Melissa4Bella -> =Undead Assault= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 18:16:58)
Welcome to the Undead Assault (Dis)Accomplishments thread! Have you beaten a monster lately? Have you lost when the monster had 1 hp left? Bought a cool new item today? Anything and everything about Undead Assault that makes you proud or extremely grumpy belongs in here! This is not a place for conversations but rather for declaring to the world you accomplishment or dis-accomplishment as the case may be. Here are a few ground rules to set up so that we are all on the same page! Thread Rules All Universal Forum Rules apply. Please no extended conversations. No "woot! first post!!11" type entries No embedded images. Please link to images or videos instead If you are experiencing problems, please report them in the Bug Tracker.