Lazy quest Fan Art (Full Version)

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Eilnerick -> Lazy quest Fan Art (4/18/2017 21:49:09)

I drew this picture while it was running and I was getting Free EXP and wrote a small dialogue to give some context


[Playername] : Soon I'll get a Babd Catha or a Goldyfish I think, it got updated with new tiers..

Thefarus Jr. : What?! NO! If you replace me, I'll destroy Lolosia..

[Playername] : So original, Where did I see that again? Anyway, you wouldn't want me to have to "stop" you, right?

Thefarus Jr. : Ugh! "Stop" really? I hate your euphemisms! I am your strongest companion why would you want to get rid of me?

[Playername] : Well the others PETS! alright? you guys are pets not companion, even FGM she's my pet.. Anyway, they have room for progress, they aren't maxed out yet.. You on the other hand..

Thefarus Jr. : You're awfully smug and annoying, you know that?

[Playername] : I am the immortal chosen of Lore and the gods are literally blessing me with strength and filling my bank account as I do nothing, how could I not be smug and annoying?

Thefarus Jr. : [:@] immortal?! In the 10 years we've spent together, you've died 9 652 times!

[Playername] : Shhh, You're just salty cuz my level of immortality is off the charts.. If you want to stay with me, which I am sure you want -because who wouldn't? and also because you're too evil to be allowed to roam free- you'd need at least a tier update.. a Chi shield effect would be a nice bonus as long as it's toggle-able cuz I'd rather not have you cost SP too..

Yozai -> RE: Lazy quest Fan Art (4/20/2017 0:48:42)

Nice one.
Pic really good.[:D]

Kay Oh -> RE: Lazy quest Fan Art (4/20/2017 1:04:45)

Really cool, gj

darksampson -> RE: Lazy quest Fan Art (4/20/2017 1:48:41)

Great art, we all glad for LQ too.

Eilnerick -> RE: Lazy quest Fan Art (4/20/2017 12:07:39)

wow all replies in the span of 1 hour

Sea Fiend Junior was so hard to draw it took me at least 5 hours to get something decent..

aintlifebeautiful -> RE: Lazy quest Fan Art (9/26/2019 11:25:48)

I love this fanart ! in fact i love all the medieval games fan art because they always bring that nostalgia back from when you were a kid and playing mmos all the time with friends!

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