Idle Quest? (Full Version)

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robinafan444 -> Idle Quest? (6/30/2019 7:26:39)

In the game launcher I see a listing for what seems to be a game called idle quest. Why is it there?
Now it opened something

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (6/30/2019 7:57:59)

O' good catch didn't even know it was out[:D]

Too bad I don't have time to unlock a second character before work. Ok "adventurer" you put some solo work in for the next 13 hours[:D]

(lvl 6, character lvl 3) Best items so far (off to work)

edit: well 14 hours later and he has made 15k gold...can almost afford the 1sy ally[:D] edit: should have set it a few lvls lower..obviously

I would seem thou you have to manually pick up drop[:@] Nice drop% and THIS too

edit: there we go:
lvl 7 adventurer and lvl 1 priest

edit: didn't even see the drops are listed on the progression button

edit: looks like lvl 3 is fairly abusable for gold farming manually as every time you ended a "boss"(?) is the first monster.

Master Guardian -> RE: Idle Quest? (6/30/2019 17:30:24)

The difficulty seems to increase exponentially after the death knight in level 8. I can't make it much further, the raptor is too strong and the enemies in the levels before him flee to quickly

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (6/30/2019 22:46:40)

Rather than editng for the 100th time...looks like there is " ascension".

and since I am a glutton for punishment

sure why not or even this

The "ascend" button is to easy to click be careful[:(]

edit: Now that's a nice autoing item. Focusing down an enemy yes please. edit: or This

Master Guardian ouch lvl 9 75 to 600HPHP, lvl 10 ~400 to 2.4kHP

Dragoonex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/1/2019 19:08:39)

Wait till you guys reach these levels.

megakyle777 -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/2/2019 14:25:54)

Couple of suggestions to make this game better: (though I doubt it will be taken on board:)

Ascending and spending time crystals need a "Are you sure you want to ascend" and a "Are you sure you want to buy X" option.

The levels show the amount of items, but once you perm unlock a item it shows on the level even when you've not reearned it, My suggestion is three settings: question mark for unearned and unpermed, silhouette of the item for unearned but permed, then full item for obtained and permed.

Ascension feels to some like it's useless. It might new either a few more bonuses to it, or reworking of the current on a small scale. Maybe 0.1% damage buff per crystal is not enough?

Difficulty curve seems unusual, there's a wall just after death knight with the only way to progress seeming being either grinding tons of gold in low gold areas or farming time crystals to get a damage buff by mob buy.

Game needs a update now and again just for fun.[:D]

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/2/2019 19:37:01)

Here's a question, are the the two low rate drops on lvl 2 any good? I assume the rabbits reappear on another lvl with a better encounter rate.

megakyle777 100% agree[;)]

edit: still kind of stuck around lvl 9 for farming (don't leave the PC on over night). The must gets so far IMO are THESE. At least as far as the low rate drops go. Still haven't gotten the rabbits drops on lvl 2 and missing a sneevil drop on lvl 11.[&:]

edit: there we go just had to complain a bit :)

Dragoonex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/3/2019 0:11:30)

Might want to recheck the difficulty around stage 33-37.
Stage 33-34 have no drops so the scaling of you versus the HP is a huge gap when u reach stage 35 which has over 9 billion HP mobs.
Stage 35 mobs can't be auto farmed since your team's damage won't deal enough with the spawn rate even with a x4.26 Focus and x25,158 Team Damage.
Drop rates are also pretty bad for 9b HP at 3% for +1~3% increase weapons and .1% drop rate for a weapon I've not found yet since I can't auto farm.
Also this takes into account obtaining all items up till stage 35 and having a large amount of the characters/mobs bought with Crystals. 6.174T Golds worth of crystals btw.

Dragoonex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/3/2019 0:37:27)

Ascending really helps. Just a couple tips when you do.
1) Prioritize really low chance drops like .1%, 1%, 3% and rare drops from monsters that rarely spawn (i.e. Purple Rabbits). Doing this helps by increasing the odds of getting the item again by 10x, so a 3% becomes 30% which makes getting it again super fast. It also increases gold gain by 1% for each. This really helps that catch up process after ascending.
2) Get boss characters first to increase damage to them by 10%. Also get more annoying monsters like Kitchen Sink (they run away FAST). Faster kills makes getting drops easier and more progress. This also increases your overall damage by 1% for each mob/char you buy which can add up quickly.
No the purple rabbits and its drops don't show up later as far as I know up to level 37. In this game you want all the gear you can get. Big thing I do for them every run is get to Cemetery boss and get my team to 3 members and auto farm them when I'm not playing.

megakyle777 -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/3/2019 8:22:47)

I was thinking about the massive difficulty curve in between death knight and junkyard, and feel like it could easily be solved by adding a few items in the starting areas. Give trobble, pidiger and crow a item or 2 each that has a solid stat that enlargens the snowball effect of other percentage based items later on.

