=ED= Official Boss Build Thread (Full Version)

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Teufel Hunden -> =ED= Official Boss Build Thread (3/15/2016 17:28:52)

Hey Everyone! Da Bomb Expert (Teufel Hunden) here. I have been here since early beta days and there is one thing that will never change. That one thing is the want, the need, the determination to defeat the bosses, NPC's, etc. and gain the title and rating points from them! There has always been one thing in the way and that has been the inability to find the right build to do so! This thread helps alleviate that struggle by the community coming together to better one another through the use of assistance. I know deep down this community wants the best for each other even if they dont show it sometimes, but we are here for each other and this is a small step in a series of many that will further our community :).

Here is where i will keep the builds up to date on who has beaten them and with what build (they will provide me with the builds)

I will post for all bosses the different classes people won with and what build.

Bido - "Friendly Robot"

Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:

Bounty Hunter: Link To Zakalin BH Build (posted below)

HP: 880
EP: 622
Str: 60 + 12
Dex: 70 + 33
Tech: 60 + 33
Supp: 18 + 0
Focus: 0

1 - 1 - 2
1 - 6 - Max
7 - 0 - Max
0 - 0 - 0

Primary 476-504 Alpha Blade
Sidearm 470-498 Alpha Blaster
Auxiliary 416-424 Yuletide Terror
Robot 341-376 Blood Hawk P
Def 294-353 Ebil Hazard Husk
Resistance 374-429 Ebil Hazard Husk

Armor core: Ninja Reflexes and Generator
Defense = 0
Resistance = 100

Cyber Hunter:
Emperor Eon Level 40 Rank 2

God of War - Regular

Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:
Mr. Black OP's Build Lvl 36+
Explanation for build given by User:

Since this was nearly 160 rounds I'll explain how to use it. Start off with technician, this will give you resistance for plasma grenade, overload, plasma rain and plasma bolt. Then use assimilate, frost shards, and heal if you have too. Use technician again, battery back up, assimilate, energy shot, then heal. Use: Technician, battery, assimilate, and heal. Rinse and repeat till his energy is at 0. I did have to use hazmat's ability due to him critting twice in a row, however a generator may be enough (if someone wants to try it). Once his energy is at 0 it's easy. You have DM in case he gets a few lucky crits and your heal isn't ready (do NOT use it over and over, you will run low on energy and can't heal), gun will be your main source of damage followed by aux, use assimilate once he is around 130+ energy. attempts. Pyro Fly's ability was used and disabled bludgeon, wouldn't have made a significant difference either way, but if you decide to use the ability bludgeon or fire scythe are the two you want to take out to limit physical damage while draining his energy. Other bots I'd use are cyber yeti to prevent damage or (dark) botanical hazard to speed up killing him once his energy is 0.

Bounty Hunter:
K Kirito Level 40/ Rank 1

Level: 40 (Rank 1)

Max Health - 750
Max Energy - 630
Strength - 20 + 0
Dexterity - 146 + 35
Technology - 50 + 35
Support - 20 + 14

Primary - Celtic Cleaver with Energy Storm
Sidearm - Azreal's Anguish P with Aim Assist
Auxiliary - Dread Desolater E with Aim Assist
Robot - Dark Botanical Hazard
Armor - Basic Armor with Critical Heal and Generator, with 50-70 distribution

Skill Tree:
3 - M - 1
3 - 6 - M
3 - 1 - 5
0 - 0 - 0


Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:
Mr. Black OP - Lvl 38

This build comes down to luck, I've lost several times due to crits+stuns. But once you get the energy down to 0 as long as he doesn't crit 3x in a row you will be fine.

