All you need to know about Shadow Hunter (Full Version)

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eddyydde -> All you need to know about Shadow Hunter (8/14/2016 1:14:52)

All you need to know about Shadow Hunter

Table of contents
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[QA] Questions and answers
[SB] Stat builds
[CA] Class abilities
[CG] Combo Guide
[BS] Battle strategies

Questions and Answers

What is Shadow Hunter?

Shadow Hunter is a Seasonal Tier 2 class that utilizes a combo system to deal high amounts of damage.

How do I obtain it?

Shadow Hunter armor can only be obtained during Mogloween 2013 by giving Symone 10 Bloody Monster Hearts. However, once obtained you can wear and train the armor whenever you want. Although you can forge 10 Defenders Medals to make one, I recommend just getting it through the quest, Castle Valtrith . Other than some seasonal Mogloween quests, this is the only quest you can get Bloody Monsters Hearts from and honestly, you only have to kill 7 monsters to finish it so once you get the timing on the minigame right, it's very easy to farm.

What are the pros and cons of Shadow Hunter

The pro of Shadow Hunter is its combo system, which has some of the highest damaging and most potent defensive skills(especially if you're non-DA). Unfortunately the combo system is also its weakness. The combo starters aren't very good, meaning that most battles will take more than one turn. The defensive skills, except for Night Shield, also can't be activated on turn 1 and Night Shield has a one turn delay meaning that you'll typically be hit in every battle. There's also a bit of difficulty balancing between offensive and defensive combos, since you can't use both at once. This makes Shadow Hunter unsuitable for your typical quests. However, with good optimization, it is one of the few non-DA classes capable of beating extremely difficult bosses like Razen al Ghoul.

There are so many Shadow Hunter combos, how do I remember them all?

The large majority are relatively useless, not because they're bad, but because they are outclassed or the situations where they would be best rarely occur.

Stat Builds

Shadow Hunters focus on high damage output or strong defenses. However, given that you're mostly likely going to be spending 20 or more mana per turn and your defensive skills also have somewhat long cooldowns, it would be a bad strategy to try and slowly whittle down your opponent. This build is focused around destroying the enemy before your defensive skills run out and leave you vulnerable by maximizing STR/INT/DEX and LUK. There's also a little bit of WIS in there to make sure you don't run out of mana.

Level 10
WIS: 5

Level 20
WIS: 15

Level 30
WIS: 25

Level 40
WIS: 45

Level 50
WIS: 65

Level 60
WIS: 75
LUK: 20

Level 70
WIS: 85
LUK: 60

Level 80
WIS: 95
LUK: 100

Class Abilities


Magic blast
Magic combo!

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

Effect: Runs up to the enemy and blasts 3 times with magic for 120% damage.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Gun shot
Gun combo!

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

Effect: Shoots the enemy once for 100% damage.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Sword slash
Sword combo!

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

Effect: Run up to the enemy and stab once for 100% damage.

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Night Shield
Defensive shield for 2 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

Effect: Applies +220 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance to player for 2 turns inclusive.

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 6
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A



Level/Quest/Items required: None

Effect: Shoots the enemy once, then throws his weapon at the enemy for two hits. Deal 120% damage. Resets your combo.

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Stun combo
Stun combo finisher!

Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Bloody Monster Heart, one of the these combos (see list below): S2, G3, or G7, Level 10

Effect: Runs up to the enemy then shoots once and stabs twice dealing 150% total damage. The number of turns the enemy is stunned depends on which combo was used.

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 14
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Blind Combo

Blind combo finisher!

Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Bloody Monster Heart, one of these combos (see list below): S3, M5, M6 or M7, Level 12

Effect: Runs up to the enemy and stabs once, blasts 3 times for 100% total damage. Blinds the enemy, lowering enemy bonus by -50. The number of turns blinded depends on which combo was used (see list below).

Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 9
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Healing Combo
Healing combo finisher

Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Bloody Monster Heart, Healing Combo (M3, see list below), Level 15

Effect: Heal yourself for 25% Max Health. Runs up to the enemy, floats in the air and blasts 5 times for 125% total damage.

Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 9
Element: Health/As weapon
Attack Type: As Weapon

Combo Guide

Sword Combos
  • Sword - Sword - Sword [S1]
  • Sword - Gun - Stun [S2]
  • Sword - Magic - Blind [S3]
  • Sword - Sword - Gun (DoT Combo) [S4]
  • Sword - Gun - Gun (Weaken Combo) [S5]
  • Sword - Sword - Magic (Damage Boost Combo) [S6]
  • Sword - Magic - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [S7]
  • Sword - Gun - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [S8]
  • Sword - Magic - Sword [S9]
  • Sword - Gun - Sword [S10]
  • Sword - Magic - Gun (Weaken Combo) [S11]

Gun Combos
  • Gun - Gun (Shotgun Combo) [G1]
  • Gun - Magic (Accuracy Combo) [G2]
  • Gun - Sword - Stun [G3]
  • Gun - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [G4]
  • Gun - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [G5]
  • Gun - Sword - Sword [G6]
  • Gun - Stun [G7]

Magic Combos
  • Magic - Magic - Magic (Fizzle) [M1]
  • Magic - Sword - Sword [M2]
  • Magic - Magic - Healing Combo [M3]
  • Magic - Gun (Critical Shot Combo) [M4]
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Blind (Strong blind Combo) [M5]
  • Magic - Blind [M6]
  • Magic - Sword - Blind [M7]
  • Magic - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [M8]
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [M9]
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [M10]
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Sword [M11]
  • Magic - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [M12]
  • Magic - Magic - Gun (Critical Shot Combo) [M13]

As I explained before not all of these combos are good. I've organized them into 3 tiers from best to worst.

