RE: Pirate Trobble Game (Full Version)

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stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/26/2016 15:46:47)

Thanks for re-opening the pub captain...I always hate to see a closed pub!

Seems like we have 5 non movers now in the top 13 since the pub shut down.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/28/2016 4:01:12)

@captain so what exactly was the problem with it?
@above who are you counting as non-movers?
peachii hasn't really been active
me, niki, sathorn & landlubber are kinda stuck in our positions for now unless i let niki pass me again

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/28/2016 9:07:00)

^ nice jump from 62 to 65 Islands, redeemed stocked resources?

I'm *trying* not to be obsessed or spend too much time on this (with not too much luck).

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/28/2016 10:56:22)

@ ShadowMoon

The non movers since the pub closed its doors are Peachi, Afterlifex, Chronomancer_Kor, PyroPuppy and FullMetal.

As in they have not done a single mission since the pub was closed.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/28/2016 17:10:43)

well, peachii stopped before the pub went down.

^ nice jump from 62 to 65 Islands, redeemed stocked resources?

I'm *trying* not to be obsessed or spend too much time on this (with not too much luck).

yeah, now to horde once more.

kors -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/28/2016 19:24:47)

Well I basically quit cause there wasn't much going on and IRL I got busy.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/3/2016 21:33:17)

Playing this almost feels like playing Settlers of Catan. "I need Brick! I need Coin! I need to build another ship!"

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/6/2016 11:59:12)

Is it just me or should the % rate of brick missions be massively increased?

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/6/2016 15:00:21)


As most of the missions have been made by the players and not by the Captain, if you think more missions for a certain item are needed then why not develop missions for that resource so they can be added to the "mission pool"? In the end as far as I can see, it seems like you will always find a resource that you are low on if it is a repeated resource for the next island. The only solution I see would be that there would need to be more than the 5 resources we currently farm

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/8/2016 8:15:00)

I've made tons of brick missions, but I am still not getting any. I think the mission pool is too wide for one person to really change anything. That's why I'm suggesting that the game figures in the number of each mission type and balances the mission type rate overall.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/8/2016 15:11:30)

I think one of the main issues is that with the 5 resources we are farming, if islands are made which require the maximum of each, the level of that island is lvl 74. So maybe what we need are some new resources so the pool is bigger and you get some more range of requirements...and the ones you dont use are being banked.

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/9/2016 6:15:02)

I believe the opposite. The problem is that we're struggling to get one or two of a resource to get through an island; if you make even more resource types, that problem will increase.

It takes me a few days to get through one early-level island as a casual player. Maybe 5% of the missions I get have bricks; most are smiles and gems, and the gems are almost never required by islands.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/9/2016 12:30:05)

@ Rezilia,

I do not know what island level you are a,t but for the current higher level islands they are either 3 resources at 400 each or 4 resources at 300+ each. Either way there is always at least one or two resources pretty much depleted. There also seems to be more possibility of repeat islands. I have visited one particular island 21 times and once got it 6 times in a row!

May be what could be an idea would be a wildcard resource that you could use as anything...Or we wait until the Captain introduces the resource trade system that he has planned, though as the Captain is very busy with other game issues that may take a while.

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/20/2016 19:13:05)

Perhaps every time a mission is completed, we get a small bundle of some other random resource?

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (2/29/2016 17:15:21)

i won't be able to play this until my landlord gets a new router from comcast. the library is too limited in time & i got to much to do. would be so much easier if my labtop's screen wasn't busted...

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