Mr. Erebus Level 40/Rank 3


Just a warning to you reader, this boss CRITS A LOT. So better not risk on taking another hit when your at low HP coz he might crit you lethally. Just like how you beat Saeva Lionhart, you need to use TECHNICIAN on your first turn until he is have zero energy. All you have to do is to TANK UP by using technician all the time and HEAL BATTERY LOOP until he reaches zero energy. You dont have to attack unless you've done all these. Even if u have rage, DONT USE THE RAGE if you dont havent used technician or healing up. Use ASSIMILATION as well to help deplete his energy even faster. Once you he's out of energy, you dont have to use technician "BUT" watch out for his gun since thats his only energy damage and he can caught you off-guard if you think he cant kill you when you are low HP. So you have to watch out of when he can use his gun. Dont risk at low HP, you better heal up or use technician, coz he can crit with his gun. I still suggest to have Critical Heal armor core to fight him. Good luck

Bounty Hunter:


Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:
Mr Black OP Lvl 36+: Frost Shards / Piston Punch / Energy Shot

Bounty Hunter:

Saeva Lionhart

Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:
Mr. Erebus Level 40/Rank 3


So heres my tip. First of all, it is important to use TECHNICIAN in your first turn. ALWAYS use technician until he reaches near ZERO ENERGY and when hes out of energy, you dont have to use technician anymore coz when hes out of energy he only do PHYSICAL DAMAGE. You need to HEAL BATTERY LOOP to survive until he's low on energy. ALWAYS use ASSIMILATION as it can help to deplete his energy faster. CONTINUE TO USE ASSIMILATION even if he is low on energy coz he can regenerate when you attack and he might caught you off guard with a strong energy attack. ALWAYS rage with GUN or AUX. I suggest to have a CRITICAL HEAL armor core so that when he almost killed you, you can heal with FULL HP. Also, DONT use other skills other than HEAL, BATTERY, TECHNICIAN and ASSIMIATION.

EDIT: By the way, DONT HEAL REVONTHEUS! You dont need him *Thuglife*

Bounty Hunter: Paige Level 40/Rank 19 Build

Dage The Evil

Tact Merc: Nowras (.Darkness Lord.) Level 40/ Rank 25+

Max Health - 1100
Max Energy - 620
Strength - 18 + 0 +6
Dexterity - 128 + 35 +6
Technology - 40 + 35
Support - 22 + 14 +6

Primary - Any P sword. +6 Str core (Recommended)
Sidearm - Any P gun. +6 Dex core (Required)
Auxiliary - Any P Aux. +6 Support core (Strongly Recommended)
Robot - Pyro Fly
Armor - Any Armor with Critical heal and generator (30-90)

Skill Tree:
9 - 1 - 10
4 - 3 - 1
0 - 1 - 10
0 - 0 - 3

Required Legendary mode points:
Max defense
Max Resistance
Level 5+ NPC Armor.

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:

Bounty Hunter:

Legendary M4TR1X

Tact Merc:

Blood Mage:

Tech Mage:
MR. Black OP // Tech mage Level40 Rank 1

Used Critcial Heal, Strength, Dex, and Support boost. Use pyro to get rid of bludgeon.

Bounty Hunter:

Proof of defeating bosses(if users decide to give proof):
Proof of Defeating God of War (Regular)
Proof of Defeating Zedmyr
Zakalin receiving Bido Achievement
Proof of defeating Saeva Lionhart
Proof of defeating Zedmyr
Video Proof of defeating Dage The Evil (15minutes)
Proof of defeating Bido
Proof of Defeating Legendary M4TR1X

To submit your build:
A picture showing your stats and skill tree

you can post it in a comment down below, you can pm me it, however you wish to submit it!

More bosses/npc's will be added when more are requested. These are just the most requested ones. Once i receive the builds or find them i will post them for all to see.

Good luck in your future endeavors and battle on!

~Da Bomb Expert
~Teufel Hunden

Tagged! ~Battle Elf

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Boss Build Thread (3/22/2016 19:06:53)

Name: Mr. Black OP
Level/Rank: 36
Class: tech mage
A picture showing your stats and skill tree
Lv36 TM Build used to beat Alexis, used piston punch, energy shot, and frost shards.
I am positive this can also work a few levels lower, I was healing for max health almost the entire battle once his energy hit 0.

I have another build used to kill shoggoth, big tuna, and spider as well (will probably work on caden, titan and NW too, haven't tested it yet), will post soon.