Tier 1
These combos are what you're generally going to be using. They are the core of all your strategies and are the only ones you must remember
  • Magic - Gun (Critical Shot Combo) [M4] - A versatile damage combo. It only takes 2 turns which makes it good for short battles, but also easy to fit into complex strategies. It averages 310% damage per turn, making it your 2nd highest damaging combo, but has no cooldown and doesn't require Sword, making it the core of your damage.
  • Magic - Sword - Sword [M2] - The highest damaging combo. It puts all of your Sword combos on cooldown which are necessary for stunning and blinding, so only use this as a finisher or against low damage enemies.
  • Sword - Gun - Stun [S2] - It has decent damage and an average stun, but since it is your best stun combo it is vital against bosses.
  • Magic - Sword - Blind [M7] -Once again this also has decent damage and an average blind. Use this whenever necessary.
  • Magic - Magic - Healing Combo [M3] - A great healing combo. It's an excellent heal of 25% max health that still deals decent damage.
  • Gun - Gun (Shotgun Combo) [G1] - A good multi-hit combo. It doesn't distribute damage evenly among enemies which makes it more versatile than other multi-hit moves, but the damage itself is rather lackluster.

Tier 2
These combos aren't usually necessary, but they're good to have in certain scenarios.
  • Sword - Sword - Magic (Damage Boost Combo) [S6] - It's only useful when followed up with [M2] and has no defensive capabilities, but it's good against bosses with low damage.
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Blind (Strong blind Combo) [M5] - A blind combo that takes 4 turns instead of 3. The blind is the same so it's only good for extending combos.
  • Magic - Magic - Gun (Critical Shot Combo) [M13] - Does less than [M4] but takes 3 turns instead of 2. Can be used to extend combos but generally won't be necessary.
  • Magic - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [M12] - There's generally no need to weaken your opponent by such a small amount, but the option is there.
  • Gun - Magic (Accuracy Combo) [G2] - The damage is significantly less than [M4], so only use this if you want the extra accuracy.
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [M10] - Weaken combo that takes 4 turns instead of 3. Incredibly situational move.

Tier 3
These combos are either bad or always outclassed by something else. Keep in mind that although there are some enemies that have different defense against physical, magical, and piercing attacks, the damage type is going to be the same as your weapon so it doesn't matter. If you are in the middle of a combo and decide to change your mind, these could still be useful
  • Sword - Sword - Sword [S1] - Outclassed by [M2].
  • Sword - Magic - Blind [S3] - Outclassed by [M7].
  • Sword - Sword - Gun (DoT Combo) [S4] - Even with all turns of the DOT, still deals less damage [M13]. If you really need DOT, use a different class.
  • Sword - Gun - Gun (Weaken Combo) [S5] - Outclassed by [M12].
  • Sword - Magic - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [S7] - Outclassed by [M8].
  • Sword - Gun - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [S8] - Outclassed by [M8].
  • Sword - Magic - Sword [S9] - Outclassed by [M2].
  • Sword - Gun - Sword [S10] - Outclassed by [M2].
  • Sword - Magic - Gun (Weaken Combo) [S11] - Outclassed by [M12].
  • Gun - Sword - Stun [G3] - Outclassed by [S2].
  • Gun - Sword - Gun (Weaken Combo) [G4] - Outclassed by [M12].
  • Gun - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [G5] - Outclassed by M8.
  • Gun - Sword - Sword [G6] - Outclassed by M2.
  • Gun - Stun [G7] - The stun lasting only one turn makes it better to just deal more damage.
  • Magic - Magic - Magic (Fizzle) [M1] - outclassed by M13
  • Magic - Blind [M6] - The blind lasting only one turn makes it better to just deal more damage.
  • Magic - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [M8] - Requires you to get hit and still deals less damage than [M13].
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Magic (Counter Attack Combo) [M9] - Requires you to get hit and still deals less damage than [M4]->[M4].
  • Magic - Magic - Sword - Sword [M11] - Deals less damage than [M4]->[M4].

Battle Strategies

Because you have so many options, you can easily change your battle strategy depending on your current priorities. These strategies optimize what to do in your current situation

Quick Damage
[image][/image]- [image][/image] or [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image]

Magic - Sword - Sword deals 340% damage per turn while Magic - Gun only deals 310% per turn, but it takes 3 turns instead of 2 and puts all of your Sword combos on a long cooldown, so be smart when estimating how much damage you need to kill a low health opponent

Multiple Enemies
[image][/image] - [image][/image] -> Repeat

The first attack deals 100% damage to one target, while the second attack deals 150% to one more target, and then 75% to all targets including the one you chose. This allows you to distribute damage in either a 325/75/75 or 225/175/75 fashion every two turns.

Maximum Damage Per Turn
[image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> Repeat [image][/image] - [image][/image] until [image][/image] is available again -> Restart

The damage boost combo deals 450%, but increases damage by 50% for 3 turns, which is just enough to pull off a Magic - Sword - Sword combo, causing it to deal an extra 510% damage which makes the damage boost worth it. While your Sword combos are on cooldown, Magic - Gun is your highest damaging combo so use that until you can use the boost again.

[image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> [image][/image] - [image][/image] - [image][/image] -> Restart

This one is for bosses with both high health and high damage. I tried to maximize the amount of damage while also not leaving you too vulnerable. It deals 3265% weapon damage over 20 turns for an average of 163% damage per turn, in exchange for only being vulnerable for 5 turns out of 20. Alternatively, you could use a Magic - Magic - Gun instead of a Magic - Sword - Gun combo for a little extra damage.

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