Lord Machaar -> RE: Rank 100 Varium Shop (12/18/2015 16:19:14)
@Mother1: I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a legendary-like system, at all, I mean through out ED history, there was something that gave a bunch of players advantage over others, notably in Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, there was varium (cash), majorely represented by unique OP varium weapons alongside enhancements. This system was purely a pay to win one. And then we have Omega with legendary system (time), a play to win system, majorely represented by ranks. Devs replaced enhancements with ranks, now the thing is here, everyone agrees that ranks are better, because they are more fair, but is it always the case? sure under 2 conditions: - If it wasn't abused (by botting). - If it didn't create huge gaps on long term. Legendary system in the short term is great, since after its release, all players will be close to each other, no big gaps, and even if any player just hits 40 3 - 6 months after the release, he or she will still have a chance to rank up, since the advantage gap is not that important. But on the long term, 2 years for instance, this system is a total fail, especially if there isn't regular repairing or at least monthly patches, and since we don't have any of these thanks to the huge amount of dedicated testers we have, this system will become even worst. (At least the underdog mode saved the situation, for a bit). But then the real argument is, if it's better keeping the legendary system or removing it?, the answer to this question could've been easier if ED was really balanced but it isn't, since if you remove the advantage, all players will end up having exactly the same amount of stats, and skill trees, same weapons, same builds, same everything, exposing the true issues of balance so luck factors then would be way more broken, especially when it comes to who starts first, ofcourse I'm not sure if ED without legendary system would be better or not, unless a tester does that for us, but I think they already did and found out it's worst. We could've dodged all these problems by introducing a balance-friendly, legendar system-like, all while satisfying the needs of no lifers with different harmless systems that I mentioned before, but then it's too late to say this, sure such systems is here, but we don't have enough testers to create a new balance friendly system to replace legendary system, or remove the legendary system itself since it is too late.