For God of War Regular
Name: Mr. Black OP
Level/Rank: 36
Class: TM
A picture showing your stats and skill tree: http://s15.postimg.org/tqt6laawr/Screenshot_4.png

Proof: http://s16.postimg.org/8v89vy3r9/Screenshot_3.png

Since this was nearly 160 rounds I'll explain how to use it. Start off with technician, this will give you resistance for plasma grenade, overload, plasma rain and plasma bolt. Then use assimilate, frost shards, and heal if you have too. Use technician again, battery back up, assimilate, energy shot, then heal. Use: Technician, battery, assimilate, and heal. Rinse and repeat till his energy is at 0. I did have to use hazmat's ability due to him critting twice in a row, however a generator may be enough (if someone wants to try it). Once his energy is at 0 it's easy. You have DM in case he gets a few lucky crits and your heal isn't ready (do NOT use it over and over, you will run low on energy and can't heal), gun will be your main source of damage followed by aux, use assimilate once he is around 130+ energy. Pyro Fly's ability was used and disabled bludgeon, wouldn't have made a significant difference either way, but if you decide to use the ability bludgeon or fire scythe are the two you want to take out to limit physical damage while draining his energy. Other bots I'd use are cyber yeti to prevent damage or (dark) botanical hazard to speed up killing him once his energy is 0.

For Zedmyr
Name: Mr. Black OP
Level/Rank: 38
Class: TM
A picture showing your stats and skill tree: http://s24.postimg.org/eb9c5mgbp/Screenshot_6.png
Proof: http://s29.postimg.org/lgng76tmf/Screenshot_5.png
This build comes down to luck, I've lost several times due to crits+stuns. But once you get the energy down to 0 as long as he doesn't crit 3x in a row you will be fine.

Merged posts ~Battle Elf

For Matrix
Name: Mr. Black OP
Level/Rank: 40 Rank 1
Class: TM
Build: http://s32.postimg.org/u7de6203p/Screenshot_8.png Used Critcial Heal, Strength, Dex, and Support boost. Use pyro to get rid of bludgeon.
Proof: http://s32.postimg.org/5tdq5qwjp/Screenshot_7.png

Daph Duck -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/13/2016 22:53:46)

Name: turning paiges.
Level/Rank: 40/19
Class: bountie hunter
A picture showing your stats and skill tree
here is easy build to beet seava lion heart no ranks necessary. just spam energy shield and static granade and heal and stop using energy shield wen he has no energies left.

link: http://s23.postimg.org/71xieuo7v/Screen_Shot_2016_04_13_at_7_51_17_PM.png

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/14/2016 0:29:13)

Awesome thanks for the addition Paige! I integrated it into the post and keep them coming whenever you have one! :)

~Teufel Hunden
~Da Bomb Expert

rejaylob -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/14/2016 1:24:07)

Name: Mr.Erebus
Level/Rank: 40/3
Class: TechMage

BUILD: http://i.imgur.com/5VFGMkj.jpg

PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/Cp6JexP.jpg

How to beat Saeva Lionhart:

So heres my tip. First of all, it is important to use TECHNICIAN in your first turn. ALWAYS use technician until he reaches near ZERO ENERGY and when hes out of energy, you dont have to use technician anymore coz when hes out of energy he only do PHYSICAL DAMAGE. You need to HEAL BATTERY LOOP to survive until he's low on energy. ALWAYS use ASSIMILATION as it can help to deplete his energy faster. CONTINUE TO USE ASSIMILATION even if he is low on energy coz he can regenerate when you attack and he might caught you off guard with a strong energy attack. ALWAYS rage with GUN or AUX. I suggest to have a CRITICAL HEAL armor core so that when he almost killed you, you can heal with FULL HP. Also, DONT use other skills other than HEAL, BATTERY, TECHNICIAN and ASSIMIATION.

