=AQ3D= Feedback Thread (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/4/2015 14:58:01)

Post your feedback for AdventureQuest 3D here! Please remember that the game is still in Open Beta stage of testing; there are going to be bugs and errors, with not a lot to play with just yet. The =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply. If you are going to post in a negative light, please use constructive criticism.

Please do not post suggestions. Any bugs need to be reported to the Bug Tracker.


Constructive Criticism

  • What is it?
    Constructive criticism is being able to process and offer your own thoughts and opinions in order to give courteous and friendly feedback. This is done by explaining what you like and dislike, while at the same time providing feedback that is useful. This is what separates constructive feedback from ranting/complaining and flaming.

  • Does it help? How?
    Yes! Constructive criticism helps because not only are you giving feedback about what you don't like about a quest/event, but you're also giving feedback about what you DID like in the quest. Feedback could include on such topics as statistics, more dialogue, more explanatory cutscenes, more fights - everything that quests or events would normally include. This gives the game staff a better idea on future improvements.

  • Example of Constructive Criticism:
    "I didn't particularly like this war because it felt too empty. To have made it better, I think the staff could have had a 50% cutscene to unlock rather than just a shop to progress the storyline. As it was, I personally was a little disappointed that this war felt more rushed than previous wars, however I do understand that the staff had a lot on their plate when making this release.
    That said, I greatly enjoyed the boss fight, the animations and art fit perfectly with the song that was playing in the background. So while not one of the best wars DF have done, I still enjoyed it. Thank you, DF staff!"

  • Example of Unconstructive Criticism:
    "I didn't like this war at all. What were the staff thinking? The items in the shop were ugly, overpriced and were bugged!! No cutscene? That was never done before and it is not how it should be done ever. Seriously, doesn't the staff ever listen to us?! The boss fight was too hard and took forever to beat :( And there was no sound. I dont think the staff even care anymore. Best war ever /sarcasm I hate this game D:<!"

  • Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/4/2015 21:08:37)

    (Well, someone might as well start.)

    I know it's still in Alpha, but with the game as it is, I feel like it's just "AQW3D". Which is a weird thing to say because of how bare bones the game is in it's current state.

    Let's start with art. I really like the art style, more than I thought I would. But the recolors of equipment needs to be nipped in the butt as early as possible. There's a lot more different types of gear to equip than any other AE game, so I think instead of higher quantity of sets, with a lot just being recolors, I think AQ3D should have more distinct sets of items (like the Golden Helm & Shoulders, for example. Make the Golden Armor, Gauntlets, and Boots match the Helm and Shoulders, instead of being a recolor of the Warrior armor). Add on top of that the functionality to color customize most items and I think the issue of recolors and nearly identical items is solved.

    Next I'll address classes, and by extension, combat. I don't think classes should be an equipable armor like in AQW. I think they should be something you unlock, train, and select through a trainer or come UI similar (although extremely vaguely) to AdventureQuest. That way classes aren't taking up inventory space. They basically just become a skill set (and any associated stats) you select through a UI to use as your class. Also, I feel like 4 skills is too few, at least for the Web version. I don't know what AE's plans are for combat, but I think 6-8 combat actions, plus auto-attack, and slots for items like potions would work. Another change I think would really add to the game is either skills having a degree of customization (do you want your Fireball spell to do more raw damage, or a D.O.T.? Heal in one large chunk, or over time? Etc...) or give classes more skills than you can use on the action bar to give the player some limited customization of a class build. Tank build warrior/DPS, support/ranged mage, debuff/d.o.t. rouge, etc... Just some ideas to make the combat different from AQW.

    Short blurb on weapon types as well. Ranged combat should be an actual "thing" in AQ3D. There may be ranged weapons in AQW and other AE games, but not of them actually matter when it comes to combat itself. I would imagine Mages would prefer ranged combat as opposed to being in melee range. Mage weapons equipped by mages, bows, firearms (if they are ever implemented in AQ3D) should be actual ranged weapons, and not just melee weapons disguised as ranged. Maybe make it so if an target is in melee range, change the animation so that the PC is hitting them with the ranged weapon itself until the target is out of melee range.

    Finally, a few suggestions on movement. Personally, I like RPGs that reward player movement when it comes to dodging attacks and whatnot. For AQ3D, how about double tapping WASDQE makes your character dodge/roll/side-step, making combat more involved than just standing there and wailing on a target. Also how about making the jump/flip into a double jump? First jump is regular, second is the flip?

    Nothing much more to comment on other than outright suggestions.

