RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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total death -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/12/2019 13:58:35)

Hello, my in-game name is Totss, I have recently bought the new class "Lord of Order." It has no skills when I equip it, and below is a link to my twitter where I have posted a clip of the issue.



Edme MacHeath -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/12/2019 14:20:50)

Lord of Order seems like a complementary class to other supports as it increases crit damage and hit chance by 40% which are two stats that don't get touched by buffs to this amount usually..
But it does have 30% haste buff and 20% all normal stats for the group.

But there are some potentially nutty things about this class.

Oath of Order seems like an amazing passive as it means your attacks always CRIT and HIT. That alone seems really good...

Quitoxic makes attacks heal you instead of hurting you. That's a thing apparently..
This class seems to have a good amount of damage reduct/resist going. 30% reduced incoming from resurgence, 8% less enemy damage per stack of order up to 5 stacks, then resilience passive reduces physical and magical damage by 15% each.
So I'm wondering if this class is decently tanky, especially since it has a group heal and inverts attacks from time to time.
I'm gonna have to wait for the class to be farmable but it doesn't sound bad from the design notes.

dragontackle -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/12/2019 18:25:38)

Anyone know what enchantment I should use with LoO?

thepowersthatbe -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/12/2019 18:58:25)

When you read the description of the 5th skill, it sounds awesome, but it doesn't quite live up to what you imagine it doing. Right now it heals for like 30 hp at level 90, if that.
I think it could heal for the amount of damage you would have taken, if not more, or the length that Stability lasts could be reduced, so you can apply Quixotic more often, if not both.
Alternatively, Order could also apply a buff to Quixotic based on the amount of stacks.

Obviously it's debatable whether the auto attack damage should be buffed or not. But if the description says it takes both attack and spell power into account, doesn't that imply it could be more powerful?

Regardless, it's going to be a good support class.

@dragontackle Lucky Enhancements for Lord of Order class.

you stop -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/13/2019 20:35:28)


As for Blazebinder... It's definitely in the lower end of that tier but it's also the most consistent and excells in dealing the same exact damage pretty much always which allows it to kill certain mobs in one hit repeatedly or line up consistent kills to have respawns be pretty equal.
Try doing tod runs and make sure you start with 4 ALWAYS and press it as soon as it is up. It changed my opinion on BB. I cannot say for sure if it really is at the bottom. All I can say is Shaman's on top of the 4 farming classes that I usually refer to, while BB, AA, VL all compete with each other.

Also on your comment with MoM, I also do not have it so I can never really say if it IS the best in all cases. All I'm using is a separate tier list from a somehow trusted source which is molevolent's list. While I do have questions in that list, I do agree with majority of what he claims so that's what I used.

But if I take it out of the equation, I would simply say LR is the best out of a similar argument to yours:

. (I am of the opinion if two classes perform the same, the one with the better advantages elsewhere is the better one, which may be true on paper, but I sometimes wonder if the results are the same is the difference really important..)
For the most part, I would say Shaman must be able to compete with LR. They both do about the same burst damage on mobs. But one advatage of LR is the capability to consistently farm 1k hp monsters. That said, I claim LR to be better than shaman. Also in a long term dps on higher hp mobs (styx hydras), LR is better by a huge margin but that's rather comically niche so I don't use that as an argument

Edme MacHeath -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/14/2019 11:24:25)


Try doing tod runs and make sure you start with 4 ALWAYS and press it as soon as it is up. It changed my opinion on BB.

Well this is about the amount of HP where BB does it's best outside of perhaps just farming 1k enemies so I would expect it to do well..

Shaman: 1:11, 1:09, 1:15, 1:21 (I messed up horribly)

To say I did badly with shaman before is an understatement. I spaced out..much better to say the least.

I think I figured out the correct solution for how to actually walk across with shaman and that's for the rooms with dread dwellers and dread eels, you don't rush to the right side of the room to easily move to the next room.
Instead because they... for the most part have enough HP to survive both ancestors flame and hydrophobia, you sorta attack them with your skills and have them move across with you as you move from left to right.
If you time it correctly they should attack you consistently allowing you to still be hit for mana and you'll be able to end up on the right side before you kill them anyways.

It doesn't exactly always work with anglerfish however since their HP is roughly 6900 and a critted ancestors flame and hydrophoba will do a combined total of around 7400ish with a 30% boost. We're moving into way iffier territory in general with a 50% boost as you can pretty much just risk twoshotting all the mobs. However it kinda requires you to do that across all mobs and all the rooms except 37 have mixed mobs. 37 is the iffy room because it has 3 anglerfish. So that's really the only room where moving across like this is potentially quite worrysome.
I suppose the chances of twoshotting all 3 anglerfish isn't the greatest but even in the other rooms if you target the dread dweller your autoattack actually can deal abit of damage around 700+on a crit meaning one or two autos combined with 2 crit skills can still kill it.

Probably abit too focused of a observation for this metric but I think knowing this is atleast important as it does change quite abit what kind of results you can get as it affects the pacing and the mana gained from fighting.

