Nest, The (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Nest, The (3/17/2017 23:28:08)

The Nest

Location: Greenguard Region -> The Nest -> The Nest
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: March 17th, 2017

Objective: You received a letter from a mysterious sender. Could it be a trap?
Objective completed: Messimy seems like a good person, but who's that lurking in the shadows?

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(2) Earth Elemental
(4) Seed Spitter
(3) UniCougar
(1) Gorillaphant - Boss


Gorillaphant Tusk
Messimy's Letter
Weirdly Shaped Tree Bark


*You take a walk near the Falconreach Docks when you pass by an observant Ash. He turns around and calls for you right away.*

Ash: Oh, hey <Character>!
<Character>: Yeah?
Ash: Glad I caught you! A letter arrived for you!
<Character>: Really? I didn't expect anything. What does it say?
Ash: Read for yourself!

*You open up the letter and take a look at it. The passage written is, "To the Hero of Falconreach, Let me introduce myself. My name is Messimy and I run a small orphanage north of Swordhaven. I have heard word that you had a couple of run-ins with some... less than favorable Rose members. Because of that, I would like to invite you to our orphanage, "The Nest", to see the good we're doing! The children would also enjoy a local celebrity visiting them, so I hope you'll be able to pay us a visit some time. Best regards, Messimy". You eye the letter with understandable skepticism after reading it.*

<Character>: Hmm...
Ash: Do you think you can trust this?
<Character>: I don't know... but it's worth a shot.
Ash: But, what if it's a trap?
<Character>: IF it is a trap, I'm prepared for it.
Ash: That makes sense... just be careful out there.
<Character>: Of course I will!
Ash: Good luck, then!

*Fades to black. You travel up through the forest terrain in the northern Greenguard Region in order to make your way to the orphanage that the letter describes. Not too long later, you come across a clearing where a wooden house containing a skyroof and an active fireplace is located.*

<Character>: Finally, found it!

*A running child abruptly bumps right into you by accident, which causes you to fall flat on your face.*

<Character>: Oooof!!!
<Character>: Oh no! An ambush! Ash was right, I'm doo-

*The child stands up, feeling embarrassed by the fact he pushed into you.*

???: I'm so so so sorry for running into you, we were just playing over there and-

*You are fortunately able to stand up just as quick to get a look at the child that bumped into you.*

<Character>: Ouch...
???: Wait... you're <Character>, aren't you?!
<Character>: That's right!
???: Wow, we've heard a lot about you, some of us were saved by your deeds!
<Character>: Is that so? I'm glad to hear that!
???: Timothy? Timothy, where are you?
Timothy: I'm over here, Miss Grace!
Grace: Oh my! Could this be <Character>?
Timothy: That's right! <Character> 's really here!

*Your jaw drops when you catch a glimpse of Grace for her face seems apparently familiar to you as if you have uncovered a piece to a missing puzzle.*

<Character>: Are you... You look just like- No, it can't be...
Grace: Is something the matter?
<Character>: It's just... you look like somebody that I used to know.
Grace: I get that a lot, but I'm afraid I haven't met you.

*Still a little bewildered by Grace's familiar appearance, you decide to shrug it off to avoid disorientating her.*

<Character>: I see...

Grace: My name is Grace, and this little hurricane is Timothy.
Timothy: But you can call me Timmy, if you'd like!
<Character>: Pleasure to meet you both!
Grace: So well mannered! I'm afraid Messimy is out on a small errand for a bit, but she should be back soon.
<Character>: That's no problem.
Grace: Would you like a tour in the meantime?
<Character>: I'd like that.

*Fades to black. Grace gladly invites you inside and shows you around the building all the way to a hallway of woodened doors.*

Grace: And these are the children's bedrooms.
<Character>: Where did they all come from?
Grace: Oh, from all over Lore. Messimy is always traveling around to save kids from certain... situations.
<Character>: Situations?
Grace: Most of the kids here lost their parents to magic attacks. For example: Timothy lost his parents years ago when a dragon attacked his village.
Grace: It's truly a miracle he survived. By the time Messimy found him, he was starving and dehydrated.
<Character>: That's... terrible.
Grace: It's amazing that he's still such a lively kid, considering all that has happened to him.
<Character>: I'd say so... So, all of these children are orphans because of magic?
Grace: Not... all of them...
???: Exactly!

*Both you and Grace turn around to find that Messimy has returned from her errand just in time to add to the conversation about the purpose of The Nest.*

Messimy: I saved some of these children from something different than magic...
Messimy: Not all monsters use magic, you know... some are almost... human.
Grace: Oh, Messimy, you're back!
Messimy: Yup! Sorry it took longer than expected, but I chased away most of the pests. Our food stock should be safe for a while now!
Grace: Great! I guess I'll start cooking then!

*Grace exits the hallway by walking to her left while Messimy takes her time to get acquainted with you next.*

Messimy: Forgive my manners. As you might have guessed, I'm Messimy.
<Character>: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Messimy: I'm glad you decided to come over, I trust Grace explained some things to you?
<Character>: Sort of, she told me that you saved all of these children.
Messimy: In a way, since I came across some of them when I was a regular adventurer, I decided to take them under my wing.
<Character>: That's a noble cause, but how did you manage to build this orphanage?
Messimy: We traveled through Swordhaven and met Lady Jaania there. She gave us shelter and heard our stories.
Messimy: She jumped up so fast, it scared some of the kids. But within the next hour she had ordered for this orphanage to be built.
<Character>: I see...
Messimy: I know you had trouble with us in the past and I would be gullible to believe that it won't happen again.
Messimy: But I hope you can see that a Rose does not just have thorns, it also has soft petals and a pleasant fragrance.
<Character>: I don't know... it's all so confusing. There's so much going on right now...
Messimy: I understand, and I don't want you to take sides, but please keep us in mind if the time ever comes.
<Character>: I promise, I will.
Messimy: Thank you.
<Character>: I have to say, for such a big orphanage, you have a surprisingly small number of people working here.
Messimy: Well, we have some help coming in, but that won't be for a while.
<Character>: Hmmm... I can stay and help here until then, if you'd like.
Messimy: I appreciate that and gladly accept your offer.
Messimy: We'll make sure you'll enjoy your stay here, Grace is an amazing cook and the children are all very sweet.
<Character>: It's a deal, then!
Messimy: Work starts tomorrow, but for now... we dine!

*Fades to black. Dusk has arrived at The Nest and while all seems to be well at the moment, a silhouetted individual watches the wooden building from a thicket.*

???: I finally found it... and soon it will be in my possession!

*Fades to black once more.*

???: Ah ha a a a ah ha a a a!!!

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