JanusHoW -> RE: Rate me (again) - LV 135+ Hybrid (8/18/2019 10:51:08)
Okay, I've purchased the Bloodzerker Swords. I had a Rare and and Ultra Rare before my final post, which I used to get the Blazing Bloodzerker and Agony's Embrace, but now I only have 400 or so Z-Tokens left after purchasing ~110 GGBs using the 10,000 I got from the Donation Contest, and I still don't plan to use any IRL money to get more, so I'm stuck getting Z-Tokens 3-10 at a time. Also, the sale is on GGBs only, so I can't use it to get That leaves me with 2 Rares and 2 UltraRares. Any other suggestions? Or should I just wait for more Bloodzerker Swords? Also, where do I get the Museum? It's not in the Housing Shop in Battleon. Edit: I now have 1000 Z-Tokens from selling off my House and upgrading to a Forest Stone Mansion, which raised my item maximum to a whopping 22 for each (24 for misc, since I purchased 2 extra slots).