How exactly am I supposed to rest with shaman and at what points? My results haven't even tried doing that yet so if that further increases shaman's speed thats helpful.
BB 1:17 1:27 1:26 1:27

I don't know how I got the first time.. I'm really confused about that one and I'm wondering if i just saw it as 1:27 and misread but I don't think I did.
BB is definitely really consistent and I didn't think it'd be quite THIS consistent but perhaps my timings were just coincidentally this close.

I think there's way that can go wrong with shaman and I think this is why people don't get similar times with shaman. There's just an absurd amount of variables beyond just the class itself. Mana Management, Skill Spacing, Movement, Resting.
Given that these variables are actually in the user's control however, but still variables.
There's alot of subtleties in shaman and I suppose that makes getting the optimal results more complicated than it looks.

you stop -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/14/2019 20:14:17)


I think there's way that can go wrong with shaman and I think this is why people don't get similar times with shaman. There's just an absurd amount of variables beyond just the class itself. Mana Management, Skill Spacing, Movement, Resting.
I think at this point it's better to change the metric. Tod runs are rather notorious for allowing shaman to just burst everything and maintain a certain value of mana at the end, hence we cant say when to rest. So my proposal is, how about we just sit still and do a kill count on /shadowrealm? I know this will be VERY inconsistent as too many variables are at play, namely 4 mobs. If that much is an issue, how about /lust? There's a room (go up twice) with 3 mobs with all the same hp if i recall correctly. We can just sit still and farm kill counts over a minute or two.

I say this is quite a good measure since a lot of farming involves sitting still in one area (levels, battleunderb, LR, some nulgath farming) and a good number of them have 3 mobs. It should represent a clear long term farming kill count, at a very moderate amount of HP for the mobs


I don't know how I got the first time.. I'm really confused about that one
Probably just a streak of awe procs. Another could be mobs critting themselves to death with your 4 up. It's RNG but it's not impossible.

Also speaking of these results, I think it goes quite a way to prove my point if we compare it to metakirby's VL results. They aren't too far off of each other, assuming one is clearly better than the other.

Hells Elder Brother -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/27/2019 6:39:13)

Lord of Order is no joke at soloing some slightly hardcore bosses.

Slugbutter (Spiral Carve)

Desolich (Awe Blast)

For the Desolich solo, I used Awe Blast, Arch Doomknight and BBoA to help my survivability with crit heals and mana sustain from the bonus damage they give. Combining the Awe Blast, 5 Order stacks from Blessing of Order and Resurgence from the heal makes Desolich deal 400-900 damage, giving me the advantage to keep fighting and healing. Of course there were times that he almost took me down and I managed to take him down on my 4th solo attempt.

Lord GrimDusk -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/27/2019 15:03:18)

Hello all! I recently obtained eternal and corrupted chronomancer, and I had a question about the second of the two: What hourglass is generally seen as best, and what corruption should be used with it?

In addition, are Void Highlord and Legion Revenant worth farming for now that I have these two classes?

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/27/2019 16:44:00)

About your second question, this is a pretty good answer I found on Reddit.

Calendar classes are more focussed on damage. Good examples include Immortal Chronomancer, ShadowStalker of Time, and Corrupted Chronomancer. They're all at the top for solo damage. However, they have problems (not so much with SSoT) against hard-hitting attacks, with PvP, and farming.

Void Highlord, LightCaster, etc. do have some of the best damage in the game too, but it's not as high. They make up for it with survivability, usually some support (especially Stonecrusher), and better at farming.

Edme MacHeath -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (10/30/2019 21:29:27)

Which has a higher potential nuke with support? CDK or Corrupted Chrono?

When Eternal/Immortal came out, the consensus was CDK was still the better nuker with/without support in terms of nuke damage but EC/IC was better due to sustainability in mana and healing which made it a better single target class by quite a bit. Due to ability to repeat nuke cycles while CDK kinda dies off after 1-2 nukes..

But CDK's potential nukes were still higher with proper support, although I'm not sure how relevant that is when both classes with support were hitting in the 2-3 million+ range and the amount of bosses that can survive that are slim.

But I've heard claims of Corrupted hitting millions on it's own and I'm not sure how much CDK is nuking at lvl 90. I've heard people say Corrupted is like CDK on steroids but I really don't have any conclusive data.

I think it'd be great if CDK could finally be obsolete in every way possible.

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (11/6/2019 17:01:35)


Lord of Order is no joke at soloing some slightly hardcore bosses.

Slugbutter (Spiral Carve)

Desolich (Awe Blast)

For the Desolich solo, I used Awe Blast, Arch Doomknight and BBoA to help my survivability with crit heals and mana sustain from the bonus damage they give. Combining the Awe Blast, 5 Order stacks from Blessing of Order and Resurgence from the heal makes Desolich deal 400-900 damage, giving me the advantage to keep fighting and healing. Of course there were times that he almost took me down and I managed to take him down on my 4th solo attempt.

