=MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (Full Version)

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Shadowhunt -> =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/11/2015 17:18:22)

Hey everyone! You probably recognize me since I spend a lot of time here on the forums, helping out and doing my thing. Well now I'll be helping out and doing my thing as an AK here in the guides. So I figured I'd give you all a chance to get to pester me with all your most burning questions! Just to keep it from getting out of hand, try not to ask any more than, say, seven questions per page. I will probably leave this up for a few weeks and then take it down (around the beginning of August probably).

This is my edit color and I will edit your post with this color with my answers.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/11/2015 17:44:56)

*A cloaked shadow rises from the shadows.*
Ooooh spooky! Metashadow powers go.
Greetings, Shadowhunt.
Greetings, Dwelling Dragonlord! Do you dwell and be a Dragonlord at the same time? Is that even possible?
Does thou visit the L&L?
You know, I don't really. I mostly stick to what I know, which is the AQW forums. I should probably venture out a little though.
Congratulations with thy Archknighthood, may thy ever persevere in thy duties.
Thanks! I'm looking forward to persevering in my duties indeed!
*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
You can run, you can hide, but the shadows will always be there.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/11/2015 17:55:14)

Hello there!
Well hello there Ricky!
I had a good feeling you were going to become an AK in the AQW Guides section.
Was it a warm fuzzy feeling inside that you just couldn't explain? And if so, did it come immediately after eating cookies? Because if so, the cookies are the explanation [;)]
Don't reall have much else to say. It was nice talking to you, and congratulations!
Nice to talk with you too, and thanks!

Sora To Hoshi -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/11/2015 18:58:42)

*freezes, looks around* Woah! It's Sora to Hoshi!
Hey Shadowhunt nice to see they finally got chains on you.
They sure do have chains on me. It took lots of wranglin' and wrasslin' but they found me in my shadows and offered me nice shinies. The shinies turned out to be chains! They weren't wrong, though...
Thank you!

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/12/2015 11:30:22)

Hey Shadowhunt!
Well hello there Laos! The person, of course, not the entire country. Though they deserve a shoutout too. Hey there country of Laos!
Congratulations and welcome! I look forward to working with you.
Thanks! I am looking forward to working alongside you as well!

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/12/2015 13:54:48)

*walks in*
On your hands? Spice things up a little?
*paints Shadowhunt's shackles cyan*
Oh noes, teh bloo!
*tightens the shackles*
*erases the top part of the "h" to make it "snackles", noms them* Tastes of butterscotch pancakes and tears.
Though your physical presence may be gone, your experience will forever remain with you.

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/12/2015 19:46:23)

Hey there Shadowhunt (Nightmare66)!
Well hello there! I see you remember my name before Shadowhunt. But I bet you don't know the one before that! Mwahaha!
Good luck trying to get those chains off! And good luck guarding the guides!
Chains are good for strength training and a great source of iron if you lick them. I'll keep them for now. Thanks!

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/16/2015 19:27:48)

Hello there :)
Well howdy there Lord Coxy! Lawdy Coxy!
Sorry, no questions from Coxy :( (or maybe thats a good thing >:D)
No worries! Who isn't worrying, you or me, well, that's up for debate. But someone will not have to worry.
Anyway, Congratz from Coxy and hope you have fun here :D as a former AQW Ambassador to another, I just wanted to say....GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN <,>
Shadowhunt thanks you and wonders why third person is necessary. I'll have so much fun, all the others will look and be like "Man, that Shadowhunt person is having so much fun, I wish I could be them!"
Have an awesome day starting....right....NOW!

Lightning Sekkara -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/16/2015 23:51:54)

Heyyo Shadowhunt!
Howdy do, Lightning Sekkara!
Congratz on being an AK! You really deserve it.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Don't really have anyting else to say
That's alright! Thanks for stopping by.

