Watch Live Battle (Full Version)

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rejaylob -> Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 9:18:42)

Title says it. I think its good to watch people in doing PVP or fighting bosses.

Perhaps you can limit it to friends only. Like watching a friend in PVP or Boss battle. There would be a button in Friends List that says "Watch Live" or whatever.

If this happens, I think it will be interesting [:D]

Lord Machaar -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 11:57:29)

Could be great to show your friends how certain builds work whether in PVP or against bosses (notably legendary bosses).

Although I doubt this is doable due to engine limitations, but who knows, it might be possible.

SonicTbear -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 12:29:15)

I'm not quite sure. Even if it's restricted to friends only, you can still get a lot of "u suk" and "ha, noob" or any plethora of disrespectful comments. Yeah, mute, block, report, you still received the comment in the first place. And it might not be from your friends, but from your opponent(s)'s friends. But on the other hand, it could be a great time waster if you're too lazy to battle yourself. So I can't decide whether to support this or not.

rejaylob -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 12:59:17)


If your so worried about getting disrespected then why are they your friends? That is why its only restricted to friends so that they can spectate your fight while chatting with them. You only need to observe the fight and cant chat with them except your friend from a private chat box. Friends can also help you make decision on what to do next. Can also tutor people how you defeat bosses. This idea seems good to me. I dont know why your so worried about swearing with the "noob" word. If your mature enough, you dont take that word seriously. Only kids say those words and also get affected.

WhiteTiger -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 13:06:38)

Cool feature that has been suggested before, but probably not possible due to technical limitations.

rejaylob -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 13:11:04)


Cool feature that has been suggested before, but probably not possible due to technical limitations.

Is there really no other way? [:(][:(][:(] Find a way pretty pleaseeee?? [:)][:)][:)

8x -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/14/2016 13:56:07)


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/15/2016 2:04:06)

^YouTube gaming as well.

rejaylob -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/15/2016 5:58:45)




YouTube gaming as well.

Too much set up is needed like screen recorder, microphone, editing and much more

Aint nobody got time fo dat! [8D]

RaXZerGamingZ -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/15/2016 11:01:48)

i thought of the same thing aswel

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Watch Live Battle (4/15/2016 12:18:49)

Well those seem like they will be your only options as it seems like a very unlikely feature due to the size of the player pool. Maybe in a future game it could be added in when we a given a fresh shot of life from new launch hype but who here can say just how difficult of a task it would actually be to create.

That said if you even want to put in the half hour to need to set up a recording environment just let me know

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