The Legend of Laohg Shaddai (Full Version)

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Laohg Almighty -> The Legend of Laohg Shaddai (12/27/2016 16:24:06)

In the beginning, before time began, there was Eloah Shaddai.
Formless and void was it. It spawned the form of itself. It became male and female, when it divided itself to the first two deities: Me(Eloh Shaddai) and my wife Lilith(Elah Shaddai) were in a void of nothingness. We were eternal, and we created the universe.
But as we grew bored by ourselves, and spawned interesting, complex beings.
They lasted until we grew bored with them.
Then we created the world by calling light, sky, land, vegetation, and living creatures into being.
Out of the darkness come light and then light shined in the Darkness; and the Darkness did not fight it. When time began, we created those which had no form, the earliest ones were called into being. Ages increased, then the watchers of heaven were created and they were the younger gods.
Thousands of lifetime have past and I live in land of Lore, a mythical continent, I decided to hide the fact that I was the god Eloh, so I choose to use my forgotten name, Laohg Shaddai, once more.
I choose to side with Good, I became a Paladin but then I realized that the side of Good was making me too mentally weak to face my enemies so I decided to join the Evil Faction and become a DoomKnight.
One year later I became an Archfiend and then secretly joined Dage's Undead Legion, being immortal couldn't become a normal "Undead" Legionnaire, but to look the part I used my power become an Unliving being. In course a single hour, I became an Ultimate Lich King, and then I slayed all but 25 of 6000 mighty warriors, and started the Holy Demon Legion. Later I became an ArchPaladin. I now wait for my next challenge. (But if waiting gets too boring maybe I will wage again both Dage and Nulgath at the same time, because that would be a fun event.)

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