Renn Shadowheart -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/17/2015 16:49:52)

Hey Ari/Shad!
How's it goin' Renn? I see you've gotten both the AQW usernames covered.
You know me as Torrigan, and as Renn. And we are good friends are we not?
I still think Torrigan sounds like a Pokemon. Are you a Pokemon? And yeah!
Can I have $5?
*opens wallet* I seem to have... no mokies at all. So it seems that I am unable to gift unto thee five dollars. Besides, true happiness comes from inside. Or something like that.
How's the shackles?
*points to Zyrain's post*
And uh, can I be your apprentice?
I can consider it, though I'm not really sure how an apprenticeship would work. Besides, all you have to do to succeed anywhere, be it here on the forums or in life, is be friendly, helpful, courteous, and above all, awesome yourself!

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/17/2015 18:14:56)

Hello Shadowhunt!
'Ello thar ChaosRipjaw!
Last time I met talked to a new Archknight, he was chained up. Are you too? xD
I prefer to thing of it as lovingly wrapped in a good source of iron.
Anyhow, grats on the AK post!
Thank you!
"Shadowhunt" is an excellent name combination of two simple words.
I wish it were original, but I actually got it from the name of a bow in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Well, I gotta go now. Hopefully we can meet ingame sometime :D
I respond to Let's Party requests a decent amount so if you ever need help I might just show up!

SonicTbear -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/17/2015 18:29:39)

Hello Shadowhunt!
Hello SonicTbear (related to the Tbird?)
So... I see you're interested in chains...
I am? O_o
Are you interested in Nick Jonas's Chains?
Never heard of it, but since it's Nick Jonas I'm going to say I probably wouldn't be.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
Wait Chuck Norris is real? o_O
Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman...
The purpose of that song is exposition. Clever of them to use a song for it, I suppose. Though the first song in that movie tells the entire plot of the movie, so you can get by with just listening to the first few minutes and save yourself from having to actually watch it.
Do you wanna build a lavaman? (Lol, good luck getting that reference...)
I don't get the reference, but I don't think playing with lava is a good idea...
Alright, time for serious questions...
Y so srs?
What's your favorite pastime?
Oooh, that's a good one. I used to be a huge gamer, but not as much now. I'd probably say airsofting. I've certainly dumped more than enough money into that one...
Favorite game? (Non-AE)
Of all time? Call of Duty 4. That I've actually played in the last few years? Dark Souls.
Your ideal last meal?
I'm currently trying to eat as many foods filled with preservatives as possible in order to obtain immortality, so I won't have a last meal because I will live forever! Mwahaha!
Well, I hit the 7-question limit...
Like a wall at 200mph!
I also have nothing else to say...
Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home!
So I will see you later!
Have a good one!
/me slides a box to Shadowhunt that has some laser-shooting puppies. (Again, GL w/ reference...)
Again, not getting the reference. Though I do know of laser-shooting teddy bears! That's a strange music video...

Battle Elf -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/18/2015 19:48:10)

Hi there!
Hi there Battle Elf!
What's the best color?
Black is the best color!
Congrats on your new shackles!
They were delicious!
Good luck :D
I don't need luck, luck needs me! Ha. If only it were that way. Thanks!

Jams Loyal Subject -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/18/2015 19:56:44)

Hey Shadowhunt,
Heeeeyyyyy Jams Loyal Subject! You know, thinking about your name now, is jam your liege? Do you bend the knee to jam? What kind of jam? So many questions...
Gratz on becoming an AK, well deserved.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Few questions for you:
Few answers for you!
1. Will your text colour be purple? Ya know to commemorate those days as the Purple Paragon?
Nope, this is my text color. Some sort of red/maroon/burgundy or whatever it is. I still got the Purple Paragon signature though!
2. Why did you change your name?
Just sort of felt like change, I guess, and since I don't really spend ACs on anything, I figured I might as well.
3. Favourite non-rare and rare classes, and why?
Dang, tough question. Non-rare is probably gonna be Chaos Slayer. It's powerful, fun to use, and adds a little bit of spice to the game. Rare, well, Chaos Champion Prime [;)] But I would probably actually go with Chunin. It's the best farmer, the effects are great, and it's easy to use.
Hope your online more often, haven't spoken to you in ages mate.
Yeah, college and a part time job most of the year with a full time job during the summer makes it harder for me to get on as much, but I'm still on sometimes!
Take care and I'll see you around.
Just around the riverbend?

