Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (Full Version)

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Indura -> Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (4/13/2017 11:31:54)

Hie! So i was thinking if there would be a possibility of selling your own items for gold...
And would that work out properly.. Wanna know your opinions :D

Sypherix -> RE: Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (4/20/2017 8:58:02)

I think I read somewhere in the design notes that they will have a trading system (somewhat) put up.

GODMARIN -> RE: Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (5/1/2017 0:06:22)

i hope so, i would like a crack at those exclusives if they don't add them to a dragon crystal shop down the road.

xTiramisu -> RE: Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (5/3/2017 15:08:28)

A market system would be dope! Shut up and take my money!

GODMARIN -> RE: Is there a possibility of trading or selling items? (5/3/2017 15:21:07)

lol, well the issue with trading is as it has always been, "Real World Trading", this is when someone offers a service to players for money, that service is to offer items, power leveling and game currency, but there are solutions to most of that.

Gold: not to be traded, or dropped.

Items: only traded for something of equal or greater value, so you would trade something of greater value then the item received, that mean sno one can give a single item valued at 1g for something valued at 9,999g, plus a trade can't be made without something in both give and receive slots.
(Example: something valued lower, but of greater rarity then the traded item, exclusives, somehow lower drop rate, hopefully exclusives become trade able)

Powerleveling: similar to account trading/selling....i have no idea, unless you have IP tracking or what ever.

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