Likas' Artwork Gallery (Full Version)

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Dark Worshgiper -> Likas' Artwork Gallery (6/23/2016 15:16:47)

*A league of spirit gunners uses guns improved with magical power makes their magic casting more powerful and accurate .
*They make their power from lanterns that swallow spirits and get out smoke that express outputs of consuming souls to extract power for guns , cannons ... .
*They can craft their bullets and cannon balls .
*They consist of :
* Heavyrunner Can carry portable cannons and miniguns
* Gunslinger holds 2 pistols . he is featured of hand dexterity .
* Marksman hold long gun with scope . Gives his shot so powerful and deadly .
*and that's Zaxxon (Boss)
*Their style concept is like half iron and half cloth like this .
Progress :



LigerBeard -> RE: Spiritual Worshipper (6/25/2016 12:12:37)

You're ideas and art are spectacular! I like how you're doing classes, too!

Please keep up the good work!

Dark Worshgiper -> RE: Spiritual Worshipper (6/30/2016 16:31:26)

Hard to color Heavyrunner(WIP) . I am using paint tool SAI . Any suggestions (vids , tutorial webpage ....) for best colouring way ?

Dark Worshgiper -> RE: Spiritual Worshipper (6/30/2016 21:22:01)

Now using photoshop to paint Boss(WIP)

Dark Worshgiper -> RE: Spiritual Worshipper (7/1/2016 23:15:11)

Elemental of Doom
Stranger to a Harbinger Of Doom .
Stranger is known for giving the chosen doom warriors an offer of weapons , helms , armors ... etc . He also an elemental of doom . On the other side, A pegasus warrior called Trigann was fighting for assaulting castles and countries . Once a huge of evil warriors attacked him and lose him most his soldiers and equipment . He asked for help from lightside kingdoms . But none replied at him . So he decided to attack them but he failed and the evil warriors managed to crush his kingdom and kill all his people . He wasn't accepted to live in any side so he lived alone on the abandoned places . During Espina rosa's control . Trigann has been wishing to kill everyone on the earth as a vengeance . His wish was heard by the shadows . Stranger appeared and offered him a special one . To become a lord of doom by marring a wicked female and to achieve the nexus between the two plains . So shadow summoners can come through the baby . then he can kill the wicked female . Trigann accepted and quickly gathered a great people to achieve his ambitions and desires . But Stranger ambition was so evil . He kept deceiving at Trigann claimed that he helps him to achieve the complete power . Once a day , He told him that he will own the power of elemental doom . He asked him to come and bring the baby and all his people to an area where was a strange dead creature lying beside him . Stranger took the baby and said a magical words the baby has turned to a black sun , destructed all the bodies including Trigann and grapped thier souls . Stranger used the damaged bodies and the creature body to build his shape . and used souls to make his power which will threat all lore .

I was supposed to make a story to explain what is this monster consist of . Don't blame me if u didn't like it . IK it's not written well but i only used my fantasy to tell you how stranger become that one .


Dark Worshgiper -> RE: Spiritual Worshipper (7/8/2016 6:02:27)

A devil of dark shallows mermaids . Works as a druid and holds a mace to defend his forbidden temple and has an aggressive nature .
Armor Combination
*Jellyfish hat or kasa
*Dreadmegalodon shoulders
*Chest plate is an extension of two megalodons has gills
*Wings and tail is a part of stingray fish for speed diving
*Belly plate is a part of dreadshrimp
*knees plates are hammer sharks has a halo in each head of them
*Leg is surrounded of shrimp body


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