    Nightmare AQW -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/4/2015 23:18:41)

    I think this is a very good game so far. Everything looks bright and colorful and really pleases the eye, I enjoyed exploring every map. I love how there are monsters from old AE games, its interesting to see how those things look in 3D, I hope to see more of them in the future. The one thing that disappoints me a bit is the armor designs, especially in the torso. They seem really flat and it just looks like the character got their skin painted. Maybe add some 3D shapes in there so the armors actually look like a suit of armor.

    Crystal Lion -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/4/2015 23:34:23)

    So far, although I find the game's graphics pleasing, I have problems staying connected to the server. The walking backwards animation needs some work on the women's side, can't comment on the male version.

    Also, are the monsters supposed to attack you without provocation when you go near them? Seems rather unusual to have automatic aggression for everyone when it was reserved for special monsters or bosses in older AE games.

    Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 0:05:55)


    The one thing that disappoints me a bit is the armor designs, especially in the torso. They seem really flat and it just looks like the character got their skin painted. Maybe add some 3D shapes in there so the armors actually look like a suit of armor.

    Oh, yeah, that's one thing that slipped my mind on my first post. I agree. I think the Golden Helm and Shoulders are a nice balance of flat and layered textures. An entire flat texture just looks bad. I can only assume this is the case because the shoulders, gauntlets, and boots armor, belt, and probably capes as well needs to cover the base texture without clipping.

    They could make chest armor so there's more definition in the chest area instead of the base being all one flat texture, add body items as well. So instead of the warrior base looking as it does, make it look a little more like the rogue base, but make the chest texture actual equippable armor.

    RKC -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 4:40:51)

    ok I dont know if this is a good one but here goes.

    The game itself is excellent even in this early stage its already showing some potential to be the next AE golden apple. I hope and just hope that the combat system will change a bit. A great example of what I want the combat system to be is TERA because its really close to it.

    The mouse should let you control the direction of your character. Thats where I say TERA just that small part of it. Aside from that nothing really needs to be said aside from the walking animation its all good.

    But remember AE you chose Unity as the engine you could have chosen something else but yah, you went with it and that will create some limitations to your process.

    I just hope you can fix the mouse direction thing and can we use our mouse clicks to attack and control our direction, thats it.

    megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 10:41:46)

    My feedback is short and simple since I have not played much:

    1: Why are we not always back/fowardflipping when jumping,
    2: Why do we have a cool jump/flip, when we cannot jump over (or on but mostly over) anything like the railings of the inn second floor or the small fences around town with a cliff? It seems like a waste of a animation. DX

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 11:57:45)

    Most of the Forumites have already posted what I was going to say, so I hope it's ok if I quote them then add on extra info?


    Also, I feel like 4 skills is too few, at least for the Web version. I don't know what AE's plans are for combat, but I think 6-8 combat actions, plus auto-attack, and slots for items like potions would work. Another change I think would really add to the game is either skills having a degree of customization (do you want your Fireball spell to do more raw damage, or a D.O.T.? Heal in one large chunk, or over time? Etc...) or give classes more skills than you can use on the action bar to give the player some limited customization of a class build.

    This.. pretty much.. nothing to add... unless you want me to go hardcore PVP stats and affecting negatives and positives to certain skill strengths and weaknesses?


    Also, are the monsters supposed to attack you without provocation when you go near them? Seems rather unusual to have automatic aggression for everyone when it was reserved for special monsters or bosses in older AE games.

    I'd say early on, it's frustrating but I'd like to see this aggro in higher-levels, so it's not EASY?
    (That's another problem with 4 skills, there isn't enough combos and skills, meaning less chance of winning a fight, that AE just starts to make every class OP so people don't quit, which results in greedy, spoiled children).


    The mouse should let you control the direction of your character. Thats where I say TERA just that small part of it. Aside from that nothing really needs to be said aside from the walking animation its all good.

    But remember AE you chose Unity as the engine you could have chosen something else but yah, you went with it and that will create some limitations to your process.

    I just hope you can fix the mouse direction thing and can we use our mouse clicks to attack and control our direction, thats it.

    That would be nice but AE still haven't grown out their shell of classic RPG, which is a big problem in the gaming industry.
    You need to change how your game is, make it fit the needs of today, instead of doing a really quick game and releasing it as fast as you can, with huge problems in the future you'll have a hard time fixing (*cough* rewrite *cough).