EDIT: By the way, DONT HEAL REVONTHEUS! You dont need him [8D] *Thuglife*


BUILD: http://i.imgur.com/OevMNfX.jpg

PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/ssuQM0i.jpg

How to beat Zedmyr:

Just a warning to you reader, this boss CRITS A LOT. So better not risk on taking another hit when your at low HP coz he might crit you lethally. Just like how you beat Saeva Lionhart, you need to use TECHNICIAN on your first turn until he is have zero energy. All you have to do is to TANK UP by using technician all the time and HEAL BATTERY LOOP until he reaches zero energy. You dont have to attack unless you've done all these. Even if u have rage, DONT USE THE RAGE if you dont havent used technician or healing up. Use ASSIMILATION as well to help deplete his energy even faster. Once you he's out of energy, you dont have to use technician "BUT" watch out for his gun since thats his only energy damage and he can caught you off-guard if you think he cant kill you when you are low HP. So you have to watch out of when he can use his gun. Dont risk at low HP, you better heal up or use technician, coz he can crit with his gun. I still suggest to have Critical Heal armor core to fight him. Good luck [:D]

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/14/2016 2:08:33)

Congrats on defeating Saeva lionhart!!! Thanks for the build and good luck on future bosses!

~Teufel hunden
~Da Bomb Expert

c1729 -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/17/2016 7:06:29)

Multi Purpose Bounty Hunter Boss Build.

Level: 40 (Rank 1)

Max Health - 750
Max Energy - 630
Strength - 20 + 0
Dexterity - 146 + 35
Technology - 50 + 35
Support - 20 + 14

Primary - Celtic Cleaver with Energy Storm
Sidearm - Azreal's Anguish P with Aim Assist
Auxiliary - Dread Desolater E with Aim Assist
Robot - Dark Botanical Hazard
Armor - Basic Armor with Critical Heal and Generator, with 50-70 distribution

Skill Tree:
3 - M - 1
3 - 6 - M
3 - 1 - 5
0 - 0 - 0

The build is mainly meant for God of War (Regular) and Seava Lionheart, however this deals with all the non-legendary bosses. Only GoW requires level 40.
Seava Lionheart is beatable at level 37, by removing 5 points from technology, 2 from support, and 10 from dexterity, remove the skill points from cheap shot.
Beats Noragh as well, but I would recommend shifting armor to fully Energy for that.

Start with Energy Shield and loop it until the NPC runs out of energy, drain when the NPC is at about 170 energy or so.
While the NPC still has energy drain immediately once Static Grenade is available, unless you are forced to shield or heal.

I'll try to add my level 35 Alexis build, level 35 Bido Build, and level 29 Deuce build as soon as I find it. (All Bounty Hunter)

~ Enrich

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/18/2016 1:56:49)

Thanks Kirito (Enrich) ! Updated post with your build for GOW :)

nowras -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/18/2016 18:17:45)

Level: 40 Rank 25 (Required)
Class: TLM

Build for Dage The Evil.

Max Health - 1100
Max Energy - 620
Strength - 18 + 0 +6
Dexterity - 128 + 35 +6
Technology - 40 + 35
Support - 22 + 14 +6

Primary - Any P sword. +6 Str core (Recommended)
Sidearm - Any P gun. +6 Dex core (Required)
Auxiliary - Any P Aux. +6 Support core (Strongly Recommended)
Robot - Pyro Fly
Armor - Any Armor with Critical heal and generator (30-90)

Skill Tree:
9 - 1 - 10
4 - 3 - 1
0 - 1 - 10
0 - 0 - 3

Required Legendary mode points:
Max defense
Max Resistance
Level 5+ NPC Armor.

Check this video for the strategy.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/20/2016 22:05:57)

Updated Thanks nowras!!! Im sure many players were waiting for some help on this one!

c1729 -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/21/2016 18:31:36)

Fast BH and TLM build for Legendary Merged Dragonoid

Player 1
Class: Bounty Hunter
Level: 40 (Rank 1)

Max Health - 850
Max Energy - 630
Strength - 20 + 0
Dexterity - 134 + 35
Technology - 54 + 35
Support - 20 + 14

Primary - Azreal's Spirit with Energy Storm
Sidearm - Azreal's Anguish E with Aim Assist
Auxiliary - Dread Desolater E with Aim Assist
Robot - Dark Botanical Hazard
Armor - The Endless Armor with Generator (0-120 distribution)

Skill Tree:
5 - M - 1
1 - 6 - M
3 - 1 - 5
0 - 0 - 0

Initially, loop drain to once every 5 turns, heal whenever your health is under 300. Once he is out of energy, drain when ever he is at just under 200 Energy. Use Poison whenever possible as it will be the main source of damage.

