Kibbles Coffee Mug (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Kibbles Coffee Mug (8/22/2018 11:35:34)

Kibbles Coffee Mug

«A Miscellaneous item that converts some of your MP into SP each turn. Can be clicked during your turn for a chance of gaining Celerity, allowing you to attack twice.»

Location: Given to the top 25 donators during the Frostval Kibbles Donation Contest '15 from before Kibbles was updated with higher donation options.
Element: Neutral
Level	150
PowLvl	153
CostLvl	152

Price	N/A
Sell	100000000
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «MPCost» MP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Restores «SPRegen» SP each turn. If you click on it during your turn, you pay «SPCost» SP (*1.4 if your pet is out AND active) and the monster makes a save roll*:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: 200 vs MonsterINT
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *If it fails the save, you, your pet, guest and item gain Celerity for one turn**. Attempting to do this will not take a turn.
    SPRegen	44
    SPCost	231
    MPCost	72
    *You must have at least «» SP to drink that much coffee!
    **Mmm! Tasty! (Not very effective, though)
    **CAFFEINE RUSH! You gain one turn of Celerity!

    This mug was awarded to the brave few who made a major contribution in the early days of Kibbles' donation drive. You'll take a sip every turn and convert some MP to SP, but you can also click on it to chug the whole thing in hopes of getting Celerity!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and description thanks to ss2195. Popups thanks to Yozai.


    January 20, 2016: The misc was released and became rare.

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