Class DPS guide. (Full Version)

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Darches -> Class DPS guide. (9/30/2018 20:10:56)

Pirate: 	107.95 to 139.53 (123.74)	+15% crit chance		Best long range damage.
Rogue:		64.03 to 148.03	(124.03)	+5% haste and crit chance	Efficient class in general.
Warrior:	122.24				+4.32% damage			Best for close quarters brawls.
Dragonslayer:	105.22 to 162.21 (122.35)	+15% damage to dragons		Best for tanks and dragons.
Mage:		115.35								Good for long range support.
Guardian:	100.66				+10% armor			Bad.

So basically use any class that's not Mage or Guardian. Damage FTW. They're all very similar and I can't calculate the actual DPS without a lot of optimal 
gameplay and a stopwatch, which I'm too lazy to do. Pirate should be the strongest though with its powerful crit rate passive and range. It's good for the 
new bosses. Top tier gunslinger.

Rough guide is rough; small things like animations will change DPS!

Warrior: The heart of a warrior is filled with great sustainable DPS.
	25		(AoE in front)
	10		(AoE all around, -10% armor for 8s)
Total:	99.79
Special: 450
Total with special: 122.24
Analysis: It strong, and gets even stronger when fighting multiple enemies up close. It's ideal for lazy adventuring due to the lack of resource management. 
I think Warcry gives ~+25% damage to your 5th skill, and +5% strength to your party for ~4s. I'm pretty sure +5% strength equals +5% damage.
It'll take ~10.53s per Warcry (without animations). This gives 2.375% bonus damage, and 1.9% more bonus damage from strength.

Mage: Range and stun courses through your veins. Your arcane abilities let you lure tough enemies while doing respectable damage.
	27.5		(AoE on impact, 0.75s cast)
	30.71		(slows for 4s, 0.25s cast)
	8.33		(stuns for 2s)
Total:	93.21
Special: 475		(0.75s cast)
Total with special: 115.35
Analysis: Range and stun can be nice to have at times.

Rogue: There is no antidote for this class.
	20		(+1 poison)
	11.25		(+4 poison)
	16.67		(-10% attack for 8s)
	9		(poison->heavy poison)
Poison: 32		(8 stacks)
HPoison:42.67		(8 stacks)
Total:	56.92 to 131.58
Special: 250 (+8 poison and resets scorpion sting)
Total with special: 64.03 to 148.03
Analysis: Rogue's DPS varies wildly depending on how much poison you have. While it's weaker upfront, has no AoE abilities, and 
requires thinking, it pulls ahead of Warrior in long/tough boss battles with a hair more DPS and weaken. Actual DPS is probably 
~124.03 (assuming always 8 poison and 4 heavy poison, which is generous if anything).

Guardian: Guardians are poorly trained soldiers in the war against grinding.
	32.5		(+1 mark)
	22.5		(+3 marks)
	28.89		(AoE straight ahead, taunts for 5s, 0.5s cast)(4x damage with 10 marks?)
	18.33		(AoE all around, heals you)(4x heal with 10 marks? Allies get /4 heal?)
Total:	83.88
Special: 400		(0.25s cast)
Total with special: 100.66
Analysis: Fairly useless due to having low DPS, a weak special, slow animations, and needing both marks AND mana to work.
Why bother? Bulwark is efficient when combined with taunt, but if your enemy is dying slower it doesn't matter.

Dragonslayer: Dragonslayers belong to an elite order, resolute to kill dragons and other big things.
	22.22		(Determined: ignore 50% armor, +??% damage... +65% damage overall?)
	16.43		(Determined: +20% damage?, silence)
	11.11 		(Determined: bleed for 26.11 total)
Total:	91.09 to 123.82
Special: 310 to 620	(Determined: very small AoE)
Total with special: 105.22 to 162.21
Analysis: It's basically a Warrior specialized for fighting dragons and tough single enemies.
It's Dragonlance attack also lures enemies.
Assuming you're determined 1/4 of the time, your final DPS will be 114.66 to 130.05.

Pirate: Since when did pirates have so many bullets!?!?
	25		(50% chance to refresh Bullet Storm (meaning 0.125 more casts/s, which means double casting for Bullet Storm))
	15.625(31.25)	(50% chance to enable Flak Shot (meaning 0.125 more casts/s, including previous refreshes))
	11.25(22.5)		(Reload/Flak Shot (slows for 1.5s))
Total:	91.88 to 118.75
Special: 350		(snares for 4s, 0.5s cast)
Total with special: 107.95 to 139.53
Analysis:  Low damage assumes that Bullet Storm is never refreshed; high damage assumes Bullet Storm is always fully refreshed.
Ultimately you can only refresh ~7/8 AT BEST and will probably refresh about 1/2 on average, since spamming skills maximizes DPS.
This means your total DPS will be close to 105.315 and 123.74 with special. The passive should make this one of the strongest classes.

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