racing.lo.mas -> RE: =ED= Tech Mage Balance Thread (12/15/2018 0:44:38)
That only nerfed support and dex builds. Support builds was good with overload because of stun chances. More support, more stun chance. Now they have multy, maybe same damage but doesn't have stun which was the key of support builds. Now multy has support, idk, dont think its a good build for 2v2. I mean, yes, it would be like support mercenary. Dex tm/bm. It is strong due to be tank. Now without multy, its not that good for 2v2. Maybe is good for 1v1, but not for 2v2. I like the way dex builds might be for 1v1. However, I don't like at all support bm/tm. They might be good for 2v2, but they will using the same build mercenary/tlm use. In fact, tm and tlm are being really similar classes. Check this out. Dex tm and tlm: Gun, battery backup, stun (stun grenade/overload). SAME SKILLS. Support tm and tlm: aux, battery backup, multy. Both for 2v2. SAME SKILLS. Tech tm and tlm: battery backup, maybe bot, ulti (supercharge and surgical are pretty similar, both enery damage, both increase with tech, both ignore defense, both grants health, only tlm reduce rage)