    Finally, a few suggestions on movement. Personally, I like RPGs that reward player movement when it comes to dodging attacks and whatnot. For AQ3D, how about double tapping WASDQE makes your character dodge/roll/side-step, making combat more involved than just standing there and wailing on a target.

    This will make combat so much more fun, I agree on the "standing there wailing on the target" thing. In a real battle or war, you aren't just gonna stand there and stab anyone that runs at you. You will move and run, dodge duck dip and whatnot, because

    A) You don't want to get any major injuries
    B) You don't want to take an arrow to the knee (i had to i'm sorry)

    It just makes the player more involved and actually makes combat all the worthwhile, stand-still combat really bores me.
    Now look, four skills with potential to become overpowered AQW style skills and stand-still combat in a 3D game does not sound fun.. or challenging..


    1: Why are we not always back/fowardflipping when jumping,
    2: Why do we have a cool jump/flip, when we cannot jump over (or on but mostly over) anything like the railings of the inn second floor or the small fences around town with a cliff? It seems like a waste of a animation. DX

    I think flipping at all is odd, let alone all the time but this is AE, they build their games off their childhood so I can see that happening.

    I do approve of the idea of jumping over things, however..

    Let me add the obstacle course now.
    It'd be nice if you were actually trying to balance on the wooden platforms and doing a risky jump animation to the next platform.

    These small details..

    Now my part...

    I really really despise the /join feature in a 3D environment like AQ3.

    While it is convenient, it's a bit obscure, because 2D use frames as I've said, so /join makes sense and looks sensible..
    3D is like travelling in real life, you need to ride/walk to places, take the train or ship or plane.

    It would be better in general for this game to use HUB teleportation (teleporting to hub towns you've VISITED).
    To get to an island town you can take a ship, to sky town an airship, to underground towns a minecart.

    Then once you ARE at a town, you can click a gate/teleport device of some sort, which allows you to teleport to the town in fast-travel from other devices you've accessed, for a small fee.

    One forumite HAS linked me to a FAQ where Cysero said he plans to do this, but the reason i'm still adding this in is because he said for ANY area, as in forests, caves, dungeons and I don't really like the sound of.
    He didn't say it was official, either (knowing AE they'll probably forget that).

    Wouldn't AE want the players to have fast-travel AND explore their areas too? That's why this idea works, you can fast-travel to HUBs you've visited, then explore the connected areas on your own to get a sense of adventure and immersion.

    Battleon, I know this is extremely early but it would add to the world for some NPCs to be standing in the city, auto AI pulling a cart or something, just these details can make a big difference.

    Like AE planned for AQW, a cycle of NPCs coming into Yulgars Inn with dailies, random shops etc.

    On topic of Yulgars Inn, make the bar stand ... look like a bar stand?
    It's so tiny against the whole area, it looks like you just copy and pasted it from AQW and made it 3D.

    Make it long, with some wooden cups and jugs on the surface, NPCs sitting on the stools and chatting, each with their own fun little descriptions.
    Make Yulgar stand behind the bar with two arms holding onto the surface, welcoming you into his inn..
    As for the seats and tables themselves, add NPCs there too, with some having mini-games like cards, chess or arm-wrestling?

    Just some features I feel like could've been done better or be added.
    You guys promise a lot of things but do not fulfill most of them..


    Arachnid -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 22:53:15)

    Really, the only thing that through me for a loop while playing was when I was in combat and I dodged my own heal.
    Body, why have your forsaken my life giving energy!?
    Why do I kill myself in this way? D=

    But, yeah. Don't think dodging heals is a feature that we want :P

    flashbang -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/5/2015 23:36:08)

    If you hold the secondary mouse button you can use that to turn, which is definitely a feature I like. Just clicking it once also sets the character in a way where (s)he is facing the way the camera is, so that the angle is behind the character.

    LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 5:16:35)

    Being in Alpha I hope changes can be implemented fast. I'm still not sure on what kind of game or experience the team is aiming for and because of that some of what I might say may contradict with the goal of the team.

    I'm curious as to how the classes will be developed. I hope that there will be more than 4 active skills because so far the combat feels eerily like AQW in 3D. I hope that AQ3D can offer a different experience than AQW.
    A few suggestions if it's okay:

    - I suggest that the classes will be more similar to AQ in such a way that the skills can be unlocked through quest; which can give explanations or lore on the skills, instead of simply grinding for experience. The classes should have more than 4 skills (both active and passive) and longer cooldown to have different rotations when it comes to different encounters. Although, one would argue that it might complicate battles.

