Ćon -> My Sketches (3/23/2017 15:59:32)
Overview Hiya! I think it's a pretty useful skill to be able to flesh your own characters, especially when you're a writer, instead of relying on others to do it for you. That's what this little corner is for! Here's an example of my drawing style: [image]https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2861/32796968703_5a27489c23_z.jpg[/image] I only use paper and pencil for these, and unfortunately it doesn't always end up this nicely. It's definitely not Tomix or Dage-level art yet, but I'm working towards it. I'll post random drawings here every once in a while, which is basically concept art for my writing ideas. Remember, there's no guarantee that any of this stuff will ever make it into the game. If you get the chance, post some art requests and I'll see what I can do. Sketching your characters and ideas is a great way of improving myself. Alternatively, if you guys would like to post your own art of my characters on this thread, by all means. I love to see talented artwork from people, and seeing my ideas come to life. Thanks for visiting!