nadi726 -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/19/2015 3:19:04)

hi Shadowhunt(wait..am I supposed to talk to the shadows?)
Sure, why not? I talk to myself all the time and several people say I'm a phantom so I suppose that's close enough.
what's up?
The average temperature of the planet.
grats for becoming a Shadowknight. I mean, archknight.
Heh, Shadowknight. That's sounds pretty cool. Maybe a class should be made called the Shadowknight.
how did you find AE games? personally I don't have anything to say about this one, but, uh, maybe special people have special things happened to them or something like that.
Ha, good old AE discovery. I was playing RuneScape with my pal and we saw an ad for AQ. We decided to give it a try, so I made an account with that and played that until AQW came out.
favourite meal?
Food! I don't know what my favorite would be, but I know I have some stuff I'll never eat; cheese and eggs.
thats it i guess,have nothing else to say now so i'll just say good luck
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the luck wish!

Pinwheel -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/20/2015 11:18:58)

What's up Pin! Remember when you were farming BLoD with me and I was all "wham poof fast!" and you were all o_O?
I am so glad to see you're an AK now! [:D]
Thanks, I should say the same for you!
You totes deserve it, buddy!
And you as well!
Soo, question time!
It's Hamtaro time, do do do do do!
Do you have more awesome guides coming out?
I've been working on one for the Etherstorm Wastes for a few months right now. I'm fairly close to finishing most of the main saga, at which point I need to buy membership for my alt and go through the prequel.
Why do you always wear the old Paragon Plate?
I don't really wear it much anymore, actually. My main set's changed :O But I wore it all the time because I really like the way it looks and the CC version meant I could make it purple!
Favorite color? (I have a feeling it's *gulp* PURPOL)
You'd probably be right, though I'd also say black is probably my favorite. Some people don't consider black a color though.
Would you die if I shone a flash light on you? 'Cause, y'know, you're a shadow?
Is darkness an absence of light, or is light an absence of darkness? Food for thought. As for your question, probably not! Hopefully now...
Ah, what are you most creeped out of? (Don't tell me it's your shadow)
Oh man, that's a good question. One I can't really think of the answer to right now. Heights, maybe? Wasn't too bad about that until I fell off a roof... I used to hate spiders but then I moved into a house we call Spider Haus so now that's not an option.
And finally, where did you get the name Ariamis? :)
Dark Souls! There's a hidden level in Dark Souls called the Painted World of Ariamis. I just like the way the name sounds.
That's all for now, buddy, congratulations on Archknight-ship-ity-ness!
Thanks, you too!

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/20/2015 16:42:51)

*walks in*
Walking is so pedestrian. You should try doing the worm in to the next thread you visit.

*paints Zy Purple* ...
How many shades of it?

Oh... wrong time, place and person! D:
Woah, have we time traveled?

Oh well. Maybe I can salvage some of this yet!
Why does the word "salvage" make me think of the MechAssault games? Man those were great games.

Welcome to your new bindings job and duties!
Why thank you miss Melissa4Bella. Wait... is the 4 silent? O_O

No questions from me.
And many answers from me! Funny how that happens.

I wonder how long it'll take Zobby to notice this post? >:D
Zobby, the half-brother to Dobby? Or Zobby, high ruler of Cyan?

flashbang -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/20/2015 19:00:40)


Walking is so pedestrian. You should try doing the worm in to the next thread you visit.

*worms in*
See, that's the way to make an entrance. Or cross a crosswalk. There are some great videos of that.
Yo. Wassup.
Congrats on the ArchKnight-hood.
I get a hood to wear with my ArchKnight snackles? :O Does it have the epic eagle beak like Altair's hood?
Have fun?
My takeover of the guides shall start soon! Er... I mean... I will have fun! Thanks!

Charon -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/21/2015 4:23:58)

Hey Shadow
Well howdy do Charon. Which is a name I learned I've been pronouncing wrong for years a couple days ago. I shall not change my ways.
Congrats in the AK-ness (though I already said that ingame)
Thanks again!
Looking forward for a warning from you :P
You are hereby warned about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =MtAK= From Shadows I'll Descend Upon the Guides (7/24/2015 13:05:37)

The time has come for the thread to be closed down, thanks to everyone who stopped by and wanted to know more about me!

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