Bonehead (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Bonehead (11/23/2017 11:06:50)

This special baby dracolich is here to stay! He has a chance to heal you with the legendary power of turkeys stuffed into small places. Requires a Dragon Amulet to use.

Location: A Boneheaded Brawl
Price: N/A
Sellback: 30 Gold

This special baby dracolich is here to stay! He has a chance to heal you with the legendary power of turkeys stuffed into small places. (Has a low chance to drop from A Boneheaded Brawl.)
(No DA Required)

Location: Boneheaded Brawl Loot
Price: 300 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 270 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 75 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 20
Damage: 15-15
Element: Darkness
Pet's Stats: Crit +1, Bonus +1
Pet's Resists: None

Rarity: 5

Attack Type 1 - Approaches target and bites it for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage. (Rate: 70%)
Attack Type 2 - Recovers 5% of player's max HP; approaches target and breathes dark flames at it for 3 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage, amounting to 300% damage; applies 'Darkness Breath' (-10 Bonus) to target for 1 turn. (Rate: 30%)

Other information
  • Pet is animated; it moves its tail, wings, head, and other parts of its body periodically.


    Also See: Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions), Baby Dracolich Pet (All Versions), Cuddly Dracolich (All Versions)

    Thanks to
  • Silver for image and rate information.
  • Jay for attack type images and information, other information, also see links, and corrections.
  • Andlu and Baron Dante for attack type information.
  • fxmybrute13 for information and correction.
  • LouisCyphere for information.

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