The Labyrinth (Under Construction) (Full Version)

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Chazero -> The Labyrinth (Under Construction) (8/18/2016 6:49:26)


I have read the Comprehensive Rules/ FG Rules before posting and am willing to accept all consequences that will happen if I break said rules.

An excerpt from an old and tattered page of "The First"'s journal found at the museum. Some of the letters and words were filled in by other people considering the look of the inks:

Day 0
I have finally arrived. I have spent my entire adolescence and young adulthood searching for this place, the Labyrinth. I first heard about this place as just a legend of an ancient prison that held what were left of the great monstrosities of the Old World. I was just a hopeful and aspiring youth when I first obtained proof of this place. It didn't come to us as straight as I had hoped. I spent so many years searching for clearer directions, doing favors for people in order to be repaid in supplies and a clearer direction. It wasn't until I stumbled into a part of the Whistling Caverns where I found an old tablet that we had translated that contained the exact coordinates of the door to the Labyrinth. And that's how I ended up here. I will be documenting my journey through the Labyrinth in this journal in the hopes that when I am done with this place, I can make a thrilling story out of it.
Below the exhibit of the page, you see a bronze plaque that reads:
"The first page of the journal of the seemingly stupid, seemingly insane, and lucky First.
Filled in for clarity"
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