Grace (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Grace (3/17/2017 23:04:13)



Location: The Nest, Nest Robber, Be Prepared, Leaving the Nest, The Nest - Epilogue

Quests given

Shops owned

The Nest

???: Timothy? Timothy, where are you?

Grace: Oh my! Could this be <Character>?

Grace: Is something the matter?

Grace: I get that a lot, but I'm afraid I haven't met you.

Grace: My name is Grace, and this little hurricane is Timothy.

Grace: So well mannered! I'm afraid Messimy is out on a small errand for a bit, but she should be back soon.

Grace: Would you like a tour in the meantime?

Grace: And these are the children's bedrooms.

Grace: Oh, from all over Lore. Messimy is always traveling around to save kids from certain... situations.

Grace: Most of the kids here lost their parents to magic attacks. For example: Timothy lost his parents years ago when a dragon attacked his village.
Grace: It's truly a miracle he survived. By the time Messimy found him, he was starving and dehydrated.

Grace: It's amazing that he's still such a lively kid, considering all that has happened to him.

Grace: Not... all of them...

Grace: Oh, Messimy, you're back!

Grace: Great! I guess I'll start cooking, then!

Nest Robber

Grace: Children, please, why all the ruckus?

Be Prepared

Grace: Certainly, dear.

Grace: Though... may I suggest something?

Grace: Woodland creatures and animals make for such wonderful allies.

Grace: Precisely, Messimy! I do have a way with animals.
Grace: If <Character> would be so kind as to bring a couple of them to me, I could start training them to help defend the Nest.

Grace: I should be able to get a small group trained, at least.

Grace: Yes, dear.

Leaving the Nest

Grace: The animals are ready to protect the Nest, dear!
Grace: Oh, and I just prepared the loveliest games for the children!

Grace: Yes! Even if they step on the Nest, the basement will hold!

Grace: Oh dear... so she went and did it, huh?

Grace: I've known Messimy for longer than the Nest has existed, so yes... I knew her true form.

Grace: When I felt that wave of magic coming from outside, familiar magic...

Grace: Oh I hope she doesn't push herself too hard.

Grace: Of course, dear. We all should seek shelter in the basement anywa–

<Character>: She did it to save the children, to save her nest.

Grace: I can prepare something to keep him sedated. We don't want him to be gone with the wind.

Grace: Cole!

Grace: That's much appreciated, dears.

Grace: I was sure you were going to tell them, Cole. I'm sorry about that.

Grace: Oh Cole...

Grace: Well, I better bring the news to the children.

Grace: They'll be heartbroken for sure...

The Nest - Epilogue

Grace: Everything is just fine, deary. Timothy is playing with his friends and Cole is doing his regular repairs.

Grace: Oh something IS off.

Grace: We haven't had a single monster problem after you left. Not a single bandit trying to get some easy gains off a defenseless orphanage.

Grace: Usually we were safe because...
Grace: ...because when Messimy was around, any sane bandit or hungry creature would think twice about attacking this place... but now...

Grace: Exactly. I suspect there's something in the woods. Something that keeps the other monsters away.

Grace: The few critters that remain. They seem... frightened somehow. Avoiding the deep parts of the woods.

Grace: If it's not too much trouble?

Grace: Thank you, deary! I'll be sure to have some cookies ready for when you return!

Other information
  • Grace's dialogue "She did it to save the children, to save her nest." in Leaving the Nest incorrectly labels your character as the speaker.


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