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/3/2019 9:01:29)

Dragoonex thx good to know.

Yep I rush to lvl 3 get gold and then rish to the next boss. Guess i will farm for that last lvl 2 drop next[:(]

edit: amazing what a couple of good drops can do. Next thing you know you are nuking the boss for his item and cake walking the next few lvls. ( As I was typing this I got another ) Now only if I had enough crystals.[&:]

megakyle777 -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/5/2019 4:34:09)

I reckon that allies need to be coded to focus on whatever you are clicking on. There has been a billiopn times I've ALMOST killed something in the junkyard only for it to get away with like 10 hp because my allies are focusing on the billion socks or tires that have spawned since then. I just missed out on a mimic by 100 hp due to this. DX

I've hit a wall.

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/5/2019 6:40:38)

yep been there[:(]

It was my wall as well till a drop or 2 (see above) now I am autoing it waiting for 1 more mimic drop(been up to lvl 20 since).

kors -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/5/2019 19:59:56)

Yeah lol. I can't get through the junkyard without a lot of focusing on one. Or even the Sneevil Grounds.

kingsam -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/7/2019 13:51:54)

Are there any planned updates, or once you get to 46 is that it?

blackmagika -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/7/2019 14:38:32)

afterlifex -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/8/2019 21:46:55)


Might want to recheck the difficulty around stage 33-37.
Stage 33-34 have no drops so the scaling of you versus the HP is a huge gap when u reach stage 35 which has over 9 billion HP mobs.
Stage 35 mobs can't be auto farmed since your team's damage won't deal enough with the spawn rate even with a x4.26 Focus and x25,158 Team Damage.
Drop rates are also pretty bad for 9b HP at 3% for +1~3% increase weapons and .1% drop rate for a weapon I've not found yet since I can't auto farm.
Also this takes into account obtaining all items up till stage 35 and having a large amount of the characters/mobs bought with Crystals. 6.174T Golds worth of crystals btw.

Just hit this road block myself[:@]

edit: having to go back to 31 to auto and manual 35 for drops[:(]

Slayne -> RE: Idle Quest? (7/14/2019 23:44:57)

I agree that a way to save would be nice since I have computer updates to install that will force a reboot & everything I've gained over the past few days will be lost [:(][:(]

kyyaha -> RE: Idle Quest? (9/24/2019 19:09:10)

Does anyone have a full list of unlockable characters yet? I want to make a themed teams but haven't gotten to the later stages...

TimeKiller -> RE: Idle Quest? (10/8/2019 1:50:49)

what is the best place to afk farm pre lvl 35 cuz like i cant keep up with it even while clicking theres just too many of them even with every item from the first 34 levels

Addihul -> RE: Idle Quest? (11/17/2019 20:18:41)

Spreadsheet I put together for the game. Link to the loot images is near the top. Edit: Added individual image links to each item. Make a copy to track your looted vs unlooted

Idlequest Data Sheet

JoWiCo1 -> RE: Idle Quest? (12/13/2019 15:58:31)

Can someone please tell me what it means to "permanently unlock" something? If I have unlocked it, why do I need to find it again. What is the point? And how does it work for the monsters?

stuart -> RE: Idle Quest? (12/25/2019 4:46:05)


Thanks for the spreadsheet, it comes in very usefull. For information as I was farming at Foodtopia I came across a monster called donut pony that does not appear on your list. I think it is quite a rare appearance monster. Sorry didnt get time to see anything else about it before my allies killed it.

Just reapeared and I managed to see it has no drops.

Sniper Joe -> RE: Idle Quest? (12/28/2019 19:11:17)

I usually love idle games, this one is doing a poor job to entertain me, An idle game shouldn't feel this tedious.
It can't even be called an idle game after you reach the Sneevil Grounds, there's no way you can idle kill them, unless you farm levels and that just makes it even less of an idle game.

Gipsy Danger -> RE: Idle Quest? (1/17/2020 13:47:19)

Thoughts after playing for a bit:

It seems that to get past lv 9 you need to ascend-farm the dark knight for damage boosts. I've perm'd every rare item (<25%) up to him except the purple rabbit ones and I basically run into that sneevil/jackalope wall every time. Dang those rabbits are rare.

I wish perm-ing a mob increased its spawn rate, making it easier to then increase its drop rates.

lv12 has some low-hp no-drop mobs that you can farm for gold even if you can't kill jackalopes.

Not sure if it's worth grinding out the two rabbit drops before just farming the dark knight for ascensions...?

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