RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (Full Version)

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Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (11/19/2015 11:57:06)

I may do that later on Forest Kitten, but for now it's not directly on the list of planned pieces.

Ah, good to here that you heard the extra effort I've been putting into coming up with drumlines. :) Thanks very much. I also agree that I could probably have carried out a smoother transition on The Braken, upon relisten it does seem a little too bold in its sudden change. Just playing that G# and F before going into a C major chord does sound like something that I will look into using in the future. I was messing around with pieces that end with that pattern and have decided I like it very much. ^^

Sorry for the late replies all, I've been busy with the war going on for the past week. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (11/24/2015 12:43:00)

The Hard Way

And the latest piece is out after a long gap since the last one - RL and a Dragonfable war does that. XD Either way I hope you enjoy; I took much more time with the drums in this one. Thinking up Middle-Eastern-sounding drum solos is great fun. ^^

Monty34 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/7/2015 13:12:47)

I like your use of arabian instruments here! It changes the quality of the sound to specialise a bit more to that quest chain. In fact I think you could do that even more in this one, maybe make use of the Sitar a bit more, because it sounds like it's sort of sitting there in the background, and it could do some pretty neat countermelodies. Also since you have a pedal, why not try using an indian drone instrument for that as well? The drum solos are awesome, by the way , and the symbols go great with them :) . Nice interweaving of the themes too, as always. The only other thing I'd say is that you could add the bass drum at that bit around 23 seconds? the absence of the deep bass has a powerful effect in the beginning, but at this part it starts to feel a bit bare. Overall though, I'd say you've got the effect beautifully.

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/7/2015 14:02:50)

Ah thank you. ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying the different feel of the instruments in this saga. I haven't been able to post for a while because IRL stuff and all the Christmas stuff I'm doing (3 pieces!) though I do appreciate the feedback. I'll try my best to add in a tambura into my next piece for the drone instead of a double bass section. It should work with all the feel I'm getting from the desert in the Blue Lotus. :).

All that being said, I am pretty close to finishing the piece I'm working on now so I may be able to get a piece pushed out today before I do my homework. ^^

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/7/2015 14:31:50)

And I managed to get it done! Here it is: The Rebellion

The piece is two quests, The Blue Lotus and The Oasis Inn and has taken a while to do because of all the stuff going on IRL. I found a use for the tambura as suggested a short while ago by Monty, so hopefully everyone will enjoy it. ^^

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/12/2015 17:24:51)

An Excerpt of the Fairytale of New York

Due to time constraints this'll probably be the last piece I release this year. It's been a great one, and I'll write a short paragraph when I have more time of all my favourite moments of this year in regards to both the music I've written and the music I've enjoyed of Dragonfable since my return in the Summer. Seeya'll shortly with that. :)

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/24/2015 18:54:31)

So as some of you may know, I've been around the forums quite a while but took a long hiatus from 2012 until this year. Recently looking through all sorts of things in nostalgia, I found an image that I thought I had lost to the internet: my old profile picture. Since it's Christmas I guess I decided to reupload it and share it with everyone. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone and a very happy New Year. :)


Azan -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (12/27/2015 16:03:50)

I finally found the time to sit and listen to all of the Light Orb Saga music, and since I have no idea about all the technicalities of composing music, all I can say is IT'S GORGEOUS. I'd totally see it playing in-game.

Cannot wait for more![:D]

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (1/1/2016 7:00:37)

Thanks very much Azan; it's lovely to see that you continue to enjoy my compositions and I'm looking forward to see what ideas the new year brings. ^^ Now for my mega long 2015 summing up post. :p

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (1/1/2016 7:02:10)

So I better start off with a happy new year to everyone! New Years can always be a bit of a long night and I hope that everyone has had a good time in 2015 and wish you all the best for the future.

Now 2015 has been a great year for me. I finally returned to Dragonfable after a long hiatus and the community I’ve returned to has been staggeringly friendly towards me and the project I’d decided I wanted to start years ago. 2015 was also the year that I finally got some music composition software which meant that I could finally start to carry out the aforementioned project. So this is a post to sum up my year in the music I’ve written; my favourite things to write, the easiest part and the hardest parts of everything that I’ve ever done (so far ;) ).

