=DF= "Friday the 13th Invasion: Black Winter" War Stories Discussion (Full Version)

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Dwelling Dragonlord -> =DF= "Friday the 13th Invasion: Black Winter" War Stories Discussion (1/7/2017 14:04:43)

The place to discuss the literary works regarding the war.

=DF= "Friday the 13th Invasion: Black Winter" War Stories

yus29 -> RE: =DF= "Friday the 13th Invasion: Black Winter" War Stories Discussion (1/21/2017 12:25:17)


I was wondering whether you think it would be right for me to write about my perspective of the war after it hits 100% after the doom amulet or not in the war story thread. I am asking this because there are so many strict rules and in does get overwhelming and confusing. The reason why is that they said in one of the rules, that you as a player can't make suggestions for the game unless they open a thread to let you do so, so I am wondering whether I can or cannot a make a suggestion for the war extending the story further or whether they would take it in consideration or not. So in the end is it worth writing in the war stories thread or not, because if the are not going to take into consideration, there is no point in me telling it, I will just follow the story line quietly.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =DF= "Friday the 13th Invasion: Black Winter" War Stories Discussion (1/21/2017 17:39:41)

You can post a story in the "War Stories" thread as long as it is about the respective war, writing there does not serve the function of suggesting stuff that the staff will consider or giving feedback.

This subforum of the L&L (Writers of Lore) is meant for writing fanfiction, which may be done in the style of quests, a creative outlet for fans because they enjoy writing and having their stories read by others which then can be discussed in the Works Discussion.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to ask them.

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