Zalga -> RE: =AQW= (Dis)Accomplishment Thread (7/7/2021 6:26:38)
DIS?: In all of my 11 years, the sudden lag when we got Ultra Ezrajal down to ~30k HP is the most frustrating experience I have ever felt. I died from the lag, worried senselessly if my team or the boss would die before I got back. I respawned and hurried back in time but got killed in one hit. I respawned again and voila, Ezrajal's already dead. I played Arch Paladin, focusing constantly and chipping this ultra hard boss' HP for at least 15 minutes, just to die at the end because of one lag. I haven't been this frustrated from a game in a very, very long time. As expected from Challenges, I suppose. Update 26/8/21 ACC: Met incredible challenge teammates today. They were skilled, supportive AND cooperative. Everybody was nice and brainstormed together. We went with the initial plan and followed through subsequent changes without giving up on each other. We worked together so well that by the time I got all 5 Insignias I went along with another round of Ezrajal and Ultra Tyndarius for my teammates anyway because it was so enjoyable playing the game with them. Nice people are nice. Update 29/9/22 ACC: NSoD. Thank you daily quest. Update 6/5/23 ACC: I just duelled Fourth Lynaria with Darkside and the themes Duel of the Fates and Battle of the Heroes.