Broken Ornament (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Broken Ornament (5/10/2016 14:36:09)

Broken Ornament

«Ice shield. Does some Harm damage to monsters when they damage you.»

Location: Decorate the Battleon Tree!
Type								|      Z	Z	|	G	G
Level	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	|      77	140	|	42	147
PowLvl	7	27	47	67	87	107	127	|      87	150	|	47	150
								|			|		
Price	34	85	499	3835	30729	247556	1995686	|      1890	5190	|	307	16089652
Sell	17	42	249	1917	15364	123778	997843	| <48h 1701	4671	|	153	8044826
								| >48h 472	1297	|
Melee	-2	-1	+1	+3	+4	+6	+10	|	+4	+11	|	+1	+11
Ranged	-2	-1	+1	+3	+4	+6	+10	|	+4	+11	|	+1	+11
Magic	-1	+1	+6	+6	+8	+11	+13	|	+8	+15	|	+6	+15
								|			|		
Ice	-2	-12	-17	-21	-23	-24	-24	|	-23	-25	|	-17	-25
  • After the monster's turn, the shield does the listed amount of Harm damage to the monster, multiplied by [hits connected]/[hits attempted].
    Damage	0-1	1-2	1-4	2-7	3-10	5-14	6-18	|	3-10	7-22	|	1-4	7-22
    Stat%	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	|	0	0	|	0	0
    Fun Fact: cats are a pain to own around the holidays because of all the shiny and fragile dangly objects!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to big E.


    Shield takes -3 MRM to pay for the effect. (Already factored in)


    December 4, 2014: The shield was released.
    January 8, 2015(?): The shield became rare.
    June 15, 2017: Z-Token price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Level	77	140
    Price	5700	12250
    S <48h	5130	11025
      >48h	2850	6125
    This is a seasonal rare. After becoming rare, it has returned in:
  • December 4, 2015

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