Essence Dragons (Full Version)

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soska -> Essence Dragons (8/29/2019 4:59:16)


Why they ain't considered as one of the best gold farming spots?

with Frostval of the past + Eat Fear + Snarl I can just one shot all the Essences ( Except Wind ofc)

I'm just confused, any idea why ppl don't recommend them?

Primate Murder -> RE: Essence Dragons (8/29/2019 6:17:48)

They require too much set up. Zardnado and Shadow Gogg give only slightly less gold, and can be easily killed within the min 15 seconds required for the battle to save.

There's also the fact that after each dragon battle you need to sit through the Ninja Cleric animation - and when you run away from wind, you need to go through a fairly lengthy dialogue with Galanoth to get back. Basically, it's just too much of a hassle.

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