    - Regarding the items, I like how the stats are attached to the item themselves and from what I remembered, items can be broken down or used to upgrade an existing item to retain its appearance and improve its stats. Is it possible for the game to have additional items slots like accessories (rings, amulets and etc.) and pants (so far items for the body is connected to the chest and legs of the character, I'm hoping for chest items and legs/pants items instead of fusing it into one slot) and asymmetrical shoulder items (two item slots for shoulders) and of course capes (self explanatory). I know all of these might take time to develop but having different variety of items can lead to a more "intense" (if that's the right word) experience especially to people who like to theorycraft specific builds/classes.

    So far, that's what I have in mind. I might have forgotten other things that I wanted to write. But so far, the game is amazing. The visual is really pleasing to the eyes and it can appeal to many players. I'm really interested on how things will turn out and its in 3D. That's a major step for the company!

    P.S. Is it possible for the game to have a more active combat; like what others have said where you can actively dodge attacks/spells? I don't know anything about coding and the like but can the Unity Player handle it?

    Foulman -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 5:50:07)

    I like RPGs, but one reason I can't really connect with them is the fact that the character I'm playing is right handed, and not LEFT HANDED. It's ok in side scrollers, but feels really weird in third person and first person type games. I'd love it if you could customise your character even more by choosing which hand they use to wield swords, wands, staves and all manner of one handed objects. This would be the perfect touch for a new game like AQ3D, and could really make it more memorable with this unique feature. Please think about this!

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 10:03:44)

    They've decided to add auto-walking... for some reason.
    I get it's convenient and makes the game easier but is easier what you want?

    I'm seriously doubting if Cysero (lead of AQ3D) is reading this thread at all..

    So many games use the auto-walk feature, it's too generic and overused, I thought AE wanted this game to be original, not a carbon-copy of a thousand MMOs..

    If they plan to remove these convenient features why do they even add them in the first place?
    Cysero is the one working on AQ3D, he should be the one reading these threads..

    Auto-walk is exactly like /join, it breaks the immersion, makes the game so easy, Cy said himself in the Doomwood video that if you don't want to use WASD just use auto-walk..
    Why wouldn't anyone want to use WASD...? It's part of the game, it's part of the PLAY

    Do AE want an original good fun game or an AQW3D with MMO cliches?
    Are they listening to dedicated players or AQW AFKers and gear hoarders?

    Do they want players to be involved and interactive with the game or just bored because of how EASY everything is and how they are spoiled by all these convenient features.

    If AE wants a bigger community, they need to step up their game.
    I'm sorry if I sounded rude, I am not trying to.

    David the Wanderer -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 10:15:15)

    @LyRein: I think you're overreacting. First of all, the presence of some widespread features won't make the game a carbon copy of other MMOs. But, if these features are widespread there is a reason, and the reason is that the audience likes it. However, adding a common feature doesn't means unique features won't be done.

    And personally, I don't think I ever used, or ever will, an "autowalk" feature. I get that it makes things a bit faster and easier, but I like full control over my character. In the end, whether other people will use it or not won't affect you directly, so no need to worry about it.

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 10:18:08)


    Why should other people have the luxury of auto-walking and I can't because I wanted an interactive game?

    Seriously, it doesn't matter anymore, it's the same with AQW, everyone started using /join, AFKed and the team just stopped adding paths to near cities because they knew everyone was using these convenient features now.

    If Cy hadn't added this feature no-one would've asked for it, simple as..
    This community is just agreeing to everything they do so the game comes out faster..

    megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 10:19:29)


    One: it's a option. If you can choose to do either having it in hurts nobody.

    Two: As someone who finds the whole WASD thing alien to him being a console player, I welcome it.

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 10:22:44)


    One: Read my post again

    Two: So you're saying you can't be bothered to learn the simplest thing in pc gaming history just cause?

    Three: I had to learn console controls as a pc gamer when going to my friend' house.
    I found it frustrating and consoles don't have an auto-walk button.
    When I learnt my controls I found it fun and interactive and looked back on how I said it needed an auto-control feature, I regret thinking about that idea now.

    WASD is four buttons, forward back left right.
    Controllers have many more buttons which you have to constantly move your fingers around so you don't mess up.

    LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 11:34:51)

    If you don't like it then don't use it. You can't spoil other people's fun because you don't like it. It is there for convenience sake and if people would abuse it, then people can report it.

    Azan -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 11:42:10)

    While I like really much this game so far, one suggestion I saw in this thread seems especially right to me: classes having more than four skills.

