Eye dropper tool for color customization (Full Version)

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Romaian Master -> Eye dropper tool for color customization (10/19/2018 19:50:12)

The title really says it all.

When people customize their armor colors they might want to do a custom color
that might not be on the color picker. Sometimes you want to match really specific
weapons, a great solution would be a simple eyedropper tool!

Reasons why an eye dropper tool would be great:
- Be able to match colors to your weapons(Most players want to do this).
- Be able to get more color variations

That's about it.
Thank you!

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Eye dropper tool for color customization (10/19/2018 19:59:36)

Yep, supported. Being able to match NPCs can be fun

Albus dumbledore -> RE: Eye dropper tool for color customization (10/20/2018 12:16:32)

good idea supported by me thumps up

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Eye dropper tool for color customization (10/20/2018 14:12:26)

It would be a fun quality of life change but if memory serves it would be a pretty hefty under taking to transfer from the fixed color palette options to essentially every possible color.

So support the idea but I think it's outside of Nightwraith's scope but I could hopefully be wrong

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