When I first decided to set my mind to the task of composing, I had no clue of what I should do and the software was new to me. Despite this fact, the idea of what to do when I was writing “A Hero is Bored” was clear; I wanted to incorporate my own themes with the music that Dragonfable’s composers had brilliantly written. My first piece was surprisingly the easiest to write in that sense; I had ideas of themes and the music in the game was all ready to be arranged with my themes. The Hero’s Theme came quite naturally after playing through playing things on the piano because of its light feeling of progression when it is major, and for its ability to nicely switch to a minor key when necessary.

After a bit of jumping back and forth chronologically, making “Oaklore” and “The Opening Credits” after making pieces which should appear after them, I managed to settle into a nice state of releasing pieces fairly often because the Summer Holidays allowed me the time I need to create a piece. Unfortunately school meant that I haven’t been able to release pieces as often as I would have liked; it would have been nice to get through the Light Orb Saga by the end of the year and it’s still a large stretch away.

When I was creating the Egg at the Dumpsite I made a decision to write a theme for our good friend, our Dragon. Personally this is my favourite self-written theme because it was so immensely fun to think up. I wrote it with the forethought that I wanted a small scene in the Falconreach based piece where the Hero dreams of their dragon, dispelling the evil presence of the Mysterious Stranger from his mind. As such I tried to write it so that it could at different times be many things; bold and heroic, tender and caring or volatile and vicious. Whether I achieved that or not is entirely up to debate, but I feel I gave it my best effort. :)

The pieces I’m most proud would have to be any of the longer ones: “Falconreach/Dreaming of Dragons”, “Attack on the Temple/Doomkitten”, “The Hatching” and “Ruins of Kordana”. I always feel that it’s a challenge to write a contiguous piece of music that is both evolving and interesting, all while matching the moods of the situation. As such, when I release a piece of this length it’s because I feel it’s to that standard and that I’m happy with it. ^^

Despite all of this; there have been moments where I’ve had writers block. My biggest regret would be not being able to create a good enough oriental feel so as to be able to do the ninja side of the Wind Orb Saga any justice. Perhaps I’ll one day revisit it when I’ve had a bit more experience. Another issue that’s yet to come is how often I release pieces prior to June. With my final A2 exams coming up I will be revising very heavily so there may be weeks in between my releases as I compose in the little spare time that I’ll have.

So as to end on a light note I’ll say this; music has always been my passion and going composing in a school music room in my spare time to make pieces that sounded very poor quality, to being able to make more realistic music (still not a live orchestra as I would prefer :p ) that people seem to enjoy and continue to listen to makes me feel very happy indeed. So I would like to give a big thanks to everyone who’s ever listened to any of my pieces and once again wish everyone a happy new year. :)

Ghost -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (1/18/2016 12:35:14)

Your take on Oaklore Keep was great stuff, keep up the good work. :)


Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (1/30/2016 6:07:09)

I'm glad you enjoyed it Ghost! It's always nice to hear that the original composer enjoys the work I've been doing! :)

I would like to apologise to everyone for being slow with releasing the next piece. Revision and my role in a musical have largely taken over my life for most of this year so far, though I should have this weekend to do some stuff and release it! ^^

EDIT: Here is the next piece! The Dynasty Tomb! I hope you all enjoy this rather frantic piece that I began before the New Year! :)

Monty34 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (2/21/2016 6:46:34)

Wow! Fast paced and dramatic, with several things going on at once at any one time, which nevertheless, for the most part, somehow seem to fit together. 'Frantic' is definitely an apt description. Also, I love your use of silence. And the eastern references, with the drone and the sitar. One thing I noticed though, was that sometimes instruments playing in the same general not range tended to crunch against each other, for example maybe if the sitar was playing slightly lower and the violins slightly higher or vice versa. Especially in dissonant music, it seems to be a good idea to have dissonant notes a little way apart from each other in case it becomes too chaotic. It's actually something I've accidentally done a lot myself ;) .

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/24/2016 18:17:03)

*A mentally drained and not quite done with exams yet (3 more to go!) Varen appears for the first time in literally months*

Heyo everyone! I know that I've been gone a long time, but I just wanted to say that I am still about and that I have some more music to keep you going until I write a new piece for the Dragonfable Soundtrack Reimagined. By new, it's the oldest piece of music I've written on this computer. We all had to start somewhere and this is the piece where I began experimenting with the different sounds on Studio One 2. My sister challenged me, upon me getting the new software, to write a new piece of music in a day. This simple "Game Trailer" music is what I came out with. I hope to see everyone soon and will be getting back into my regular schedule of pieces on and after the 29th (until I go on holiday that is :p)!

