Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (Full Version)

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Draco Kronan -> Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/22/2017 20:26:51)

So i've been a member of AQ since possibly near the very beginning, 2006 at the latest. and i kept seeing all these beautiful pieces of artwork. i'm not a very good artist, but i'm a monster when it comes to making swords on 2D AutoCAD. So i thought i would finally contribute after all these years, maybe one day i'll see my artwork in game?
and if i ever get the stones to make something more than swords i'll update if you guys want it. i'm always up to idea's.

SWORDS + minor description and possible abilities will be written on each post.

(note: all of these are also on my facebook page. www.facebook.com/grimefang32, friend me to view)


Draco Kronan -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/22/2017 20:39:20)


"This strange but elegant blade is a mix of cunning elven design and material mixed with styles from a far off eastern country."

It's supposed to be a mix of elven flow and general nasty utilitarianism found in most if not all parts of their culture; and a wataō, which is a japanese nodachi made to fit a chinese tian jin grip and balanced to equal the two. A watao is referenced in Rorouni kenshin, if you need to see one for yourself. there is, as far as i'm aware no known physical swords found in either china or japan that match it's description in museums, but they were real, documented and believed to be used by pirates found along either countries shorelines.

and screw the grammar nazi's, i'm not changing how i write for your pleasure.


Draco Kronan -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/22/2017 20:48:58)


Next up is my Favorite, but also the hardest to see clearly, the symbols are hard to read, but it's Tolkien's Sindarin, and translates as such,
" Honor the darkness;
Because you create the dawn
By walking through the darkest night."

The diamond shape is a fixed black onyx, filled with dark energy controllable by darkness masters. the idea was to continue with the theme of elves, but this time around bring in more of a european touch to the blade by making it a broadsword. i think it turned out well for only being made in microsoft paint.


Draco Kronan -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/22/2017 20:59:33)

TEN-SHIKA heaven's antler- shikai form

so i went on a BLEACH binge a while back and actually made my own zanpaktō, this is the result.

it's a sledgehammer-like blade tipped ōdachi with a recurve handle.

as for it's abilities, i've completely forgotten them and am willing for people's opinions and ideas, i also have the Possible Bankai form for it, but i'm not entirely proud of how it looks and feels.

most of my artwork i will say, will be elven, asian and mythological in nature. it's what i'm good at.


Yozai -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/26/2017 8:05:09)

Pretty nice stuff. I really like the elven mix with reality.

Cobra -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (1/26/2017 16:09:24)


Love the link art

Draco Kronan -> RE: Draco Kronan's Art Gallery (3/2/2017 21:21:15)

thank you, I try also to use orcish and demonic in my artwork too, some/most of my work is done in AutoCad '16, if not MS paint. it's been a hot second since doing a project, if you have any idea you would like to see me work on PM me and I'll see what I can do. :) as for the link art, it's not mine, but a image I saw on imagur.

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