Discount Mogloween Candy Bag (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Discount Mogloween Candy Bag (7/14/2018 18:17:21)

Discount Mogloween Candy Bag

«Neutral misc. Use to convert MP into HP. Mastercraft; sometimes heals more HP.»

Location: Golden Giftboxes - Rare Shop
Element: Neutral
Type								G
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	153 MC
MPLvl	16	34	53	72	92	112	132	152

Price	6	23	154	1211	9733	78440	632376	3025646
Sell	3	11	77	605	4866	39220	316188	1512823
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: 0 SP

  • Once activated, click the misc to heal the listed HP*. This costs the listed MPCost and doesn't cost a turn.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    MPCost	15	27	40	55	72	91	112	131
    HPHeal	4.529	10.671	19.549	30.522	43.567	57.396	69.878	80.874
  • 8% of the time, you will heal 162.5% of the normal HP, listed as HPCrit below.
    Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
    HPCrit	7.359	17.340	31.768	49.599	70.796	93.268	113.552	131.420
    *Click to spend «» MP to munch on some candy and recover HP!

    It’s November 1st, which means that Yulgar has to get rid of all his Mogloween candy to make room for Frostval candy! Click the bag to eat some and heal some HP, although it’ll hurt your brain a bit. (The best before date is only a suggestion, right?)


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image, description and pop-up thanks to Kay Oh.


    November 10, 2016: The misc was released.
    December 15, 2016: The misc became rare.

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