=MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (Full Version)

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Gingkage -> =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/5/2016 18:03:08)

As it turns out, yes, we can. Hello! For anyone who doesn't yet know me, I'm Sera Blackwell er... I mean Gingkage, newest member of the RP AKs.

For those of you familiar with MTAKs, y'all know the drill. For those who don't, MTAK stands for 'Meet the ArchKnight' and as the name implies, this is the thread to spam me with questions ask questions about almost any and everything under the sun, which, if they are within the rules, I will answer with This lovely color by editing your posts.

However, I did say 'almost' so here are some groundrules:

1: As in every thread, the Universal Forum Rules are in effect.
2: Try not to ask repeat questions. If I see a repeat, I'll direct you to the post I answered that question in.
3: Ten questions per post.
4: Given the low activity of the forums at current, I'll allow two posts per page, but do not double-post.

Here are some questions I'll answer for free:

The name 'Gingkage' came from a typo when I was, I'm embarrassed to admit now, going through a Japanese faze. The name was meant to be 'Ginkage', but I added an extra 'g' by mistake, and the name grew on me.
I do not officially claim any AE game as my favorite, though the three linked below this post are the three I have played the most.
My favorite colors are an even tie between red, black, and blue.
Yes, wolves really are my favorite animal.

And that's it for my long-winded introduction. Feel free to ask questions now. As a last bit of business, I have every intention of hopefully getting to the posts in the RPA that have not been approved yet within the next couple of days, so for those of you that this applies to, keep an eye out for that. I'm glad to be in this forum, and hope to help keep it a fun and creative place.

Starflame13 -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/5/2016 18:09:54)

Gingkage! Yay! *runs around and tosses cupcakes, before delivering a giant tea platter equipped with honey*
Tea! Star, you know me so well. :D

One, customary congratulations, though you always do spectacularly, regardless of the forum they have you chained too :P (Do the chains get upgraded with each additional forum?)
Chains? What chains? I don't have any- *looks at shackles on her wrists* Where did these come from?! D: Help! Yes, they do. They get new links added so that I can move to each of my forums.

Since we're in the RP thread, are you planning on participating in the EC's this coming year?
Ah... let me get back to you on that one?

Either way, which elements (let's stick with the traditional 8) do you have a preference for?
Fire. I don't know the reason why, but it's pretty much always been my favorite element. It's beautiful and powerful and elegant. Also my character Gingkage is a Fire mage.

If you could have one animal as a pet (BESIDES a wolf, cause, well, wolf), with the guarantee it would not attack and was already house trained, what would it be?
Hm... *looks at her dog* I'm going to go with 'dog.'

Don't really have too much else to ask at this point, but congratz again and best of luck! (just in case).
Thank you, Star. I hope to do a good job here.

*tosses some treats to Blaze and flies out*

Kellehendros -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/5/2016 18:28:27)

Congrats, Gingkage, always good to see a bit of movement around here. Hope this means we'll be seeing a bit more of you in the future. Enjoyed working with you on Hallows.

I'll be seeing you around. *Tips hat*

San Robin -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/6/2016 11:12:16)

Gratz on the new shackles board!!
Now... questions!
Do I have to?

1. Purple?

2. Cheese?

3. Purple cheese?
All yours.

4. What's your favorite kind of wolf?
I love them all. But if I had to pick one... arctic or timber.

5. Getting tired of these questions yet?
Cheese. We both AK a Q&A forum. I don't think I'm allowed to get tired of questions.

6. You sure?
Pretty sure.

7. ok, then.

6. somehow I feel like I'm making a mistake in this post...

9. It's probably nothing :)

10. Looking forward to watching this board? :)
Yep! :D

Remaint -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/7/2016 11:24:30)

Chains? I suspect you are into bondage! Sounds nice. Alongside Fire? Sounds hot. Do you write erotic fiction? >:D
Ah... no.

You like wolves; what animal do you dislike?
I like most animals. Or more specifically, most mammals. Mammals and lizards are my favorite. I'm not big on insects, though, and am absolutely terrified of spiders.

How does Gingkage(the character~) like to dress?
In battle or out? In battle, she has a hide armor similar in design to the Guardian Armor (in DF since that's the style I personally like best). Out of battle, she wears more casual clothes. Long sleeved shirts and pants made of thicker material, a necessity borne of growing up in a forest and needing clothes that can withstand the foliage.

How would Gingkage(the character) fare in a horrific environment like those in Bloodborne, Dead Space, Resident Evil and Evil Within. Would she enjoy it?
Hm... Horror games aren't my preferred genre, so I'm not particularly familiar with those environments. Doubtful, though. She's most comfortable in more rural settings, so placing her outside of those would not be particularly enjoyable for her.

Hope you manage this board well!
Thanks! Looking forward to getting to know all the people who frequent it, and hopefully find ways to attract more people.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/7/2016 12:10:29)

'sup dawg

how's life treating you?
Tiring me out with work, but otherwise, can't complain.

your favorite bio you made?
On these forums? While I like Sera more as a character, I prefer the bio I made for the RPA, Avina "Ava" Ravah. I feel that she's more fleshed out from the get-go, with quirks such as being quiet unless you get her interested in something and even a hobby in making unrecognizable wood carvings in her spare time.

your least favorite bio you made?
Sera Blackwell's the better character with the worse bio, I'm afraid to say. She has the more interesting background and history, but her bio is simpler to read and looking back, I wish I'd done a better job with it (though the same can be said for Ava's bio).

is Major Tom a junkie?
Not a clue.

what do you think would bring this board up to shape real quick?
Right now? I'm more interesting in hopefully coming up with ways to bring more people here and make it a more fun and active forum to be in for everyone.

Vanir -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/7/2016 23:02:49)

What do you think? Is it?
Of course.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/11/2016 22:11:30)

Well Congratulations Ginkage!

So I think I shall ask the tough questions.

So you like wolves huh, great! That means you and I are going to get along wonderfully. I used to rp wolves a lot, so huh I guess that's not really a question is it?
Sure it is. You added a question mark at the end. But, yes. Wolves are my favorite animal. Have been for as long as I can remember. Also fond of dragons.

Okay all joking aside, What plans do you have to help stimulate the growth or to accentuate stagnation of roleplaying?
None as of this exact second, but I have high hopes of something occurring to me.

Besides the Hollows, do you have any plans for a major role-play in the coming future?
See above.

Did you notice that the chains continue to evolve for each new AK to a board?
Maybe. >.>

All right that's all I got.

Once more Congratulations and thank you for coming to the board.
Thank you again, and I hope to do a good job here.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (4/12/2016 15:24:53)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*

Congratulations, Ginkage.
Thanks, Dwelling.

Only one question from me, for now at least.

What was the last story thou has read in the L&L?
Ooh... That's a tough one. Haven't been in the L&L as much as I'd like. Need to fix that. Probably one of the War Story threads, but I really can't recall.

Good luck with thy additional duties, may thou always persevere.

*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*

Gingkage -> RE: =MTAK= Wolf Riders can Role Play? (5/21/2016 19:15:00)

I think it's time and past that I retired this thread. Thanks to those of you who posted here. It was a blast!

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