Bundorable Form (Full Version)

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AliceShiki -> Bundorable Form (8/31/2019 1:37:52)

Bundorable Form

«Mastercraft Neutral Fire armor with Energy secondary. Allows you to use a skill to deal more damage by spending some SP.»

Location: Grenwog Festival 2014 - Missing Eggs Quest!
Element: Fire
Type								 G
Level	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	 144
PowLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	 147

Price	139	488	3323	26179	210438	1695992	13673002 38823253
Sell	69	244	1661	13089	105219	847996	6836501  19411626 
Melee	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	 49
Ranged	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	 49
Magic	29	32	35	37	41	44	47	 49
Fire	90	80	71	62	54	48	43	 40
Water	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	 74
Wind	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	 74
Ice	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	 90
Earth	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	 74
Energy	93	85	76	67	59	53	47	 44
Light	98	95	93	92	92	91	90	 90
Dark	95	90	82	80	80	79	75	 74
Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	71	101	131	161	191	221	251	270.5
Stat%	96	162	228	294	360	426	492	535
+BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18 
SKILL 1 - Demon Form!

Hits: 3
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	53.3	75.8	98.3	120.8	143.3	165.8	188.3	202.9
Stat%	72	121.5	171	220.5	270	319.5	369	401.3
+BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18

SPCost	8	14	21	29	38	47	58	65 
SKILL 2 - Dragon Form!

Hits: 1
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	177.5	252.5	327.5	402.5	477.5	552.5	627.5	676.3
Stat%	240	405	570	735	900	1065	1230	1337.5
+BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18

SPCost	15	27	41	57	75	95	116	130
  • You receive Armor Lean x1.
  • Once you transform into a different form, you remain in it until you run out of SP to maintain it, or choose to do so by using the Skills tab.
  • If you run out of SP, you automatically get transformed back into Bunny form.
  • Dragon Form: When using an Energy weapon, the attack changes to 2 hits which deals 50% damage each. When using a Fire weapon, the animation changes into a Breath attack instead of Bite attack.
  • All attacks from the transformations are treated as normal player attacks, respect your weapon's special and get weapon-based effects.
  • SP is charged upon transforming and at the start of each turn. If you revert to Bunny Form or don't use a weapon attack (specials don't count, but bows do) that turn, you get the SP refunded to you.
  • You always revert to Bunny Form at the end of the battle.

    Transform into a mighty bunny of death and gore. When in this armor, you can transform into Demon Bunny and Dragon Bunny forms for a small SP cost! Your enemies won't think it's 'just a flesh wound' after that!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui and Ash. Description thanks to Syth. Image thanks to popinloopy. Corrections thanks to Xrai and afterlifex. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu


    Starts off as a standard armour attack:
    Type								G
    Level	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	144
    PowLvl	14	34	54	74	94	114	134	147
    BR%	142	202	262	322	382	442	502	541
    Stat%	192	324	456	588	720	852	984	1070
    +BTH	1	4	6	9	11	14	16	18
    With two equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/2 damage.

    Demon Form deals *1.125 damage and pays for it with the listed SP.

    Dragon form deals *1.25 damage and pays for it with the listed SP.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    April 17, 2014: The armor was released.

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