Burning Solstice Gear (Full Version)

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Ryu Draco -> Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 14:59:39)

So between the fight against War and the Umazen Saga, we've seen a bunch of new gear available for those that manage to fight their way to them. Considering this is all following a new story arc, we'll hopefully have full access to these quests permenantly. However, on the off chance that isn't the case, what seems to be the best/most interesting gear to pick up while it's still available?

lolerster -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 15:44:04)

  • Summon Essence of Carnage (Melee/ranged booster/backlash or mana regen/spell booster from attacking).
  • Warmaster's Burst, both Fire and Wind Versions (Fire and Wind SP versions of Destruction burst, though they do not element-seek).
  • Goggplant Parmessan (Earth/Water compression spell).
  • War-Torn Heirloom (26% Earth/Wind compression shield).

    I think there are better alternatives for everything else, but these stand out.

  • Ryu Draco -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 19:41:23)

    So the Carnage Essance acts like toggle/universal booster guest. How does it compare to the existing boosters, or regular guests for Beastmasters? Also not sure why the melee/ranged mode has a backlash while the magic mode has MP regen.

    Legendary Ash -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 20:22:05)

    As explained in Carnage Essence GBI, this booster Guest takes a *.73 damage penalty and has a *1.5 upkeep cost, which is worse than Dunamis/Thernda/Poelala that has *.6 penalty and a standard *1 upkeep cost, it is currently unbalanced to previous standards of booster Guests.

    AliceShiki -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 20:35:03)

    Cray already told me privately that those quests will be permanent btw, they just didn't find a spot for them yet.

    Umazen Uprising already has a spot in the bottom left of the map btw.

    Lorekeeper -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/2/2019 21:36:22)

    There are no plans to make the Burning Solstice saga go rare. While I cannot discuss details, particularly those that may change, we do have an easily accessible hub in mind for this season of story content.

    Sqwall -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/3/2019 1:33:29)

    Hope this will not be considered hijacking the thread but @lolerster (or anyone else who might know) could you please tell which of the items mentioned can be found in which part of the quest shop please?

    Helmino -> RE: Burning Solstice Gear (9/3/2019 6:24:33)


    War-Torn Heirloom (26% Earth/Wind compression shield).

    War-Torn Heirloom is Dark/Wind.

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