Hide Other Characters permanently (Full Version)

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Thylek Shran -> Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 12:02:26)

Low Performance: Hide Other Characters

I suggest to make this system settings option permanently storable and not
temporary. The base setting after an update could still be non activated.

When players get disconnected and relog they often forget to hide other
characters. Now during the gifting days this is very problematic as it does
mean 5 minutes waiting when entering a crowded area or another
disconnection because of browser memory overflow and lag.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 14:03:05)


Mother1 -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 15:01:34)

I support this. Even when I do hide all other characters when I do make it in it takes so long to load and sometimes I even get disconnected due to this.

dfo99 -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 15:50:43)

dude, the game typos still says the rage ignore 45% of defenses and there is many others outdated, the npcs levels don't make any sense and means nothing, the wars and omega phase don't even need to talk about. then, under this circunstancies you really expect any attention from the devs side to fix asap this "insignificant" problem?

The berserker killer -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 16:21:36)

Well if this can get implemented I suggest making all options permanently enabled instead of just this.

Optimise -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 19:18:30)

Supported. Adding the functionality to save in-game settings permanently (not only the 'hide characters') should not be too hard or arduous to implement. Everyone would greatly appreciate it if it was implemented during this event as this is the time where we all access the settings menu more frequently. The reasons as to why this should be implemented were quite clearly outlined above, and I fully agree with them. Sometimes we lose connection, or log back in after a long period of inactivity (being AFK), thus we log back in and rush back into the world where the gifting is occurring, in situations like this we tend not to switch characters off again because we remember doing so once before when we were logged in. The consequences of entering a full world of 80+ players with characters not hidden is quite obvious, it causes an immense amount of lag, disconnections, etc...


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/16/2015 19:32:14)

I do find it strange that those don't save so when the Dev's get back in tomorrow I will bring it up

The berserker killer -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/17/2015 0:08:16)

Funny how people start caring when getting money is involved.

Optimise -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/17/2015 3:46:02)


Funny how people start caring when getting money is involved.


I do no want to start a flame war and proceed off-topic, but I felt like addressing your concern as I believe it was partially aimed towards me. I rarely contribute to suggestions or discussions on this forum, however I do very often observe it. I would not want to contribute to pointless suggestions/discussions that either have no meaning to it or will not get implemented to the game. I considered to post on this particular suggestion because I thought it should be fairly easy to implement for the developers and may require a small amount of work, and also to raise awareness of this suggestion so that they actually take a brief look into this for us. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that all suggestions or discussions are fruitless and invaluable, most suggestions have the potential to get implemented in the actual game.

Having played since the beta phase I am quite aware of how things work around here, and I only returned to ED from my small break earlier this year. Perhaps my subconscious has led me to this only suggestion because the gifting event is currently taking place of which this suggestion is related to. I log-in to ED every now and then, and have been quite active now since the gifting event started this year which prompted me to post here. It's nice seeing around old faces during this event, but to be honest, I do not really care about 'getting money' or 'earning credits' in-game seeing as I've experienced most of what this game has to offer. I do also tend to post on the bugs or Q&A forums to address peoples concerns whenever I possibly can. Nonetheless, a post is a post and at the very least contributes to a subject. If you believe that I myself am not contributing to suggestions or balance discussions, then that's fine, because it is quite true, but do keep in mind that I am partially active and only post if I'm willing to. Everyone's opinion counts, doesn't matter whether it's in the suggestions or balance forums.

Rather than starting a war by replying to my post, please do PM me to further discuss this if you will.

Thank you.


The berserker killer -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/17/2015 13:08:50)

I apologize but I stopped reading when you thought I was referring to you. I wasn't. BUt if the shoe fits feel free to gladly lace it up. It was not directed to you in any way shape or form

Mother1 -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/17/2015 13:34:01)


Let me guess? Every one of your balance suggestions (which you have been suggesting) to help improve the game continuously get shot down by either guess staff or others who don't agree, yet here we have another suggestion which has to deal with another factor of the game getting instant support and even getting sent to the guess staff? (If I am wrong correct me if I am)

The berserker killer -> RE: Hide Other Characters permanently (12/17/2015 13:47:11)

No it's not that. I don't mind when my suggestions are shot down. Its just that the specificity of this thread was solely based on the premise of greed. Instead of encouraging all settings to be saved, the OP (nothing against you thylek, its just the way people are now) asked for one specific function.

I mean of course ask for this specific function, it's the one that's stopping players the most from making money.

So my problem i guess is that when moneys involved things get implemented much faster (EDIT: God forbid I mention how fast they implemented the "create codes" feature after gifting) , and people focus on the simple earning money aspect as opposed to something long term that would be beneficial to the game (instead of just saving that one feature, why not save them all. Afterall, this suggestion was created on the premise that it's "costing" some players money that they could earn from gifting. Which means, should this get implemented in the next week, that speed won't be because of how simple it is. It's because of the topic at hand: money. Meanwhile, simple features that can help this game everyday such as seeing your own wins and your faction leader being able to see every players in his factions individual wins have been overlooked for the past year.

Is it costing anyone money? No, so I guess it's not important.

Don't get me wrong, love the idea just hate the premise on which it was created.

So is it jealousy? Not really, just disappointed at the closed-mindedness nowadays. Yeah, you can make the argument that the suggestion was just thought of since gifting just returned, but it was still created for the wrong reasons and should've been extended to all features.

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