NDB -> RE: =ED= Item/Weapon Suggestions 2.0 (6/21/2020 13:44:49)
I hate to be "that guy" again, but for subimitting to the suggestion shop, it really ought to be your own sketch. Try not to resort to photoshopping pieces of existing art, whether ingame or taken off of google images, or worse, calling in a friend to "help" you draw some items so you can get the achievement. Obviously, I'm not targeting anyone specific here since so many people have done it. What the suggestion shop has devolved into is a bit unsettling, personally, and I feel like there needs to be some much stricter guidelines for this. I have already gotten word that at least one person who's designs have already been implemented did not make the items by themself, and I had suspected as much. A simple proof that you made the weapon, such as a few screenshots of your work in the software that you designed it ( like this) has never historically been required, but at this point I don't think it would hurt to have it be. Again, I hate to be the one to have to say these things and I'm not trying to put down anyone's submissions, but the way things are going is not exactly what I thought the suggestion shop was supposed to represent, and I've been here since the first suggestion shop. Sure, not everybody can draw well, but everybody can draw, so if you really want to submit an item, I would much, much rather see you try your best to do it yourself. Photoshopping is not drawing. I'm sure Nightwraith and Charfade take into consideration the creative concept and the execution of it equally anyway. I would appreciate if I could get some resolution for my concerns.