    I get how having few skills per class makes classes easier and faster to create, but as a regular DragonFable player, 4 skills a class seems very limited to me. What I'm suggesting is not turning the AQW-like classes we have right now into DF-like classes, since we know how time and effort-consuming DF classes are to make - even if in my humble opinion, they allow for the best fighting mechanics in AE, but that's a matter of personal preference! -, but maybe find a middle ground between the two? I think 6 or 8 skills a class allows for much more uniqueness than 4 skills.

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 12:56:33)


    It's fun to not be the one in control of your character?

    LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 13:41:27)

    You misinterpreted my sentence and I'm not implying that notion. What I am saying is that if you don't like a certain feature then don't use it. Each to their own.


    Why should other people have the luxury of auto-walking and I can't because I wanted an interactive game?

    If you are so adamant about the usage of such feature, then do NOT use it. Impose a set of rules ON yourself and NOT on everybody. It doesn't mean that it's there you are forced to use it.

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 13:51:58)


    You can't spoil other people's fun

    How does one misinterpret this...


    If you are so adamant about the usage of such feature, then do NOT use it. Impose a set of rules ON yourself and NOT on everybody. It doesn't mean that it's there you are forced to use it.

    I will be forced to use it, everyone will be using it and it will start to influence me that i'll start using it because it's "easier"
    Why should I have to be in control of my character when the AI can walk for me right?

    Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 14:11:46)


    They've decided to add auto-walking... for some reason.
    I get it's convenient and makes the game easier but is easier what you want?

    Why are you being so, for the lack of a better word, aggressive about this topic? It's just auto-run.

    A convenient feature doesn't make the game easier. Movement isn't exactly a difficult thing to do either. It's not something that requires much input. Auto-run is no different than auto-attack. Actually, no, it is. Auto-run is a purely optional feature there for the player's convenience. You don't have to use it and other people using it doesn't effect your experience.


    I'm seriously doubting if Cysero (lead of AQ3D) is reading this thread at all.

    (If you think that none of the development staff don't read these forums, you must be new here.)


    So many games use the auto-walk feature, it's too generic and overused, I thought AE wanted this game to be original, not a carbon-copy of a thousand MMOs.

    Also, just because AQ3D implements ideas and features that other games use, doesn't make them neither generic nor overused. A good idea is a good idea. Why should AE need to be innovative if there is something that is already proven to work? With that mentality, might as well get rid of WASD and camera controls since most PC games use WASD to move your character and the mouse to change camera positioning.


    If they plan to remove these convenient features why do they even add them in the first place?

    What makes you think they plan to remove "these convenient features"? Auto-run? Auto-run is probably here to stay. Do you mean the /join feature? As explained in Cysero's Alpha FAQ, /join is a temporary feature until they can implement a quick-travel system they have in mind. You need to remember that this is an Alpha. The game is not feature-complete, and won't be for several months. Even then, the game will continue to grow, expand, and change.


    Cysero is the one working on AQ3D, he should be the one reading these threads.

    There are plenty of devs working on AQ3D, many I'm sure frequent the forums and various social spaces. Even then, AE has plenty of community liasons that direct many of community's feedback to the devs.

    LouisCyphere -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 14:16:59)

    I don't want to insult anybody ,but if you are so easily influenced by the things that you don't like then you should act more mature. I don't like arguing with a teenager just because he doesn't like something. Everyone has their own opinion. This is already coming to a point of bickering and you should post something more constructive.

    Anyways, since where on the topic of traveling, are there any plans for mounts, flying or otherwise or a different form of transportation, like flying or hovering?

    LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Feedback Thread (8/6/2015 15:13:10)


    Why are you being so, for the lack of a better word, aggressive about this topic? It's just auto-run.

    I'm not trying to be aggressive, but if I see a feature that can give off a bad vibe about a game that I WANT to be good then I will complain about it


    (If you think that none of the development staff don't read these forums, you must be new here.)

    I didn't say that, at all..


    might as well get rid of WASD and camera controls since most PC games use WASD to move your character and the mouse to change camera positioning.

    An overused feature and basic controls are two different things, you NEED to be able to move in a game.
    You can't make movement controls original that's impossible other than changing the key bindings.

    You can make an original idea though [;)]


    What makes you think they plan to remove "these convenient features"? Auto-run? Auto-run is probably here to stay.

    If, is different than will


    There are plenty of devs working on AQ3D, many I'm sure frequent the forums and various social spaces. Even then, AE has plenty of community liasons that direct many of community's feedback to the devs.

    Well there has only been confirmed one, Dage does art part time..

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