1e

Thanks Shadow!

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/26/2015 23:03:25)

Name of person requesting: Silent Sapphire

Edit: And here's your new request, since you've now edited your post:

301st Legion -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/28/2015 8:06:41)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Jesse's Hair
Armor: Tomix's SoulWeaver
Back Item: Celestial Avenger's Bladed Cape
Weapon: Unarmed
HAIR Color: 5B5B5B
SKIN Color: C7B583
EYE Color: CC9933

Kudos to Harrison for the pic

Harrison -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/28/2015 17:05:47)

Name of person requesting: 301st Legion

Iron Volvametal -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/28/2015 20:50:50)

Gender: Either
Helmet: Helmet Of The Sun
Armor: Oversoul Paladin
Back Item: Cape of Awe OR Battleworn Shield and Mantle
Weapon: Lance of the Sun
Pet: None
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): N/A

EDIT: If it's allowed, I'd like another request.

Gender: Either
Helmet: Closed Benediction Helm
Armor: Archangel Nulgath Armor
Back Item: Celestial Wings of Nulgath OR Cape of Giants
Weapon: Unarmed
Pet: Celestial Sword of Nulgath
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Trim| #AC8F54

Zeldax -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (8/29/2015 8:54:56)

Gender: Male
Helmet: Brightfall Commander Hair / Worshipper Face of Nulgath
Armor: Night Masquerade
Back Item: Vampire Bats / NightWyvern Cape
Weapon: Sceptre of Divination
Color (trim, armor, hair, etc): Skin: #FFCC99 | Eyes: #FFFFFF | Hair: Black

jbuggz -> RE: =AQW= Image Request Thread (9/3/2015 1:44:32)

Gender: Male (♂)
Head Item: Undead Legend Crown
Armor: Undead Legion OverLord
Back Item: Cape of Lightning
Weapon: Mana Dagger or Undead Assassin Swords
Pet: none

Please take the picture in /join whitemap if possible.
Thanks in advance, Ricky!

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