[KNOWN] "Get Independence Gear" (Full Version)

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Optimise -> [KNOWN] "Get Independence Gear" (7/4/2015 13:27:37)

Name: Optimise
Level: 31
Class: Tech Mage
Server/s: Epic

Operating System: Windows 8.1
Browser: Google Chrome
Flash Player Version: Latest
Internet Connection (wireless, high-speed, etc.): 50mbps

Brief Description: On the new "What's New" slide, if you click on 'Get Independence Gear' it takes you to Transcendence and Immanence rather than teleporting you to Overlord Guard - who actually holds the Independence Gear.
Error Messages (if any): N/A

Step by step details to duplicate issue:
1. What's New
2. Click on 'Get Independence Gear'

Screenshot (if any): N/A

Additional Details (if any): I have duplicated this on my other laptop, and I have also tried clearing my cache and using different browsers - ended up with the same result.

WhiteTiger -> RE: [KNOWN] "Get Independence Gear" (7/5/2015 18:37:26)

Thanks for the report, this has been noted down.

Tagged as known.

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