RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (Full Version)

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Viking_Jorun -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (7/9/2024 12:42:48)

^^Brother, same!

I was just thinking about the forums and all the hours and days spent hanging out and playing AQ and AQW. Just barely remembered my password, too. (Lol)

Puppy -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/16/2024 0:46:29)

Bi-annual post. Still kicking.

Digital X -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/16/2024 20:42:23)

I'm back after a couple years absence.

Arthur -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (10/29/2024 11:49:03)

Reporting in!

Glais -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (11/6/2024 11:40:25)

Once again.

Wallo -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (1/10/2025 21:24:35)

Superb, I'm back in! Lovely to see everyone here. :)

Finished my MA, got my research degree, had a career as an academic, and now work in higher ed. Got married, which was great! It's been 21 years (!) since I made an account on the forums, and I do think back to those days. Nerdy, silly days, but I'm still in touch with a fair few people from then, and I wish you all the best.

PS: Sorry if you PMed me in the past decade and a half!

Valentine -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (2/11/2025 10:29:53)

It's been years since I've posted to this forum (or, really, any BBS forum that isn't my own XÞ).

Just happened to notice yesterday was my 20ᵗʰ Anniversary. How time flies, eh?

.Silver -> RE: Remembering the good ol' days in the forum (3/7/2025 0:02:46)

Hello all, many many years since my last post. In fact, a few degrees, and a couple of kids between now and then! If anyone happens to have kept up with a few members of the arts community around here (LadyAlora, _Depression, ZenronTheGreat, TheShadowedOne), would love to hear how they're doing!

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