Lord Machaar -> RE: Promo Skill Cores, not promo weapons (3/14/2016 8:13:48)
Art is not a problem. We have tons of guest artists. The problem as mentioned by SSM and said by devs, it is the making of cores and their programmation. Sadly we don't have guest programmers. Devs knew that making cores is a hard task, yet decided to implement them. This just adds up to the tons of mistakes done by devs due to the weakness of their long term planification. It happened with the legendary system, a system that is perfect on the short term (There aren't many high rank players) but without further balance, it becomes awful on the long term. Same goes for cores, cores are perfect on the short term (in this case when devs are working on them). But on the long term, when devs decide to build other features or do something else, cores will become a balance problem rather than a variety-increasing one. One word. Azrael's Anguish. There aren't active sidearm cores that compete with it, hence making it broken. Cores can also fix balance problems, when strenght builds were OP, Kartherax's Darkspawn has perfectly fixed it, without touching anything in-game. ED's developpement is on hold. This suggestion wouldn't be feasible. If there is something easier I would suggest. Unlock all locked cores on all weapons (except bots) and bring back mocking versions of rare ones.