Jaania's Challenge (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Jaania's Challenge (8/10/2015 19:33:26)

Jaania's Challenge

Location: GEARS University -> Houses -> Runehawk -> Jaania -> Missions -> Challenge
Objective: You have done well to defeat your house leader! Return later if you wish to try again!
Requirements: Join Runehawk House
Release Date: August 7th, 2015

  • [url=]Jaania[/url]

  • Jaania

    Jaania: While we do not seek out battle, our quest for knowledge means we must be prepared for it.
    Jaania: As leader of this house, the task is mine to test those members who are going out into the universe away from G.E.A.R.S..
    Jaania: If you defeat me then I will gift you with one of my weapons. It's one of my favorites and it should serve you well.

  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Challenge

    Reward Shop:
  • Jaania's Challenge Reward Shop

  • Page: [1]

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