Dayum, I remember trying solo Slugbutter back right after the original Blademaster came out, couldn't quite get it done. But more importantly, Hi HEB. How's life.

Also, how long did it take to kill Desolich?

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (11/6/2019 17:06:15)

^ As per his Reddit post, one hour. Absolute mad lad.

Supersei -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (12/26/2019 19:56:37)

so im coming back to the game after a fairly long break, what are some of the better classes for solo content since its gonna be a while before im up to date. last time i really played was around chaos finale and looking for some classes to get me up to snuff. i have each calander class cause i alwasy bought those during my break

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (12/28/2019 0:34:54)

AQWG lists the top 10 solo classes as being 1. Corrupted/Underworld Chronomancer (functionally the same skills), 2. Immortal Chronomancer, 3. ShadowStalker/Walker of Time, 4. Void Highlord, 5. Dark Metal Necro/Unchained Rockstar, 6. LightCaster, 7. Legion Revenant, 8. Great Thief, 9. Timeless/Arcane/Mystical Dark Caster 10. Immortal Dark Caster/Dark Caster

Note that while the top 3 spots go to Calendar Class skill sets for their sheer damage output while being able to survive most bosses’ levels of damage output, Void Highlord, Great Thief and ChronoAssassin are better against the increasingly common niche of high damage-dealing bosses.

wozzen -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (12/28/2019 17:53:39)

So, a question about the new class thing: what are the recommended enhancements for it? Normally that information is given at the beginning of the description, but it's missing on this one.

Metakirby -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (12/28/2019 19:52:24)

I haven't played around with it too much myself, but I see everyone recommending Wiz and given all the skills are magical, a good portion of your damage comes from DoTs and it has one of the Caster stat models, I see nothing wrong with that.

joon120 -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/2/2020 13:49:49)

Anyway, I think I need 2 new classes. 1 farm class and 1 to solo bosses ( to run through the stories without needing help ).
Ive been scrolling through the pages to see if it could help me and it looks like Shaman is the go-to farm class and GB is the go-to solo class?

Im currently using Oracle, DBSK and VOT - got Healer, Warrior, Chunin, TSS, Ninja, Elemental Draco., Chaos Shaper, Dark Legendary, Legendary, Darkside, Guardian, Evolved clawsuit, Prismatic clawsuit, Sentinel and Paladin (cant use last 3 cuz no longer a member).
Im lvl 41 and coins/acs no problem.

I dont like to farm for a class so I can gladly pay 2k ac's - so I can buy GB if its the superior solo class?

I took a look at Scarlet and Arachnomancer but dont know. Scarlet is a good farming class aswell?

Got a few armor sets up aswell but they all use luck (got one set of wizard incase (weapon, help, cape)). Dont think i have unstable weapons (Celestial Sandsword, Greater Oblivion Blade, Diamond Frost Cane, Disturbed Sword)

Tyroniter -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/2/2020 16:12:34)

For your level, my best suggestion would be to go for Chaos Slayer or Shaman as soon as you can, since they can cover both farming and soloing for the story part atleast. Both of those do require Rank 10 for Chaos/Arcangrove resepectively, although Chaos Slayer can be bought for ACs as well, but I wouldn't advise going for that. If you want something more dedicated to each category, then I'd wait for Dage's birthday to come around to get either Legion DoomKnight or Timeless/Immortal Dark Caster for soloing(I haven't used the Dark Casters but I hear they're pretty good), and maybe Blaze Binder or Daimon for farming. That's all I can think of off the top of my head anyway.

joon120 -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/2/2020 21:12:56)

Somehow my first sentences didnt publish.

Im a returning player and had my first login today since the last chapter of The 13 Lords of Chaos saga (still uncompleted). Seek to maintain some activity with my user now.

I got 6,8k AC and dont mind spending them on classes. So buying GB or Chaos Slayer from AC shop is still a bad move for me? Shaman I can farm for (or, I dont have any choice so)

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/3/2020 10:18:03)

Buying any class that can be farmed is a bad move really. Chaos Slayer is easily farmed, and once you have that everything else is fair game.

Loftyz -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/4/2020 16:31:51)

if it's a tier-3 class like blaze binder or stonecrusher, i think it's ok to just buy it.

& I can't find a method of gaining gold/class points without gaining xp, so level 1s with rank 10 classes aren't possible to train. there used to be a few methods, but the fun has been exterminated.

you stop -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (1/31/2020 7:32:40)

i think for Blaze Binder, it's a bad idea to buy it directly when you can buy pyro and merge blaze and then sell pyro after.

for Stonecrusher, why buy it when infinity titan exists?

Danzonthebass -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (2/1/2020 6:52:22)

For anyone who's interested I create a site dedicated to explaining various aspects of AQW's gameplay mechanics. The link can be seen here:

ArchNero -> RE: =AQW= Class Discussion Thread (2/2/2020 18:33:50)

Just touching base on Infinity Titan, I don't know if this has been asked before here.

Do the buffs from Infinity Titan stack alongside with Stonecrusher or no?

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