Player 2
Class: Tactical Mercenary
Level: 40 (Rank 1)

Max Health - 1025
Max Energy - 620
Strength - 20 + 0
Dexterity - 116 + 35
Technology - 54 + 35
Support - 26 + 14

Primary - Azreal's Spirit with Energy Storm
Sidearm - Azreal's Anguish E with Aim Assist
Auxiliary - Dread Desolater E with Aim Assist
Robot - Pyro Fly
Armor - The Endless Armor with Generator (0-120 distribution)

Skill Tree:
7 - 1 - M
6 - 1 - 1
0 - 1 - M
0 - 1 - 4

Loop Mineral Armor & Battery Backup continuously. On Rage, use only Frenzy. Heal at appropriate times. (approx. 400 Health)

TLM build inspiration: Wizeman; TLM build credits: Alley Cat

~ Enrich

comicalbike -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/26/2016 12:02:21)

thank you for dage the evil build it worked great thank you again comicalbike

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/26/2016 13:41:33)

Thanks to Nowras (.DarknessLord.) for the build addition and to DeathNightmare for the creation of it! And congrats on beating dage! Way to go! Glad this helped you succeed in your journey through Delta V

Striker44 -> RE: Boss Build Thread (5/12/2016 4:27:22)

Any build to beat M4tr1x as cyber ?

Lord Machaar -> RE: Boss Build Thread (5/12/2016 8:53:25)

^ Kinda impossible, especially for a low rank player.

Darkness lord's build is actually Deathnightmare's build for pre-nerfed LGOW (similar to Dage the evil now), so credits goes to him. I think you should've mentioned his name at least.

nowras -> RE: Boss Build Thread (6/26/2016 8:01:33)

Yea, it's Deathnightmare's build for pre-nerfed LGOW (Exact stats) but, I was the first to use high dex/def low tech/resis but, I didn't win because I didn't have NPC armor then you told me to use it and won from the 2nd try against pre-nerfed LGOW.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (6/27/2016 1:44:55)

well good on you nowras (darkness lord) !!! Great job on defeating the boss and i put your build into the thread! keep up the good work and see you around!

Ms.Deluxe -> RE: Boss Build Thread (9/4/2016 8:54:53)

help me defeat brachylagus and kharterax on 31 lvl bounty hunter
sword: blood hawk salyer p
gun:azreal anugish E
Aux:dread desolator E

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Boss Build Thread (9/4/2016 23:17:56)

Ill be on the lookout for a build for you, but if you were a different class it might make it more feasible due to the fact BH isnt very strong for bosses.

shadow.bane -> RE: Boss Build Thread (11/5/2016 9:31:47)

Legendary Titan's build :

Level 40 rank 20 required With this build and ranks on max defense and resistance.

Dex boosters are strongly recommended and u can also use support boosters (optional).

Generator and critical heal for armor (0 - 120).

Good luck in advance for those who did not beat it yet.

Legendary Dage The Evil's Build (my version of it "414" rounds) :

Level 40 rank 30 required With this build and ranks on max defense,resistance and NPC's armor.

Use all Physical weapons (this is the pre-nerfed legendary god of war's build which i used the same on dage but with P weapons)

Str, dex and support boosters are a must (strongly recommended) armors on (0 -120) with critical heal and generator.

Done him in 414 rounds which i believe is the fastest (can anyone confirm?).

Good luck in advance for those who did not beat it yet.

coolboyelazizy -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/10/2020 15:59:55)

Is it possible to beat any of the current Legendary NPCs as a BM?
I can't seem to have any luck with them.

TheHULK -> RE: Boss Build Thread (4/12/2020 3:20:56)

EPIC: Same can BM even kill legendary bosses? do i have to switch back to cyber?

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