[AQ3D] Data Users (Full Version)

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Sastro14 -> [AQ3D] Data Users (1/20/2019 21:37:23)

As a Data User, I always worry about how much MegaBytes(MBs) I'm using from my Data Plan or from someone else's, normally I usually just visit the places that my Daily Quest(s) requires me to do in the game but there are times where I wanna explore and help or interact with players.

However there are times where the game questionably re-downloads the maps I've already downloaded recently, I get that the Developers are making improvements to the game by updating the maps and tweaking a few things here and there but sometimes I actually wish there was something in the game where it would let me know which maps I need to re-download because it's been updated by HighLighting the Maps' in the Travel menu whether that maps has been downloaded or not, or else I'll just be burning my Data in mere minutes.

Oh and just so it's clear, I've already downloaded all of the maps in the game with WiFi while I was baby-sitting my little nieces and nephew and in total, the game is about 1.5GB or more because each map is about 15MB to 25MB or even more, while my Data Plan is usually 150MB (6 SRD) or 700MB (11SRD) because those are the ones I can afford.
And right now I've un-installed the game on my Phone because I'm running out of storage in my Phone, untill I'm at one of my Family's house and using their WiFi to download the game again, I'll be patiently waiting.

So a quick solution I can come up with is HighLighting the Map's name that has already been downloaded in the Travel Menu.

Thank You so much for taking the time for reading this post, I always appreciate feedback whether you agree or not, or if you have something better in mind. Have a Great Day/Night Everyone.

XeNON_54 -> RE: [AQ3D] Data Users (1/21/2019 6:34:08)

You don't use wifi?

Travel to South Korea! They have free wifi everywhere is Seoul!!!

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