My Sketches (Full Version)

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Ćon -> My Sketches (3/23/2017 15:59:32)



I think it's a pretty useful skill to be able to flesh your own characters, especially when you're a writer, instead of relying on others to do it for you. That's what this little corner is for!

Here's an example of my drawing style:


I only use paper and pencil for these, and unfortunately it doesn't always end up this nicely. It's definitely not Tomix or Dage-level art yet, but I'm working towards it.

I'll post random drawings here every once in a while, which is basically concept art for my writing ideas.
Remember, there's no guarantee that any of this stuff will ever make it into the game.

If you get the chance, post some art requests and I'll see what I can do. Sketching your characters and ideas is a great way of improving myself. Alternatively, if you guys would like to post your own art of my characters on this thread, by all means. I love to see talented artwork from people, and seeing my ideas come to life.

Thanks for visiting!

Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (3/23/2017 16:06:41)

Faust Concept #1

One of my earliest sketches of Faust, and one of the references Tomix used to draw him during the Tournament of Champions.
The only difference from his AQW design is the lack of suspenders.


Shiny_Underpants -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (3/23/2017 21:50:16)

Welcome to the writers who want to be able to do their own concept art club.
Well that was weirdly specific.

I think it's a very good skill for writers (especially scriptwriters) to be able to create renditions of their characters. In this day and age— especially with the videogame industry expanding— it's good to be able to work in multiple areas on a project, both for the finished result and getting the job in the first place.
I've found that it's also good to look at character sheets and try to make drawings of the characters. Imitating styles is a fairly good way to develop your own (as you probably know from writing).

Hmm... requests...
I'd like to see Tomix shirtless on a horse.
An action shot of a chaosweaver weaving with belts instead of soulthread
The Elemental Spirit of Epexegesis
Steampunk Jaania
I don't have any specific one, just whichever suggestion(s) you find interesting.

you're right, Faust looks better without the braces

Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/28/2017 15:48:02)


Concept art for Lysander, the first antagonist of the Six Heroes Saga. Long hair, sweepy robes, and an air of sophistication.


Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/28/2017 15:54:08)

Request - Shiny_Underpants

"Shirtless Tomix on a Horse"


Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/28/2017 17:24:23)



Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/28/2017 18:18:07)



Shiny_Underpants -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/29/2017 13:28:53)


I'm currently wondering what possessed me to draw this one...

'Tis the temptation of comedy. There can be no turning back.

You completely nailed Tomix.
That expression is perfectly reminiscent of book 3 Tomix; one half bemusement, one half hootspa and one half invitation. maths
He's saying 'Sure, so I am shirtless on a horse. That's exactly what I want to be doing right now. Ladies?'
And, he's even missing some vitals in the nipple department, like all Lorean men.

About the antagonist, all I can say is that it isn't a murder mystery...
The best friend looks a lot more... friendly when he isn't upset. it was the crochet club. Nobody bothered to tell him, and after everything he'd worked for he... he... missed it

HwarangxDxArcher -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (6/3/2017 12:32:58)

Wow, the one with glasses looks really cool, it's simple, but cool :D

I wonder when we'll meet him ingame[&:]

Master_T -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (8/4/2017 16:48:04)

Are the antagonist of the six heroes saga and the blue haired man from the gala the same person?

Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (8/6/2017 18:53:39)

Who says there's only going to be one antagonist for the entire saga?

Han Draco Rokan -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (8/6/2017 22:56:46)

Hi, I'd like to submit a sketch idea! I'll make it as vague as possible to give you much freedom.

Take Magenta as an example, he is a non-human Soulweaver (a panther I take it)!

Vitael! It doesn't look humanoid!

I'd love to see what comes out!

Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (9/22/2017 17:56:34)


Idea for the third story arc.


Ćon -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (9/22/2017 17:57:37)

Man, I've really fallen behind on these! And the last one was rougher than it should be.

I'll try to work on them as soon as possible.

Hnybnny -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (10/6/2017 15:40:57)

You should draw Alexander....... :3c

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: Aeon's Sketch Requests (4/22/2018 19:33:10)

Faust Fan Art #1
So, I saw the notice that we can post on this gallery. It isn't really a thing on the DF gallery threads as far as I've seen, but I really want it to be, so...
[Original Linework sketch]
I used both Aeon and Tomix's renditions as reference. I have to say, I enjoyed playing around with Tomix's in-game design, as well as the more manga-esque style utilised by Aeon.
I would say this is a gift— and it is, in part— but I really made it because I think Faust is an interesting character.

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