Aim Assist core (Full Version)

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Thylek Shran -> Aim Assist core (9/17/2015 3:42:17)

Something is wrong with Deflection when using the Aim Assist core (for aux).
I get way to many deflections with my auxiliary like as I would
get if not using this core. Just lost 5 duels in row because of this
anomaly and it happend very often before since weeks.

My opponents was malfed and had 80 Technology left while I had
69 + Aim Assist (7*5=35) which should be 104 Technology.
So it was their 80 vs my 104 Technology which is a difference of 24.
If the base Deflection chance is still 10% and the 5% (24/5)
do get subtracted the Deflection chance was 5%. But it was
50% in the last 5 duels which is very unlikely to be by accident.
The opponents did not had the Deflection core on their armor.

shadow.bane -> RE: Aim Assist core (9/17/2015 18:25:12)

you do math xD

nowras -> RE: Aim Assist core (9/24/2015 2:07:31)

That's not a bug

I think the devs increased the luck chances by 5x after the update
btw thylek unblock me on twitter lol

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