Steam Gauge (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Steam Gauge (1/13/2018 8:40:19)

Steam Gauge

«Neutral misc. Increases Ranged Defence and Dexterity. Mastercraft; toggles between Fire and Water resistance.»

Location: Given to players who donated at least 500 Z-Tokens during the Tibbles summer donation contest '17. The version of the misc is based on the level of the character. Gaining this misc also gave access to the Steam Gauge shop.
Element: Neutral
Player	0-64	65-84	85-104	105-124	125-139	140+
Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	58 MC	78 MC	98 MC	118 MC	138 MC	153 MC

Price	307	2421	19466	156879	1264753	6051293
Sell	153	1210	9733	78439	632376	3025646
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «SPCost» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases Ranged Defence and Dexterity by the listed amount.
  • Click the misc*† to swap between Fire** and Water†† resistance. Multiplies damage taken of the selected element by the listed amount.
    Ranged	+8	+8	+9	+9	+10	+10
    Dex	+40	+40	+45	+45	+50	+50
    Res	0.65	0.6	0.6	0.55	0.55	0.5
    SPCost	54	59	62	67	70	74
    **Click to swap to Fire!
    **You are now protected against Fire!
    *Click to swap to Water!
    ††You are now protected against Water!

    This is a gauge for a miniature steam tank! It can be set to infuse your being with steam, which boosts your agility and ability to evade Ranged attacks, and can help you resists Fire or Water attacks!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui. Image thanks to mega000200. Description and popups thanks to Zeldax.


    August 21, 2017: The misc was released and became rare.

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