Game Trailer

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/26/2016 0:34:13)

Cinematic and amazing.
I can relate- I've always wanted to hear what DF's music would sound like with a proper orchestra, especially Aspar's theme (just an idea).

Stephen Nix -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/27/2016 18:41:24)

Game trailer..nah

My new theme song....yes!! A thousand times yes!

Love this to pieces!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/28/2016 15:32:04)

@Shiny_Underpants: I'm glad you enjoy my work, though I couldn't agree that my stuff is better than anything the DF team have put together. I just enjoy orchestrating, composing and arranging in context of their wonderful music whereas the DF team continue to amaze with their brilliant original pieces. :) Also (I've spent a lot of time planning and thinking about this), I'm probably gonna' work my way through the 2 main books so far (as Chapter 3 isn't finished yet, I'll leave it for a bit) and then return to do the Ravenloss Saga (parts 1 and 2) and then see how things go from there. :)

@Nix Glad you enjoy it. ^^ Like I said, I didn't spend much time on it and hence the name is very generic. However Nix's Theme seems very fitting. ^^

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/29/2016 10:24:38)

And now for a new piece for the Dragonfable soundtrack! I present to you the next piece in the quest for the Light Orb, The Sandwitch! Hope everyone enjoys this piece and the return to Dragonfable. :)

The Sandwitch

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/29/2016 10:53:49)

Varen! I remember back a few years ago when you were just starting out, back in the good old days. How far you've come! Your music is wonderful, and I have to say that whenever I listen to a piece and play through the quest afterwards with the music running, it really blends in seamlessly. Keep it up, and glad to see you around again!

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/29/2016 12:21:44)

I'm glad to be back and composing Hopeful. :) Even more glad with the knowledge that you enjoy the music I'm writing. Hopefully I get to finish off Book 1 quicker than the rate I've been doing it so far (2.5/10 main quest sagas done in a year, with half a year out) now that I'll be at Uni (hopefully :S) . Hopefully that means more free time to compose and so get through things a lot faster. I'm not gonna' lie, I already have an idea for an intro to book 2 and another for the final battle of book 1 so I wanna' get through and keep composing so I can see those ideas come to fruition. ^^

Azan -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/29/2016 22:30:54)

*squeals in excitement*

Varen's back at composing DF music! That last one is just as awesome as everything you compose, dear music elemental!

Hopeful Guy -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/29/2016 22:41:57)

Looking forward to the eventual book 1 finale, but that will take ages, considering the number of quests there are in between. By Book 2 intro, do you mean the Alexander saga, the Wargoth saga or both sort of merged? Also, you've covered a lot of the light-hearted moments but none of the serious and sad moments, so I am really interested to hear your take on, say Celestia or Demento dying, both of which were book 1.

On a side note, I have to confess I'm not sure whether your repetition of 'hopefully' in that last post was an intentional joke or not...

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (6/30/2016 10:36:21)

@Azan: Thanks very much. Glad to see after all this time I can still make music to my previous standards. :)

@Hopeful: Yes, all the Orb Sagas to do first then I will get there. For the Book 2 intro, I mean just the brief "opening credits" style music that would appear at the start of the Wargoth Saga. Though I will definitely do the Alexander saga so I can write a proper theme for Jaania and Xan. Xan doesn't appear very much in the musical score for book 1 - I will maybe write a "Xan" theme and a "Alexander Theme" and use the Xan Theme for his appearances in book 1 before slowly giving way to Alexander's Theme as his character appears more in book 2. The sad scenes are honestly the ones I look forward to the most; with Book 1 there's a lot of the Hero winning so to get those moments of pure loss will be great to write. Also my repetition was not a joke; I just didn't proof read before sending and said the same thing a load of times. XD

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/2/2016 7:48:45)

And I've managed to write another piece for the Light Orb Saga! Here is "The Traitor"! I hope you enjoy. :)

The Traitor

Varen6398 -> RE: Varen's Dragonfable Soundtrack - Reimagined (7/3/2016 17:09:38)

I'm quite proud of this one, so here I present to you the penultimate piece of the Light Orb Saga: Zhowdown! I hope you all enjoy! :)


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